
American Dreamers

American Dreamers: They’re special because of their talent, not their status. Meet Pomona College’s undocumented students.

WHEN SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CAMARENA ’16 was in the eighth grade, the unspoken truth about his immigration status suddenly loomed like an obstacle in his path. Until then, the ambitious student had never really experienced the downside of being undocumented.

Photo of Sergio Rodriguez Camarena ’16, with quote: “Because we have been undocumented, we’ve had to find ways to navigate around the system. So we have skills that not a lot of people have. Like thinking outside the box, you know, entrepreneurial skills. These are things that we never claim to have, but we do. And I think if institutions were investing in that, they would be investing in the future of America.”

“Because we have been undocumented, we’ve had to find ways to navigate around the system. So we have skills that not a lot of people have. Like thinking outside the box, you know, entrepreneurial skills. These are things that we never claim to have, but we do. And I think if institutions were investing in that, they would be investing in the future of America.” —Sergio Rodriguez Camarena ’16

Sergio is the only one of four siblings born in Mexico, and that was by design. He says his father wanted him to be a mariachi and “an authentic Mexican,” so he took the family back south of the border in time for his middle son’s arrival. But when they returned permanently to California in 2002, Sergio also became an authentic undocumented at age 9.
Soon afterwards, his parents separated, and Sergio stayed with his mother in Santa Ana, where the third-grader joined thousands of immigrant kids cramming classrooms in the predominantly Mexican-American city. He lacked the athletic skills of his brother and the desire to be a mariachi trumpet player like his grandfather. So the boy embraced his studies as a way to shine. Two years later, he graduated from Diamond Elementary School with the President’s Education Award, a national honor reserved for students with stellar academic records. Sergio, son of a seamstress, got a certificate and a letter signed by then President George W. Bush.

“Okay,” thought the fifth grader, “I’m going to better heights.”

And so he was. When it came time to make the big move to high school, Sergio was offered a full scholarship to an elite New England boarding school, Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. The privilege was provided through a program called A Better Chance, founded by the headmasters of 23 private schools seeking to increase enrollment of low-income, minority students.

Just one problem: on the application, Sergio failed to enter a Social Security number.
The omission was just automatic for him. Growing up, he had always been told: never provide your social security number, for any reason. This time, he excitedly asked his mother for the document, so he could complete his application. That’s when reality hit. He realized he couldn’t disclose his number because he didn’t have one.

“They are Americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one:on paper.”—President Barack Obama announcing the new policy called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

To quality for DACA, applicants had to:
—be under 31 years old as of June 15, 2012;
—have come to the U.S. before the age of 16;
—have lived in the U.S. for at least five years; and
—either be in school or be high school graduates or military veterans in good standing.

(President Obama’s 2014 Executive Action,
still held up in the courts, would expand DACA
and make more individuals eligible.)

of all DACA applicants were 10 or younger when they entered the U.S.*

of all DACA applicants were 5 or younger when they entered the U.S.*

Sergio was instructed not to talk to the school counselor any more. She called his home daily for a while, but he avoided her until the calls stopped. He says he felt embarrassed and demoralized, but the shame faded over the summer. In the fall, he enrolled at Santa Ana’s Segerstrom High School, with more than 80 percent Hispanic enrollment. And though he performed well there, taking several AP classes, he recalls having to fight against low expectations. One college counselor told him, “You know, you’re going to go to community college; you shouldn’t be working so hard.”

This fall, Rodriguez starts his senior year at Pomona College, one of a growing group of immigrant students successfully pursuing degrees and openly taking advantage of enrichment opportunities the campus has to offer. He just completed a semester of study abroad in Germany, and this summer he’s at Princeton University’s prestigious Woodrow Wilson School, doing a fellowship in public policy and international affairs, with future plans to become an immigration lawyer.

“Yeah, I feel I had a lot to prove,” says Rodriguez Camarena over lunch at Frary Dining Hall. “I wanted to come out of the Santa Ana community because everybody that was undocumented there was not getting the education that they wanted. They had the grades, they had the knowledge, they had everything. But once they start hearing that they’re illegal, that they’re aliens, that they’re criminals, it becomes like a mindset: ‘You can’t go further. You’re limited. You work this hard, but you just can’t.’ So they give up or they just fall into low wages—the path of least resistance. And I think that’s one of the biggest problems, because they start to internalize, as a setback. And I never did.

“To this point, nothing has really, like, derailed me.”

In that respect, Rodriguez Camarena is one of the lucky ones. An estimated 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools every year, according to a College Board report, but less than 10 percent go on to college, the vast majority of those at community colleges. In the past, illegal status kept college degrees out of reach for the so-called 1.5 generation, the children of first-generation immigrants brought here as minors, often before they could even grasp what it meant to be undocumented.

But in the past decade, students like Sergio have come out of those proverbial shadows to fight for change in immigration laws. They have opened new doors for themselves and have brought a new energy to campuses like Pomona that welcome them.

THE GREAT AWAKENING OF the immigrant community dates back to the fight against Proposition 187, the 1994 bill that could have forced undocumented children out of schools in California. It gained momentum in 2006 with the successful fight against the so-called “Sensenbrenner Bill,” with its onerous anti-immigrant provisions.

“In 2006, high school students were among the first to begin the protest, and in fact they served as a catalyst,” says Miguel Tinker Salas, professor of Latin American history and Chicano/ Latino/a studies. “Those students are the ones who today are in college. They are the generation that lost all fear because they took on a very public role. And they were able to push society to accept the fact that the immigrant issue is a civil rights issue, a human rights issue.”

Since the start of the century, much has changed for undocumented youth seeking higher education and a higher stake in American life. National efforts to legalize the status of young immigrant students dates back to the so-called DREAM Act, first introduced in Congress in 2001. That legislation, which stands for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, would have created a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who were brought here illegally as children and who go on to graduate from college. The bill has failed despite votes on multiple versions over the years.

That legislative failure prompted President Barack Obama to implement a stopgap measure called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The White House order protects certain undocumented immigrants from deportation if they entered the country as minors, graduated from high school or are currently enrolled in school. Qualified candidates—nicknamed DACA-mented students—get renewable work permits but no path to permanent legal status. Symbolically, Obama announced the order on June 15, 2012, the 30th anniversary of a Supreme Court ruling that barred public schools from charging tuition for undocumented students.

Although DACA didn’t give so-called DREAMers all they hoped for, it did give them a foot in the door of the ivory tower. They were free to reveal their immigration status, and colleges were free to openly assist them. Today, there are all kinds of guides aimed at helping college-bound undocumented students. One website offers 10 tips for college counselors seeking to help them. Another offers a DREAMer’s Bag of Tools, pointing them to a wide range of resources, including financial aid. Even the College Board, known for the SAT test, devotes a webpage to undocumented students, with helpful features such as “6 Things Undocumented Students Need to Know About College.”

In 2008, Pomona College adopted a new policy toward undocumented applicants, who had previously been considered international students. Today, all students who graduate from U.S. high schools are treated exactly the same. That is, their admission is based entirely on merit and promise, without regard to their immigration status or their ability to pay. As with all other domestic students, if they can’t afford the cost, the College provides a financial aid package that meets their full need, up to the total cost of attendance.

The rationale for that generous policy was laid out two years later in the 2010 commencement address by Pomona President David W. Oxtoby. “This country benefits from the ideas, the skills and the hard work of those who do or do not bear proper documents,” said Oxtoby in calling for passage of the DREAM Act. “…So as you leave today with a very important document in your hands—a Pomona College diploma—do not forget the others who surround you who are undocumented. It is our responsibility to work together to achieve justice and opportunity for all.”

Currently, there are some 50 undocumented students at Pomona, about three percent of total enrollment. That’s higher than most private colleges, according to Vice President and Dean of Students Miriam Feldblum, an immigration scholar. And personally, she hopes the number will grow.

The immigration issue hits close to home for Feldblum, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who came to this country after World War II.

“So it has a very personal resonance for me,” she says. “We want to be the destination of choice for highly talented students, regardless of their immigration status. These students are part of the American fabric… And what we see is that there are some amazing, highly talented students who bring such important experiences and life stories that enrich us and that will certainly help Pomona achieve its goals of graduating the next generation of leaders, scholars and activists.”

Photo of Jacqueline Fernandez ’16, with quote: “My mom is always like, ‘Don’t worry, something will come up. You just have to keep trying.’ She’s always positive. Both she and my dad have that mentality, so it really helps. They’ve always been really optimistic, even though my status restricts a lot of opportunities for me.”

“My mom is always like, ‘Don’t worry, something will come up. You just have to keep trying.’ She’s always positive. Both she and my dad have that mentality, so it really helps. They’ve always been really optimistic, even though my status restricts a lot of opportunities for me.” —Jacqueline Fernandez ’16

JACQUELINE FERNANDEZ ’16 says her grandfather and uncles originally came here from Mexico as farmworkers under the bracero program, which allowed U.S. growers to import temporary workers to fill labor shortages during the ’40s and ’50s. Her parents hail originally from the state of Guerrero, one of the poorest and most violent states in Mexico. They moved to Mexico City, and her father dropped out of school to work in his family’s small, neighborhood grocery store. Her mother dropped her studies and career plans when her daughter was born, a sacrifice that put pressure on Jacqueline to succeed in school.

The family came to the United States when Fernandez was four years old, and they settled in Santa Ana. Coincidentally, like Rodriguez Camarena, she also entertained the chance of going to a private high school through A Better Chance, but was also stymied by her lack of a Social Security number. Her biggest disappointment, however, came in her junior year when her illegal status prevented her from participating in a paid summer internship through Project SELF (Summer Employment in Law Firm), designed to give real-life courtroom experience to low-to-middle-income Santa Ana kids.

She cried hard when she realized she didn’t qualify. As always, it was her parents who helped her overcome.

“My mom is always like, ‘Don’t worry, something will come up. You just have to keep trying.’ She’s always positive. Both my dad and she have that mentality, so it really helps. They’ve always been really optimistic, even though my status restricts a lot of opportunities for me.”

Fernandez learned the lesson well. When it came time to apply to college, she redoubled her efforts to find schools that accept undocumented students and provide financial aid. She found Pomona through QuestBridge, a Palo Alto-based program that matches low-income students with college and scholarship opportunities.

It’s notable that several of these students often single out their mothers as the ones who motivated, supported and inspired them. They say their mothers have been role models of determination, generosity, and community solidarity.

Rodriguez Camarena, who also came to Pomona through QuestBridge, insisted on using both his surnames for this story, identifying paternal and maternal lineage in the Latino custom. He is estranged from his father, so this is his way of honoring his mother, whose maiden name is Camarena. He says she left a teaching job in Mexico and worked here as a seamstress so he could have the education and professional career she had sacrificed. “I always tell this to people: I’m not the dreamer. My mom’s the dreamer.”

 Photo of Hong Deng Gao ’15, with quote: “I found so many mentors, professors and people coming from different back-grounds that are so willing to talk to you, and have compas-sion for issues they haven’t really experienced before,”

“I found so many mentors, professors and people coming from different back-grounds that are so willing to talk to you, and have compas-sion for issues they haven’t really experienced before,” —Hong Deng Gao ’15

FOR HONG DENG GAO ’15, a Chinese student from New York, the tragedy is that her mother didn’t live to see her graduate this year with an armful of honors, including top prizes in history. But her parents’ hard labor in the grueling immigrant industries of New York’s Chinatown inspired her to leave a valuable academic legacy in their honor.

Gao says her parents didn’t speak English when they arrived in this country, and neither did she. The girl was about to enter middle school when she was brought here on a tourist visa and a false promise to return. Her parents didn’t tell her that the travel plan was a pretense. Once here, she learned she wasn’t going home. For a pre-teen in any culture, that comes as a shock.

Her parents could only find work in Manhattan’s Chinese ghetto, where language was not a barrier. Conditions were brutish, with low pay, long hours and no sick leave or health insurance. Her father toiled as a dishwasher in Chinese restaurants, working 12 hours a day. Her mother at first took a job making dumplings in a basement sweat shop, a tiny room with no windows.

People were getting sick because of the relentless stress at work. Her mother quit and switched to doing manicures, but constantly inhaling the chemical fumes became unbearable. So she started selling fruit at an outdoor fruit stand, hot in the summer and bone-chillingly cold in the winter. At some point, her mother’s frail body started to show worrisome symptoms, itchy skin and yellow eyes, signs of liver disease. “But she still insisted on going to work, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to pay our rent,” recalls Gao. American doctors were too expensive so her mother consulted Chinese healers who gave her “bone medicine.”

“She got worse,” Gao says. “One time she fainted on the street and she was picked up by the ambulance. She was not conscious. My dad and I were contacted and we were in the ambulance, but with our limited English skills we couldn’t communicate what’s going on, or understand what they were asking us. There was no one who spoke Chinese in the emergency room.”

Realizing her condition was life threatening, her mother quit her job. Three years ago this spring, while Gao was taking her final exams, she got word that her mother was dying.

At Pomona, Gao turned the family’s helplessness into activism.

As part of the school’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program, she traveled cross-country to explore the link between blue-collar immigration and white-tablecloth dining. The research culminated in her history thesis examining restaurants and race relations, titled: “Three upscale Chinese restaurants in Honolulu, San Francisco and New York.” Her advisor, History Professor Samuel Yamashita, has called the thesis “groundbreaking” and has praised Gao as “one of the most remarkable students I have taught in my 36-year career.”

What is the DREAM Act?

The DREAM Act (or “Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act”) is a bipartisan legislation, as yet unpassed by Congress, that would permit certain immigrant students who grew up in the U.S. to apply for legal status and eventually become eligible for citizenship if they go to college or serve in the U.S. military. Below is a DREAM Act timeline.

2001: DREAM Act introduced in Senate by Dick Durbin (D) and Orrin Hatch (R).

2007: Revised bill introduced by Durbin, Charles Hagel (R) and Richard Lugar (R) fails.

2009: Bill reintroduced with 128 representatives and 39 senators as co-sponsors.

2010: House of Representatives passes DREAM Act, but bill fails to reach 60-vote threshold in Senate.

2012: President Obama takes administrative action to end deportations of young illegal immigrants meeting DREAM Act criteria. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) provides renewable 2-year deferrals but no permanent status.

2012: By statewide ballot, Maryland becomes first state to pass its own version of the DREAM Act. Twelve more states, including California, follow suit.

2014: President Obama announces an expansion of DACA and implementation of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA).

2015: Roll-out of DACA expansion and DAPA blocked by temporary injunction from U.S. District Court in Texas.

This year, Gao launched Health Bridges, a program that trains bilingual college volunteers to help immigrant patients at local hospitals. The goal is to assist non-English speakers to navigate the health system more successfully. The program grew out of her work at the Draper Center for Community Partnerships, which fosters interaction between the campus and the outside community.

It’s being launched with a $12,000 grant from the Napier Initiative, awarded to students from The Claremont Colleges whose programs show leadership in promoting social change. Gao, who believes her mother may have survived with better access to health care, hopes to expand the program nationally.

Upon graduation this year, Gao received the coveted Ada May Fitts Prize, for graduating women who show “outstanding intellectual leadership and influence on other students at the College.” That’s a high honor for the once shy freshman who found it hard to even speak to her fellow students.

Gao remembers that she missed the usual campus orientations for incoming freshmen. But she did receive a letter from Dean Feldblum referring identified undocumented students to resources on campus. That’s how she found the Draper Center and met student mentor Diana Ortiz, co-founder of IDEAS (Improving Dreams Equality Access and Success), a nonprofit that helps foster better awareness of the immigrant community on campus. Ortiz urged Gao to get involved and come to meetings, where she learned to open up.

“When I first came here I was just shocked,” says Gao. “Latino students are so much more open about their undocumented status, especially in California. It’s kind of not a thing to do for Chinese or Asian students. I mean, that’s the stereotype, and I would say it’s true, at least for me. I kept things to myself. So it was very inspiring to hear their stories, and it really encouraged me to share mine and just put in my voice.”

AS A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE, the cause of undocumented students is often compared to the gay rights movement. Coming out as undocumented, revealing what was formerly kept secret, has been empowering. Instead of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” today’s undocumented students seem to embrace a policy of transparency: “Go ahead and ask. We’ve got a lot to say.”

In interviews for this article, half a dozen immigrant students at Pomona spoke candidly about the problems they’ve encountered—not unlike those many of their fellow students may have faced. They have struggled with difficult family issues: divorces, absent fathers, domestic violence, sibling rivalries. They have faced serious life challenges: poverty, illness, death.

Despite the challenges—or perhaps because of them—these students display many of the strengths found by researchers to be common among immigrants. As a group, they are highly motivated by the desire to prove themselves. They are extremely appreciative of the opportunities they’ve been given. They are determined, many of them, to use their college training to benefit the communities they come from.

And finally, they don’t always see their immigrant experience as a deficit. The challenges and extreme hardships their parents had to overcome often instill a can-do spirit that is actually very American. Obstacles? Go around them. Setbacks? Get over them. Critics and naysayers? Ignore them.

“The one cool thing about undocumented students,” says Rodriguez Camarena, “is that, because we have been undocumented, we’ve had to find ways to navigate around the system. So we have skills that not a lot of people have. Like thinking outside the box, you know, entrepreneurial skills. These are things that we never claim to have, but we do. And I think if institutions were investing in that, they would be investing in the future of America.”

A View Through the Bars

A View Through the Bars: With former Times editor Bill Keller ’70 on board, the Marshall Project is shining a light into the dark corners of America’s criminal justice system.

Photo illustration of prison bars with headlines from the Marshall Project websiteIT’S A CHILLY MARCH morning in Manhattan—the kind of grey, slushy Wednesday that can make even the most optimistic New Yorker wonder if winter will ever end. But for Bill Keller ’70, it might as well be spring.

The previous weekend, Keller’s former employer, The New York Times, ran a 7,500-word article about the brutal beating in 2011 of an inmate by guards at the Attica Correctional Facility in upstate New York. Three of the guards were scheduled to stand trial on Monday for multiple felonies, including first-degree gang assault. All had rejected plea bargains.

The story was reported by investigative journalist Tom Robbins for The Marshall Project, the nonprofit digital news outlet dedicated to criminal justice issues that Keller has edited since it launched in November of last year; and it was posted to the Times and Marshall Project websites before appearing on the front page of the newspaper’s Sunday print edition, complete with striking photos by Times photographers Chang Lee and Damon Winter. (Keller, who has been a trustee of the College since 2000, says he spent “a lot of time” dashing in and out of a board meeting in Claremont the previous Friday, shepherding the piece through publication.) On Tuesday, Robbins and Times reporter Lauren D’Avolio filed another story: all three guards had suddenly accepted a deal from prosecutors, pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor and quitting their jobs in order to avoid jail time.

From a purely journalistic perspective, the two articles packed quite a wallop, reverberating across the Internet and stimulating commentary in a variety of other media. And it’s not inconceivable that the first, lengthy story helped create the environment that made the second, shorter one come to pass; maybe, Keller mused in his Midtown office, a series of masks representing former Russian leaders gazing down at him from the wall, the guards decided to accept a plea deal because the weekend feature made it clear that prosecutors had a strong case against them.

Who's on Death Row? Five charts comparing America's death row inmates to the larger U.S. population.

Click for a larger version.

The Marshall Project was founded by Neil Barsky, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, documentary filmmaker, and hedge-fund manager whose interest in criminal justice was piqued a couple of years ago by two books: Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, which examines the mass incarceration of African Americans; and Gilbert King’s Devil in the Grove, about Thurgood Marshall’s defense of four young black men who were falsely accused in 1949 of raping a white woman. (The Marshall Project was named for the late Supreme Court justice.) Barsky was raised in a politically active household—both parents were involved in the civil rights movement—and he retains a belief in the power of journalism to effect social change. He also feels that the American public has become inured to the fact that the nation’s criminal justice system is, as he says, “scandalously messed up.” So he decided to use digital journalism to lend the subject of criminal justice reform the urgency it deserves. “The status quo is not defensible,” Barsky says. “The country needs to see this issue like the house is on fire.”

Barsky didn’t know Keller personally, but in June 2014, he shot him an email to see if he might be interested in signing on as editor-in-chief. The two met for breakfast; Keller agreed; and then, as Barsky puts it, “all hell broke loose.”

“Bill’s hiring put us on the map right away with funders and with other reporters and editors who wanted to work with us,” Barsky says. It also stirred up a great deal of media attention, with articles about Keller, Barsky and The Marshall Project appearing long before the site actually launched.

This should come as no surprise. Keller is one of the most familiar and respected figures in American print journalism: Over the course of his 30 years at the Times, he won a Pulitzer for his coverage of the fall of the Soviet Union; served as bureau chief in South Africa during the end of apartheid; held the position of executive editor for eight years; and ended his run at the paper as a columnist. His decision to move to a nonprofit digital enterprise evoked comparisons with Paul Steiger, who left his job as managing editor of the Wall Street Journal to found ProPublica, now the largest and best-known nonprofit digital newsroom in the country; and it generated a commensurate amount of buzz.

For Keller, running an editorial staff of 20 after several years of solitary column writing represented a welcome return to what he calls the “adrenaline and collegiality” of chasing news. Just as importantly, it meant working in an area where there was a real opportunity to effect change—there is broad bipartisan support for criminal justice reform these days—and to practice accountability journalism, probing public institutions to see if they are fulfilling their responsibilities. This, he adds, is distinct from advocacy: The Marshall Project does not promote specific legislative reforms, nor does it take a moral stand on issues like drug policy or capital punishment. (He does admit, however, that walking the line between advocacy and accountability can sometimes be uncomfortable, and says that he must occasionally keep his staff from crossing it; but as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once memorably said of pornography, Keller claims to know advocacy when he sees it.)

Photo of Bill Keller ’70 at the New York office of the Marshall Project

Bill Keller ’70 at the New York office of the Marshall Project

There was also, Keller says, a certain appeal to building an organization from scratch, without the ample safety net afforded by The New York Times, and in managing a relatively small operation. “I can talk to pretty much everyone on my staff if I want to, which is nice,” Keller says—and presumably quite different from the Times, where he edited a staff of 1,250.

In fact, Keller had just come from The Marshall Project’s weekly editorial meeting. A clutch of reporters and editors crowded into Barsky’s office in his absence, some sitting on the floor, others taking up positions on top of a low-slung filing cabinet. Keller presided with genial authority, asking questions, soliciting opinions, and sifting the criminal justice news of the day for potential stories.

That news, as anyone with eyes to see or ears to hear can attest, has been coming thick and fast of late. The Marshall Project was conceived before Eric Garner died while being subdued by police officers in New York City; before Michael Brown and Walter Scott were fatally shot by police officers in Ferguson, Mo., and North Charleston, S.C.; and before Freddie Gray died of injuries sustained while in police custody in Baltimore. And it came into being as those and similar events sparked what has been described as the most significant American civil rights movement of the 21st century, inspiring a concomitant deluge of stories about crime, punishment and America’s failure to manage either one particularly well.

But criminal justice has always represented an unusually rich vein of material for investigative journalists, and that, too, appealed to Keller. The sheer scope of the topic was evident at the Wednesday meeting: Andrew Cohen, who edits “Opening Statement,” the site’s morning e-newsletter, talked about the release of a report by the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing; news editor Raha Naddaf described a possible collaboration with a highly regarded print magazine on deteriorating conditions at New York City’s Rikers Island jail complex; and Keller brought up the case of the Kettles Fall Five, a group of medical marijuana growers in Washington State who face federal drug charges. There was talk of immigration law, of data-driven reporting, and of recent revelations regarding just what kinds of information federal prosecutors are obliged to share with defense attorneys.

Several of those stories would make their way onto the site over the next month or so, as would a dizzying array of others. Indeed, in a single week in late April, The Marshall Project ran pieces that dissected the career of Baltimore police commissioner Anthony Batts; examined the treatment of transgender inmates and investigated standards of care for diabetic ones; considered the miserable record of the FBI’s forensics labs and the long-term efficacy of reforms imposed on local police forces by the Department of Justice; and invited readers to take a quiz to find out which are killed more humanely: pets or prisoners. (Answer: pets.) “For a niche subject, this is a very big niche,” says Keller, who together with staff writer Beth Schwartzapfel filed a story in mid-May about Willie Horton, the convicted murderer and rapist whom George H.W. Bush used to pummel Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election.

Much of the site’s original reporting covers topics that remain underreported elsewhere, or provides added context to ones that are already trending. There’s no denying that the latter have proliferated wildly over the past year or so: “Opening Statement” typically includes links to pieces produced not only by other criminal justice outlets like The Crime Report and The Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, but also by publications such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Guardian; a host of independent blogs and progressive news sites; and just about every major newspaper in the United States.

The attention currently being paid to criminal justice represents a sharp reversal following years of declining coverage. That decline, says Stephen Handelman, who edits The Crime Report and directs the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, resulted from two principal phenomena: falling crime rates, which made the topic a “spectator sport” for many middle-class Americans; and turmoil in the news business, which led to a reduction in resources, including the number of reporters with the knowledge and experience required to tackle complex criminal justice stories. Despite the proliferation of digital tools for gathering and distributing news and information, solid investigative reporting still requires old-fashioned shoe-leather, which in turn requires both time and its correlate, money. And investigative reporting that focuses on criminal justice stories that may unfold over weeks or months or even years—stories that require reporters to scrutinize sprawling institutions like the federal court system or state correctional facilities and that involve untangling the complex web of legal, social and political factors at play in issues like the mass incarceration of black men, the detention of undocumented immigrants, the war on drugs and the use of prisons as holding pens for the mentally ill—requires a lot of both.


A Time for Experiments

This excerpt is lifted from an essay on the future of journalism by Bill Keller ’70 in the Spring 2009 PCM titled “Not With A Bang.”


… Where does this end?

An NYU professor named Clay Shirky writes about this subject with considerable common sense, although he is more pessimistic than I am about newspapers. His analogy for the disruptive power of the Web is the Gutenberg printing press, invented in the 15th century. Gutenberg’s press is credited with being an important factor in the spread of literacy that produced the Renaissance. But in the years immediately after the invention, Shirky points out, there was chaos. All the accepted philosophers, faiths and accounts of history were open to challenge, and nobody quite knew whom to trust.

“As novelty spread,” Shirky writes, “old institutions seemed exhausted while new ones seemed untrustworthy; as a result, people almost literally didn’t know what to think. … This is what real revolutions are like. The old stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put in its place.”

So how will things work when the Internet finishes shaking our world?

“I don’t know,” Shirky replies. “Nobody knows.” Now is the time for experiments, “lots of experiments, each of which will seem as minor at launch as Craigslist did, as Wikipedia did. … For the next few decades, journalism will be made up of overlapping special cases …No one experiment is going to replace what we are now losing with the demise of news on paper, but over time the collection of new experiments that do work might give us the journalism we need.”

On that uncomfortable truth, I agree.

Which brings us, inevitably, to the “nonprofit” part of “nonprofit digital news outlet.” The word is by no means a synonym for impoverished; some of the most robust news organizations in the country (NPR, The Associated Press) are nonprofits. Nonetheless, there are concerns about the long-term prospects of the smaller digital nonprofits that sprouted like mushrooms in the wake of the Great Recession, when the short-term prospects of traditional news media appeared to be particularly dismal. A 2013 study of 172 nonprofit digital news outlets by the Pew Research Center suggested a guardedly optimistic attitude, with most reporting that they were in the black. But the study also found that many of those same outlets were reliant on one-time seed grants from foundations, and lacked sufficient resources to pursue the marketing and fundraising activities that could help them become more financially stable. “Nonprofit journalism isn’t going away any time soon,” says Jesse Holcomb, a senior researcher at the center who worked on the report. “But that doesn’t mean there’s been a tipping point in terms of achieving a sustainable approach.”

Research by the Knight Foundation indicates that the most successful nonprofit news organizations seek to diversify their funding; invest in marketing, business development and fundraising; and build partnerships with other organizations to expand their audiences and bolster their brands. Judging by those criteria, The Marshall Project appears to be on solid footing. The site has a long list of donors, some of whom have committed funds for two or three years, and a dedicated business staff. Keller and Barsky are considering a wide range of alternative revenue sources, including memberships, conferences, and sponsorships—though advertising might be a tougher row to hoe. (“Advertisers aren’t dying to advertise their products next to stories about prison rape,” Keller says.) And thanks no doubt in part to the Keller Effect, the site is not hurting for partners.

In addition to the Attica piece, The Marshall Project has published stories in conjunction with The Washington Post, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Vice, which Keller describes as “a direct pipeline to a younger audience.” It also has projects in the works with 60 Minutes and This American Life, and is in talks with several other outlets, including Stars and Stripes, The Weather Channel, and the statistics-driven news site 538.org.

In some ways, Keller says, it’s easier to do everything yourself. But collaborations with other outlets help build the site’s credibility, and allow it to leverage the resources of different organizations. (The Times, for example, contributed photography to the Attica piece, which can be costly, while other partners might provide legal services or help cover travel expenses.) Most importantly, such partnerships ensure that The Marshall Project’s reporting, which Keller describes as “journalism with a purpose,” will reach the largest possible audience.

“The aim,” says Keller, “is to get these issues onto the larger stage. And for that, you need a megaphone.”

Food as Story

Food as Story: Eric Wolfinger '04 Brings Together the Arts of Food and Photography.
Untitled photo from <em>Manresa</em>, by David Kinch with Christine Muhlke (Ten Speed Press 2013, 336 pages, $50.00)

Untitled, from Manresa, by David Kinch with Christine Muhlke (Ten Speed Press 2013, 336 pages, $50.00)

THE TWO SIDES of Eric Wolfinger’s profession, photography and food, took years to converge, but when they did, something very special happened, like flour and water morphing into bread—an apt metaphor for a man who once spent years learning to bake a perfect loaf.

A political science major at Pomona, Wolfinger ’04 traces the first step in his journey to becoming one of the world’s leading photographers of fine cuisine to his work as a food columnist for the student newspaper, The Student Life.

“When I wrote that food column,” he recalls, “I had my first vision of what I actually could see myself doing post-college. Up until then, I had no clue what direction I was going. I was like, oh my God, food writing—that’s something that people do and get paid for.”

By that time, many of his classmates had already punched their tickets into graduate school or had jobs lined up. Wolfinger had nothing waiting for him and liked it that way. He dreamed vaguely of buying a pickup truck and driving around Mexico working on a cookbook. Moving to the Bay area, he ran into a high school friend who was working at a restaurant, having already worked her way up from kitchen apprentice to sous chef.
“I realized right then and there—I don’t want to write any more, for now,” he says. “I want to cook. If I ever do write I want to write from the perspective of somebody that I would respect. I don’t want to just have an opinion. I want to have a skill and an expertise in this field.”

Starting as an apprentice at an Italian restaurant, Wolfinger quickly discovered what it felt like to be clueless. “I came from Pomona where adults treated me like I was smart and like I had something to say, and it was worthwhile. I started working in a kitchen, where I was the village idiot.”

Untitled photo from Flour+Water: Pasta, by Thomas McNaughton (Ten Speed Press 2014, 288 pages, $35.00)

Untitled, from Flour+Water: Pasta, by Thomas McNaughton (Ten Speed Press 2014, 288 pages, $35.00)

He learned fast, but after a couple of years, he was convinced the life of a chef wasn’t for him. Writing still beckoned, but there was one more thing he wanted to accomplish before moving on. “Before I leave San Francisco and leave cooking,” he told himself, “I want to learn how to make the Tartine croissant, which was the most amazing thing I’d ever tasted and the most amazing thing I could afford, working on a cook’s salary of $8.25 an hour.”

So in 2005, Wolfinger took a job at Tartine Bakery, a place where bread sells out within an hour of opening. In master baker Chad Robertson, he found both a mentor and a surfing buddy, and he quickly fell in love with the deceptive simplicity of baking. If restaurant cooking is a science of efficiencies—“How do you set up your station so that when an order comes in, you can bang out that salad in 25 seconds instead of 30?”—baking, he says, is an art—“What is my dough doing today, how is it behaving, and what small tweaks to my process do I need to do to bring this amorphous dough to the bread that I have in the back of my head, that I know is the ideal loaf?”

At Tartine, he practiced the art of baking for five years. But the memory of his original plan—driving around Mexico seeking recipes for a cookbook—occasionally made him restless. All through college, he’d spent his summers traveling in Latin America, exploring cultures and polishing his Spanish. But working life had left him with little time or money for travel. He told his mentor he needed some time off. Robertson agreed, and Wolfinger made plans to head for South America, where his brother was living at the time.
“Days before leaving, it occurred to me that nobody was going to give me my dream job of a travelling food journalist,” he says. “I was going to have to give it to myself first and kind of prove that I could do it.”

So he bought a digital camera and started a traveling food blog.

 Photo of Thousand-year-old quail egg, potage and ginger, from Benu, by Cory Lee (Phaidon Press 2015, 256 pages, $59.95)

Thou-sand-year-old quail egg, potage, ginger, from Benu, by Cory Lee (Phaidon Press 2015, 256 pages, $59.95)

“I was like, I’m just going to do a blog and tell stories of the people that I meet, the recipes that I find, and the experiences that I have,” he says. “Obviously, I wasn’t trained as a photographer at all. I knew that to tell a decent story, you needed pictures. So I got a digital camera, and I thought, ‘I’ll teach myself along the way, and I’ll figure it out.’”

He followed his taste buds from Chile to Columbia to Peru to Bolivia, taking pictures of the food he found and posting them in his blog. As time went on, however, his blog didn’t seem to be opening any doors. “Gourmet magazine did not call me and tell me they wanted me to write a feature for them.” But when he got back to the States, the opportunity he’d been waiting for came from an unexpected source.

It seemed that his mentor and surfing buddy at Tartine Bakery had followed his blog with interest. Impressed by his food photography, Robertson, who was preparing to write a cookbook of his own, had an epiphany. “Coming off of an experience of a previous cookbook that he did with his wife,” Wolfinger recalls, “he realized that rather than having a professional photographer come in and shoot for two weeks, why not have his buddy—who takes beautiful pictures, who knows his bread better than anybody else in the world—do the pictures while we’re baking?”

Photo of wild bamboo fungi and shoots, from Benu

Wild bamboo fungi and shoots, from Benu

Before that, Wolfinger had never allowed himself to take photography seriously, but after two years of shooting at the bakery and “making every mistake in the book,” he began to think of himself as a real photographer. “Just the process of making this book from start to finish really gave me a clear sense of how publishing works, how you tell a visual story, how to be really ruthless with yourself and with your own work so that you are putting your best foot forward,” he says. “While I was doing that book, I was doing little side projects. The next thing I knew, I was working as a photographer.”

But it wasn’t until the book came out that his career really took off. “The photography u in that book was nominated for a James Beard Award, which is kind of like the Oscars of food,” he says. “It was a huge deal. Since that first year, things have gone gangbusters, really—beyond my wildest dreams.”

Since then, he’s worked with celebrity chefs like Hubert Keller and David Kinch. He’s done mass-market cookbooks, like Williams-Sonoma’s Home Baked Comfort, and classy, one-restaurant books like Corey Lee’s Benu. He and his camera have circled the globe, from Vietnam to Uruguay, from Italy—where he spent 12 days with chef Thomas McNaughton, taking pictures of pasta—to Thailand, where he ate some of the most interesting food of his life, including a delicacy called ant’s egg salad. (“Ant eggs taste like lemongrass, and ants themselves taste like fresh lime. So we ate this salad, and it only had ant eggs, salt and mint, but it tasted as if there were lime juice and lemongrass in the salad. It was surprisingly delicious.”)

Untitled photo from Mallmann on Fire, by Francis Mallmann (Artisan, 2014, $40.00)

Untitled, from Mallmann on Fire, by Francis Mallmann (Artisan, 2014, $40.00)

He attributes his meteoric success not only to his hard-earned skills behind a lens, but also to the fact that he understands the dynamics of the kitchen as only an experienced cook and baker can. “For me, food has a feeling,” he explains. “There’s a story behind it. There’s a person who made it. I see food a little differently—not as an object to be photographed but as a story to be told. Chefs call me because they’ve cooked something and they want a pretty photo of it. I think they sense in me an understanding of where they’ve come from and what they’ve put into it.”

Photo of Eric Wolfinger ’04

Eric Wolfinger ’04

Looking back, he also believes Pomona played a huge role in preparing him for the unique challenges of his chosen profession. “I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing and it wouldn’t be going as well if I hadn’t had that rigorous, yet very open-ended education at Pomona. You learn not to put anything out but your best. Even if that means I’m shy a few photos, I’m not interested in putting out anything but my best.”

But when he remembers his college years, what he thinks back to most often isn’t the classroom—it’s his three years as a member of the improvisational comedy group, Without a Box, which he spent, he says, in a constant state of terror.

“What you learn in improvisation is not necessarily how to be funny on the spot but how to think creatively under enormous amounts of pressure. And how to trust that instinct of where you think a scene should go. So many times I’m on set and a problem arises, and if you listen for that inner voice—what if I did this?—it’s helped countless times as I’ve moved forward as a photographer. I’m always improvising in this business.”


Rolls Down Like Water

Rolls Down Like Water: At the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, Tony-award winning director and playwright George C. Wolfe ’76 creates a lasting impression.


GRAB A STOOL at the old-fashioned lunch counter. Slip on a pair of earphones and press your palms to the hand outlines on the countertop. Close your eyes if you dare. A soothing Southern voice murmurs in your ear, “This your first time, right? So far, so good. You’ll be all right.” But then you hear the mob coming, surrounding you, jeering at you. “Git up!” A vicious jolt as if a ghost has kicked your stool. “If you don’t git up, boy, I’m gonna kill you.” The voice moves around you, so close you can almost feel the breath on your ear. Dishes shatter. Silverware jangles off walls. Sirens rise in the distance. Your stool is jostled again and again as the shouting engulfs you. “Kill him!” “Stomp his face!”

After 90 seconds, the chaos subsides, replaced by a woman’s voice: “What you’ve just experienced was created to honor the brave men and women who participated in the American civil rights sit-in movement.”

Heart racing, you lift your sweaty palms from the countertop and take away an indelible memory.

Which is exactly the way Tony Award-winning director, playwright and producer George C. Wolfe ’76 planned it.


George C. Wolfe ’76


IN 2006, THE CENTER for Civil and Human Rights consisted of three things: a collection of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s papers, on loan from Morehouse College; a parcel of land in downtown Atlanta, donated by Coca-Cola; and a dream—the dream of telling the story of the American civil rights movement to audiences too young to remember. The person responsible for making that dream a reality—the Center’s president, Doug Shipman—was looking for ideas, so he met with a lot of people, including Tom Bernstein, now chair of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

“Tom said, ‘You need a storyteller to be a central part of this. I think you need a non-traditional storyteller,’” Shipman recalls. “I said, ‘Who do you have in mind, Tom?’ He said, ‘George Wolfe.’”

At the time, Wolfe’s only apparent connection with museum design was a play he’d written two decades earlier, called The Colored Museum, in which 11 museum exhibits come to life on stage in scathing vignettes of the Black experience in America. But Shipman didn’t find Bernstein’s suggestion strange in the least. Today, museums like the Holocaust Museum aren’t just about collecting historical artifacts—they’re also about telling stories, recreating experiences, touching emotions—in other words, they’re a cross between a history class and interactive theatre.

For his part, Wolfe—who says if he hadn’t fallen in love with the theatre he probably would have been a history teacher—found the idea of playing a lead role in the conceptualization and design of the Center intriguing. He delayed saying yes, but within a few months, he was already starting to do what he always does when he takes on a new project—bury himself in research. After comparing notes, Shipman sent him a selection of books about Atlanta’s civil rights history. A couple of months later, when they met again, in addition to the books on Atlanta, Wolfe had gone through an additional 22. Shipman was startled both by the depth of detail that Wolfe had absorbed and by the completeness of his ideas.

“He drew this sketch,” Shipman recalls. “It was in a gallery format, how he wanted to tell the civil rights story. It had things like a shape that was a crescent moon—that was the March on Washington space. It had what he called then a game of ‘I’m sitting at a lunch counter.’ Almost all of the elements that you see here were in this drawing, and what was interesting to me was that he didn’t do it like an outline or a script. He did it in a space—he did it in rooms. That became the basis of what you see here. We pulled it out at the opening and we looked at it and we said, ‘I can’t believe it—look at that. That’s there. And look at that.’ It was incredible. His original vision was very, very clear.”


HAVING GROWN UP in the ’50s and ’60s in the partially segregated city of Frankfort, Kentucky, Wolfe describes his own memories of the civil rights movement as “visceral.”

“In 1964, Martin Luther King came to town for a march on Frankfort and my grandmother took me out of school so that I could march with her,” he recalls. “I also remember, very specifically the chair I was sitting in, watching TV as Robert Kennedy, standing atop a car, announced to a crowd in Indianapolis that King had been killed. These images and many others are vividly alive inside of me to this very day.”

For today’s young people, who don’t share that deep emotional connection to what was at stake, what was lost and what was won during the civil rights movement, Wolfe wanted to create a kind of immersion experience.

“I wanted to make sure that every single story we explored was not only grounded in a very specific intellectual rigor,” he says, “but I also wanted to find the entry point into each story, so that people with no overt connection to the American civil rights story, who are not walking around with a visceral minefield based on memories, and who didn’t march with their grandmother, could still make an emotional connection, could feel a similar kind of charge. That was the ambition that I set up for myself.”

The scale, he decided, shouldn’t feel grand and sweeping, but close and intimate—not like a film, but like a play.

“When you’re watching a film,” he explains, “you tend to lean back in your seat because the scale of what we are witnessing is so much larger than us. But when you’re watching a play and it’sreally working, you lean forward in the seat, because you’re recognizing that the bodies in peril on stage are the same as yours. That level of identification causes you to surrender.”

To keep the story on that level, he first had to decide how to weave in the colossal figure who towered over that civil rights landscape—Martin Luther King Jr. himself. Clearly, King was central to the story, and his unmistakably eloquent voice was its driving force, but Wolfe didn’t want him to dominate the narrative.

“There are people who come along and history makes them better than us,” he explains. “They start out like us, but history takes over and makes them better than us; our memories make them better than us; the circumstances of how they lived and died make them better than us. I didn’t want to create an homage to that. I wanted to create this—for lack of better words—celebratory journey of ordinary people, and how their sense of commitment and sacrifice and bravery changed the world.”

In his research, the stories that captivated him were some of the least known—like the story of Claudette Colvin, the teenager in Montgomery, Alabama, who refused to give up her seat nine months before Rosa Parks. But because of her youth and the fact that she was pregnant, it was decided by local civil rights leaders that she was not the right face for the moment, so the boycott didn’t begin until nine months later, when Parks became an icon of the movement. Or like the story of Ruby Bridges, the little girl who integrated New Orleans public schools and whose courage was immortalized by the Norman Rockwell painting that appeared on the cover of Look Magazine.

“Everybody can’t necessarily turn into Martin Luther King, but you can be a Claudette Colvin, or you can be a Ruby Bridges, or you can be a Viola Liuzzo. So the driving theme of the civil rights story became everybody can take a stand, should become invested in making their world a better place.”


TODAY, THE CENTER is a shining, glass-fronted spaceship of a building occupying the northeast corner of Pemberton Place, a park that is also home to The World of Coca-Cola and the Atlanta Aquarium. In the lobby, your eyes are drawn to the giant mural that Wolfe commissioned from artist Paula Scher, depicting a range of human rights movements radiating out from an upraised, open hand.

To the left of the mural is a square portal with the words “Rolls Down Like Water: The American Civil Rights Movement” above the doorway. This is where most of Wolfe’s efforts were focused. The title comes from a King quote, printed to the right of the portal: “No, we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Inside, Wolfe’s admittedly obsessive attention to storytelling detail is everywhere.

It’s in the burnt-out half-shell of a bus, papered over on the outside with mugshots of hundreds of Freedom Riders. Inside, you can sit on real bus seats and watch a documentary about their story.eugene-bull-conor

It’s in a free-standing office door in the middle of a room, with a frosted glass window bearing the name “Erotesters while Connor calmly defends the practice. (“I mean his title’s the commissioner of public safety,” Wolfe muses. “Can you get more ironic than that? ‘Hi, I’m the commissioner of public safety. Break out the hose and the dogs?’”)

It’s in four light-saturated, stained-glass windows hanging over a pile of rubble, honoring the four little girls killed in the Birmingham church bombing of ’63.

It’s in a stack of vintage television sets showing the breaking news of King’s assassination or the racist vitriol from Southern segregationists. (“I said, ‘Let’s find those ’50s and early ’60s TVs because to young kids they will look like pre-historic gadgetry, and they’ll initially enjoy the difference of it, and in turn be shocked by the horror of what they are seeing and hearing, so that hopefully they can begin to understand the journey we’ve gone on in this country.”)

But there’s more to Wolfe’s creation than just a series of self-contained exhibits. For Wolfe, it’s something more classical and more unified—a drama in three acts.

“The first act takes us up to just before the March on Washington,” he explains. “Then from the March on Washington and the four little girls and Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, to LBJ and the political transformation—that’s the second act. And then, the last act begins with the assassination of King.”

The emotional power of it all is visible in a well-used box of tissues tucked into the corner of a couch in the upstairs room where footage of King’s funeral plays nonstop. “There were no tissue holders here,” Shipman says. “But literally we just put them there because we saw that people needed them.”

In addition to the emotional impact of the journey, however, Wolfe hopes visitors will come away with an appreciation for a couple of little-understood facts about the civil rights story.

One is that it was largely a youth movement.

“Delving into the research, and because I was a child when most of this was happening, it was startling to see how truly young everybody was,” he says. “To me this is part of why people are responding so emotionally; you’re constantly witnessing young faces risking their lives, sacrificing their youth if you will, to make a better world.”

The other is that these weren’t simply people caught up in the flow of history—each one of them chose individually to stand up and say no to injustice. He offers as an example the young people who took part in the lunch counter sit-ins, whose bravery was matched by their intentionality and thoughtfulness.

“I wanted people to begin to understand the deep level of mental, emotional and spiritual training these young people had to go through before participating in a sit-in,” he says. “The astonishing level of commitment that was required. I was also struck by how incredibly media-savvy the architects of the civil rights movement were. They knew that if you had these young black and white students, flawlessly dressed with their pressed shirts and ties, the women in gloves to match their outfits, sitting at a lunch counter, surrounded by these packs of uncouth hooligans, the cameras rolling, who’s going to come across as the normal human being whose cause is worthy, and who’s coming across as crazy?”


“PEOPLE SAY, ‘WELL, George C. Wolfe was involved, but was he really involved?” Shipman says after leading an early-morning tour of the exhibits. “I probably talked to George for seven years, two to three times a week, unless it was like, ‘Okay, for the next month I’m off the grid.’ But if we were working, we were talking about photo choices, script choices, positioning, everything. George had said early on, ‘I’m going to build this thing from the details up. Everything has to matter, and you’ve got to do it from the ground up.’”

As opening day approached, Wolfe’s focus became more and more intense. He reworked the sound for the lunch counter to maximize its emotional punch—right down to the volume of a breaking plate or the direction of sound for a thrown fork. He went through the exhibit with technicians, fine-tuning the sound at every station, obsessing over every detail.

“In theatre, I’m used to a preview period where daily you get to fix things based on the audiences’ response the night before, but we didn’t have that,” he says. “And so the lack of previews was making me crazy because I know from doing 9,000 shows that it’s easy to make a show go from okay to really good, but to make a play go from really good to brilliant, it’s a series of incremental improvements which ultimately elevate the material. So like I said, my obsession with detail got elevated to a crazed level, changing and fixing as much as I could for as long as I could.

Since the Center opened its doors in June, Shipman says the response has been overwhelming. “We get 15-year-olds who obviously weren’t there who say this is incredible. We get 80-year-olds. Yesterday the minister of culture for Ireland was here. She said, ‘This is just remarkable, the way you’re telling the story. It’s so relevant.’ I think that’s all a testament to George’s vision.”

For his part, Wolfe says he feels honored to play a role in the telling of such an important story. “I wanted to honor the people who stood up and said, ‘This is wrong!’ Who took a stance, changed the country, and in turn the world, and invented a vocabulary, a language of dissent that people the world over are still using to this very day. The Muslim women in Saudi Arabia, protesting the ban on woman drivers, dubbed themselves, ‘Freedom Riders.’”

But for a man who has devoted his life to the ephemeral art of the theatre, the most amazing part may be that the fruits of his labor haven’t already vanished. This is one set that will, for the foreseeable future, never be torn down. “I’ve been very fortunate to have worked on some really remarkable theatre projects, and I’m very proud of the work that I’ve done. But then the production ends and the work evaporates, because that’s theatre. People frequently stop me on the street and say, ‘Oh my God, when I saw Angels In America, or Bring In Da Noise, Bring In Da Funk—’ But that’s all that         remains of those productions—memories. But when I go through ‘Rolls Down Like Water,’ and I watch people experiencing the exhibits, inside I’m screaming, ‘My God, I can’t believe it’s still here!’ The permanence of it all is very startling, and I’ve got to say there’s something about that I find wonderfully, naïvely reassuring.”




A CRISPR Cut: Jennifer Doudna ’85 didn't set out to revolutionize Genetic Engineering, but that may be exactly what she did.


THE ACTION AT scientific conferences mostly happens in conference rooms and hotel bars, but sometimes the players break out to see the sights. That’s what Jennifer Doudna was doing at a conference put on by the American Society of Microbiology in spring 2011. She attended a session on a type of bacterial genetic sequence called a clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat—CRISPR, for short. They seemed to have something to do with an immune system for bacteria, though to be honest, Doudna, a biochemist at UC Berkeley who specializes in the three-dimensional structure of genetic material, thought they were “a boutique area of science” at best.

That night, Doudna ran into someone else who was working on the same problem. In Germany, Emmanuelle Charpentier’s lab was studying what most people call “flesh-eating bacteria,” a species of Streptococcus, and Charpentier’s team had found something important in one of their pet bug’s CRISPRs—it made a protein called Cas9. But she needed help to understand all of the moving parts. So Charpentier asked Doudna if she wanted to team up. Doudna said yes. Typical conference stuff.

Over the next few months, Doudna’s postdocs in California worked with Charpentier’s teams in France and Germany. But what they started to figure out began, slowly, to look a lot bigger than just an immune system for flesh-eating bacteria. CRISPR/Cas9 made a complex structure of protein and genetic material that looked like it could cut DNA—which is to say, genes—but it was precisely targeted, almost as simple as putting a cursor between two letters on a computer screen and clicking delete. “There were other techniques in the literature, but they were difficult,” Doudna says. “This is the kind of technique that, in principle, anybody who knows anything about molecular biology will be able to do.”

Doudna and Charpentier wrote a paper for Science, one of the world’s premiere scientific journals. When it came out, in summer 2012, the scientific community went nuts. By the end of 2013, hundreds of papers from labs all over the world had confirmed that, yes, not only was CRISPR a quick-and-easy way to edit a genome as easily as Word edits a magazine article, but it worked in just about every living thing—yeast, zebrafish, mice, stem cells, in-vitro tissue cultures, and even cells from human beings. Most gene-editing techniques work in theory, but in practice require wrestling to the ground complicated, ornery techniques that often fail. But with CRISPR: You want that gene over there? You got it. Companies formed seemingly overnight to turn CRISPR into medicines, research tools, and maybe even profits. Doudna’s lab was at the center of a shift that could be every bit as significant as being able to sequence the genome.


THE KIND OF CELLS that you and I have encode information in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid—DNA, a long backbone of two spiraling strands bridged by “base pairs,” the famous A, T, C, and G that comprise the genetic sequence. But DNA isn’t the only genetic material. When it’s time to make proteins, cells unspool lengths of DNA from their tightly-packed chromosomes and make a cheap copy called ribonucleic acid, or RNA. It’s this RNA that other machinery in the cell reads—the sequence of A, C, G, and U (replacing the T) represent amino acids, and amino acids put together are the proteins of which we are mostly made. It’s a cool system.

RNA, though, is kind of weird. Because in addition to containing information, it can also form structures that do jobs. In fact, the biological machine that reads RNA and outputs proteins, called a ribosome, is itself made of RNA. In this particular corner of molecular biology, the map is also the terrain. This dual personality is behind the “RNA world” theory, the idea that RNA’s ability to both carry and initiate the code of life means it gave rise to all life on earth.

It’s also what compelled Jennifer Doudna, freshly graduated from Pomona, to get her PhD. Growing up in Oahu she knew she wanted to be a biochemist; a set of seminars she attended in high school had sealed that deal. She studied biology as an undergraduate, worked in real labs, and pointed herself at grad school in Boston as soon as it was time to apply. She ended up getting in the laboratory of Jack Szostak, who came up with the RNA world idea.

Doudna decided that she wanted to understand those RNA structures—figuring out the structure of ribosomes and other so-called catalytic RNA. Basically that meant trying to get them to crystalize and then x-ray them. It was, Doudna says, a methodological challenge that was “every bit as cool as I could have imagined.” Eventually she ended up a professor at Yale, and she solved a few of those structures. Doudna was earning a reputation as an ace in a field without many practitioners. “She’s careful and diligent in pursuing all the leads without cutting corners,” says George Church, a Harvard Medical School geneticist who remembers Doudna’s student days there. “And she has a good knack for picking the right topics.”

The West Coast lured her back; in 2010, Doudna took a job at UC Berkeley. “I had always considered myself a basic scientist,” she says. “But you want to feel like your work is going to help solve human problems at some level.” She started working on diseases caused by RNA mutations, and on a technique called RNA interference, or RNAi. Basically it uses small molecules to interrupt the translation of RNA into proteins, to try to fix problems before they start. And to make it work, you have to understand the structural characteristics of RNA.

At about the same time, some food researchers in Copenhagen were learning something new about yogurt. Turning milk into yogurt requires specialized bacteria, but every so often those bacteria get sick—just like people, they get attacked by viruses trying to hijack their cellular machinery. The Danish team found that bacteria exposed in advance to the viruses, called bacteriophages, became immune. It was like vaccination, but for microbes.


HOW’D IT WORK? In the late 1980s scientists found long, repeating sequences in bacterial DNA that were the same back-to-front—palindromes, in other words. And between the palindromes: nonsense. At least, that’s what they thought at the time. But the genetic gibberish turned out to be quoted from bacteriophage DNA. Put all that together and you got RNA structures that could target specific DNA sequences in a virus, and a protein that would chop that DNA up, destroying it. It was, in other words, an immune system. The Danish yogurt makers had hit upon a rudimentary way of programming it to hit specific viral targets.

That’s why Charpentier started studying it. “I’m interested in how bacteria cause diseases, and how they can become resistant to antibiotics,” she says. “Initially the goal was to look for this class of small RNAs to find one with a nice regulatory function. Coming to CRISPR was in a way a bit by chance.” It wasn’t crazy to imagine that she’d find a useful enzyme in her work—most of the DNA- and RNA-cutting enzymes used in labs were isolated from organisms found in nature.

The thing was, though, that even the most advanced techniques for cutting-and-pasting DNA and RNA were really tough to use. The two best approaches, “zinc-finger nucleases” and “TALEN,” required the creation of a new, bespoke protein every time, coded to the specific sequence a researcher wanted to cut. “Zinc finger nucleases were originally priced at about $25,000 each. You could do it yourself for a little less, but it extracted a corresponding amount of flesh,” says Church. “TALENs looked easier, but they were particularly hard to engineer biologically. It lasted for about a year, a year and a half, as a fad.”

The RNAi Doudna was working with turned out to have similar problems. Usually you try to engineer a bacterial or insect cell to make protein or RNA. However, you then have to purify the protein or RNA that you want out of all the gunk you don’t. Those methods took a whole skill set, and not everyone had it.

In the late 2000s, though, postdocs in Doudna’s lab were starting to get really good results in experimenting with CRISPR. It was easier to do and didn’t need custom-made proteins. Doudna’s and Charpentier’s two labs together realized that in the case of CRISPR/Cas9, the same protein was doing the cutting every time. The only thing that changed were two adjacent structures made of RNA—and you could engineer their function into one, a short, synthetic stretch called a guide RNA that was really easy to make. “We figured out how to program Cas9 to cut any sequence in DNA just by changing the guide RNA,” says Doudna. When she and one of her students realized what they had, sitting in her office at Cal, “we looked at each other and said, this could be an incredible tool for genome engineering.”

On the other side of the world, Charpentier was just as stunned. “All the other tools, each time you want to target DNA at a specific site you have to engineer a new protein. This requires time, and it’s not easy for someone who isn’t used to it,” Charpentier says. “With Cas9, anyone can use the tool. It’s cheap, it’s fast, it’s efficient, and it works in any size organism. It’s revolutionizing biology.”

So what’s CRISPR actually going to be for? That’s still being determined, at labs all around the world—and a handful of companies that spun up in the dizzy aftermath of the Doudna-Charpentier paper. “There’s a distinction between CRISPR-Cas9 as a therapeutic tool, using it to correct mutations in cells that would then be reimplanted in a patient—or delivering Cas9 directly,” says Charpentier. “But the other possibility is more indirect. That’s using it as a tool in labs for development, to help screen drugs or to understand a disease by using it to create models of the disease in animals.” In other words, you could use the technique as a medicine, to correct a mutation directly, or use it to induce a mutation you wanted to study in an animal to test other possible drugs.

Charpentier herself is one of the founders of a company, Crispr Therapeutics, based in Basel, that’s planning to focus on making treatments for people. The company’s CEO, Rodger Novak, is a longtime drug development exec, and the company is well-funded, but even Novak acknowledges what they’re doing won’t be easy. “What biotech pharma always struggles with is the biology of the target. In many instances we don’t know until late-stage development, pivotal human trials, if the target we’re using is the target we need.” Novak says. “The other challenge is delivery. If you go after the liver or the lungs or the brain, very different requirements apply.” He says he’s cautiously confident.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Atlantic, Doudna had teamed up with a few other CRISPR pioneers, as well as George Church, to start her own company: Editas, based in Cambridge. Doudna remains a “co-founder,” but is no longer associated with the company. Church and Doudna got $43 million from a handful of well-known venture investors to spin the company up, aiming, he says, at “a large number of genetic diseases, both common and rare, especially those that might require the removal or editing of DNA, rather than just the addition.” Other therapies in trials are better than CRISPR-Cas9 at adding DNA, inserting a gene, says Church. CRISPR-Cas9 is much better at cutting—harkening back to its original function in the flesh-eating Streptococcus Charpentier studied.

Back in Doudna’s lab at Berkeley, though, her team is still trying to answer some fundamental questions. No one doubts that CRISPR works, but some researchers still worry about whether they can target it narrowly enough to work as a therapeutic. But Doudna would like to know how its targeting system works at all—with just 20 bases of RNA it can somehow home in on any sequence of DNA. No one knows how. “We’d love to figure that out,” Doudna says. And no one knows how it acquires the “spacer” sequences, the genetic information between the palindromes. That would be the secret to how CRISPR works as an immune system in bacteria, and for now it’s a mystery.

As the excitement around CRISPR has continued to grow, no one seems more surprised than Doudna herself. “I was working away in my lab on a bacterial immune system. Genome engineering wasn’t on my radar,” she says. “If you had asked me in 2007 if the CRISPR system was going to be useful, I don’t know what I would have answered.” Today, though, Doudna is a little more sure: If it continues to work as we expect, it’s going to change everything.


EDITOR’S NOTE: In November, Doudna and Charpentier were awarded the 2015 Breakthrough Prize for Life Sciences, each receiving a stipend of $3 million. Their discovery was also featured as one of 10 “World Changing Ideas” on the cover of Scientific American.

Bamboo Bicycles Beijing

Bamboo Bicycles Beijing: In a city besieged by six million motor vehicles, how do you bring about change? David Wang ’09 believes it might be one bamboo bicycle at a time.


IN A NARROW ALLEY between the twelve-lane roar of Beijing’s second ring road and the touristy mayhem of the Drum and Bell towers is a whitewashed shoebox of a space that is more an extension of the little concrete stoop out front than an actual room. There, on a late-summer Saturday this year, four early risers stand peering at a matter-of-fact list of instructions jotted on a white board. Sweet odors of epoxy and sawdust mask the gritty, metallic smell of the smog blanketing the city.

Knobby sticks of bamboo are lined up on four workbenches. A diagram of a bicycle frame is posted on the wall above each bench. In a day’s time these sticks will be frames and, in a few days more, they will be rolling off down the street with their builders on board.

At the moment, though, the diagrams look like a dare.

Here at Bamboo Bicycles Beijing’s ninth and last bicycle-building workshop of the year, David Chin-Fei Wang ’09, compact and boyish at 28, moves calmly among the participants, taking up a saw and guiding its teeth into a bamboo tube, adjusting a vise or murmuring encouragement to someone who has improvised a solution to a tricky cut. The industrious humility of the scene belies the seriousness of the issue Wang hopes to address: the smog-belching, land-devouring, atomizing urban gridlock that besets cities across Asia as newly wealthy societies embrace the private automobile.

In Beijing, a city once famous for its bicycles, car worship is powerful. Tree-lined bike paths have been leveled to accommodate the city’s six million vehicles. An ever-expanding network of ring roads radiates deeper and deeper into the countryside, and car exhaust accounts for a quarter of the city’s infamous smog. All of this brings little joy to drivers. Though China has become the number one consumer of some of the world’s fastest cars—Lamborghinis, Porsches and Ferraris abound—traffic creeps along at an average speed of under 10 miles per hour.

Wang hopes that, by helping people make fine bikes by hand he can get them to think differently about the way they move around the city.

“It’s not about getting rid of cars,” says Wang. “It’s about starting a conversation about a more diverse mobility culture.”


AFTER GRADUATING FROM Pomona with a degree in Asian Studies, Wang won a Fulbright to study physical fitness programs and nationalism in China, where Mao Zedong once prescribed a regimen of exercises, saying, “The body is the capital of the revolution.” After spending time at Xi’an Jiatong University, though, he found what the students did in their free time more interesting than the program of study.

Moving to Beijing, he took a job with China Youthology, a market research company set up to help brands like Mercedes, Pepsi Co. and Nokia understand how Chinese kids in their teens and twenties make decisions.

As Wang settled in Beijing, he started noticing the old bicycles abandoned around the city, sometimes in heaps and sometimes tethered alone to a fence or tree. It seemed like a waste. Scouring the sidewalks for something he could refurbish, he decided on a Yongjiu brand cruiser from the 1980s.

In his living room he cleaned and stripped the old frame, tinkering with components until everything was back in working order. He painted the bike Fanta orange, added some tiger stripes and set it atop white tires.

Wherever the tiger bike went, it drew curious onlookers. Though China produces more goods than any other country, making stuff by hand is not a pastime for the urban elite. A new middle class has so thoroughly rejected handicraft that even the building of IKEA furniture is mostly outsourced. So Beijingers were uncertain what to make of something so humble made with such obvious care.

Wang, however, wasn’t satisfied. In a country where mining and refinement of metals has tainted rivers, soil and air, he wanted to work with something friendlier to the environment. So naturally, he thought of a resource that China has in great abundance—something beautiful and rapidly renewable, a species of grass that can grow as much as 35 inches in a day, producing a material pliant enough to act as a natural shock absorber, yet durable and stiff enough to handle well.

He thought of bamboo.

The idea of building bicycle frames out of bamboo isn’t new. The first bamboo bicycles were a sensation at the London Stanley Show of 1894, and there are several companies manufacturing and selling them today. In China, a small start-up called Shanghai Bamboo Bicycles has been marketing bamboo bikes and trikes since 2009. But Wang wasn’t interested in selling bamboo bikes—he just wanted to build one.

So he ordered a few lengths of bamboo on Taobao, China’s vaster version of eBay, and set to work figuring out how to make them into a frame. Cobbling together information from the web, Wang worked in the living room of the apartment he shared with friends until he had his first completed bamboo bike.

If his tiger bike attracted attention, the bamboo bike was a showstopper. “People were always stopping me to ask about the bike,” he says. Wang enjoyed the resulting conversations with people from all walks of life, from stolid middle-class citizens to fashion-conscious kids, and in their curiosity, he sensed an opportunity to make a difference.

During his research on the web, he had stumbled onto a number of bike-building workshops in places ranging from Africa to Australia. Maybe, he thought, a workshop to teach people in Beijing to build their own bamboo bikes would deepen the impromptu conversations he was having in the street and create a cascade of conversations about the sustainability of China’s growing car culture.

But first, he had to scale up.

He streamlined his building process and equipment so that four participants could be fairly certain to produce a bamboo frame in just two days. Then, to get a better understanding of his new medium, he traveled to Taiwan, where some of the best bamboo craftsmen taught him which bamboo was best suited for bicycles and how to work with it. Through a Kickstarter campaign, he raised $17,869. A campaign on China’s Dreamore crowdsourcing platform brought in another $3,000, and Bamboo Bicycles Beijing was born.


“I AM YOUR TYPICAL victim of a Chinese education,” laughs Danna Zhu as she works on her bicycle frame. “There are so many of us. They don’t let us make anything in school.” Posing with a bandsaw poised above a tube of bamboo, she asks the gangly bespectacled college dropout at the next station to take her picture. She’s never used a saw before.

At 23, Danna is part of a post-1990 generation of Chinese women widely chastised for their materialism. Back in 2010, when a contestant on a reality TV show told a young bachelor she would “rather cry in the back of a BMW” than take a ride on the back of his bicycle, government regulators ordered reality shows to rein in the broadcast of “incorrect social and love values such as money worship.”

But a car, like a house, remains a prerequisite for many brides and their families.

“They’ll still want cars,” Zhu says of her friends.

Ragtag kids from the hutong—the narrow lane outside—skitter about her as she works, steadying a bamboo tube while she saws or pilfering bamboo scraps to paint on the steps, where an old woman driving a tricycle cart loaded with soda stops to banter. Another grandma pauses on her way from the wet market to give a thumbs up.

The kids seem to appreciate the workshop more than anyone. Against one wall is propped a small bike. The kids built it themselves. For days before the September workshop, they have been coming by, clamoring to know whether Wang has finished adding components like wheels and a seat. On the first day of the workshop, Fei Fei, 9, finds the bike ready at last. Quietly he lifts it out onto the street, pedaling a tentative few yards before disappearing around the corner.

Twice in the course of a few hours, people stop to compliment the bikes and ask how much they cost. When a grizzled man towing recycling on his tricycle cart repeats the query a third time, Wang, visibly piqued, says again that the bicycles are not for sale.

“They think it’s just about selling a bike and it’s not.” What it is about, as he often repeats, is starting a conversation.


IT’S FALL 2014, and Wang is planning an October trip to Massachusetts, with several frames for supporters of his Kickstarter campaign stashed in his luggage. The project is at a turning point—the goal he had set for himself and online funders had been to build 25 bikes. He has doubled that and is on target to make 75 by the end of the year. All of this is good but he wonders how he might further the conversation, perhaps tapping into the kind of enthusiasm he’d seen in the kids on the lane.

He’s looking into partnering with local schools. At the same time, he’s searching for ways to make more and better bikes in as sustainable a way as possible, tracking down villages with abundant bamboo, looking for alternatives to epoxy, and working on kits for people to make bikes at home.

The frames themselves are slowly morphing—he made his first women’s and kid’s prototypes in late summer. Participants have egged him on with requests for things like cup-holders, children’s seats and multi-gear models.

“Right now I’m just concentrating on making the next bike,” Wang says. “I’ll follow my curiosity and hope it just grows.”

Recently, Mercedes, an old client of his, got in touch.

“Benz is doing a lot to create more efficient and sustainable urban mobility,” he says. “It’s to their credit. They see the way things are isn’t sustainable.”

Back on the lane, an old, flat-faced Liberation truck filled with sand for construction has blocked the T-junction. While a bleating line of cars and jerry-rigged motorized tricycle trucks forms along the cross road, an antlike stream of pedestrians and scooters improvise a path through a pile of sand. It’s along this path that two bamboo bicycles slip quietly northward, leaving a Lexus SUV in the dust.


Making Ideas Happen

Making Ideas Happen: Dick Post ’40 has had an amazingly productive life in science, and at age 96, he’s still going strong.


REMEMBER THE U.S. ARMY commercials from the 1980s? A voice intones: “We do more before 9 a.m. than most people do all day.” If Mad Men’s Don Draper were to coin a catchphrase for Dick Post, it would read: “He’s made more discoveries after age 90 than most scientists do in their careers.”

For more than six decades, Richard F. Post ’40 has dedicated his life to solving energy challenges. “My whole career has been shaped by energy,” he says. An applied physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Post has 34 patents to his name—nine issued since he turned 90—in nuclear fusion, magnetics and flywheel energy storage.

Post, who turned 96 in November, maintains a work schedule that would exhaust a man a quarter of his age. Retired since 1994 and officially known as a “rehired retired scientist,” Post clocks 30 hours at the lab each week. Until a fall last year injured his shoulder, he was driving himself the 60-mile round trip from his home four days each week to LLNL. “You know why he takes the fifth day off?” asks Steve Wampler, a public information officer at LLNL. “Because he’s retired.”

Post may take a day off at the lab, but that doesn’t mean he stops working. “Friday through Sunday are not always days off for Dick,” says Post’s colleague Robert Yamamoto, principal Investigator for LLNL’s electromechanical battery program. “When Dick comes to work at LLNL on Monday morning, I can generally expect to get a call from him. Dick will want to chat about his latest ideas and thoughts he has developed over the past 72 hours,” adds Yamamoto. The two often meet for lunch on Mondays in Dick’s office. “Dick wants to know if his ideas are practical and have some ‘real meat on the bones.’”

“I learn so much, and am equally amazed at the quality of the new ideas Dick has and his extreme enthusiasm for his ideas—as if he was a person just starting off in his science career,” he says.


POMONA ROOTSInfrographic03

Post’s family connections with Pomona College go back more than 100 years. His grandfather, Daniel H. Colcord, was professor of classics, and his mother, Miriam Colcord, graduated in 1910. Post credits Pomona College with helping him discover both his life’s work and the love of his life.

In Professor of Physics Roland R. Tileston he found both an academic mentor and a life mentor. “He not only looked after my academic side; he looked after my social side,” Post says. “He would call me in on Monday morning and say, ‘There was a dance on Saturday. Did you go to it? Did you take a different girl?’”

Tileston took special care to ensure that promising students had the financial means to undertake graduate studies. “In my case, for financial reasons, he kept me on for a year as a graduate assistant—700 bucks, saved half of it. And then, in 1941, he started me as an instructor in physics because he had arranged for a fellowship for me at MIT.”

Then came Pearl Harbor. Tileston immediately recommended Post for a position at the Naval Research Laboratory near Washington, D.C., where a former student of Tileston’s, Dr. John Ide, was director of the sonar program. “When I left, I flew from Los Angeles airport and he brought the whole physics class to see me off,” recalls Post. “He was a marvelous professor, and I owe him a tremendous debt.”

It was while he was living in Virginia that a friend and fellow alumnus, Vince Peterson ’43, heard that some Pomona College girls were in town and decided to throw a party. “Marylee [Marylee Armstrong ’47] and her friends came,” Post recalls, “and it was 15 minutes before I knew that this is the one I wanted to spend my life with.”



It was nuclear fusion that brought Dick Post to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1952. Following his completion of a doctorate in physics at Stanford and a brief stint at nearby Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Post had heard Herb York, the first director of LLNL, deliver some lectures on the topic. Post later followed York to LLNL, interviewing for the job with the lab’s co-founder and future director, Edward Teller, known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. Magnetic nuclear fusion would be the focus of Post’s research until the mid-1980s.

Convinced of the promise of the technology, Post regards the premature termination of his line of fusion research, in an act of Cold War politics, a regrettable mistake. “The fuel reserve for fusion is infinite. There’s no long-term radioactive problems, no carbon. That’s why I devoted most of my career to fusion research—until the budget was cut in a deal between Reagan and Gorbachev,” he says. LLNL was forced to phase out its magnetic fusion program, and Post had to shift his attention to other fields. But, in what would become a hallmark of his career, Post was able to apply lessons learned from his research in nuclear fusion to a seemingly unrelated area: magnetically levitated trains.

With seed money dispensed under a competitive grant program run by the LLNL director, Post was awarded a couple of million dollars to develop a concept for maglev train technology. The concept, Inductrack, was later licensed by the San Diego-based defense contractor General Atomics and, in 2004, a 120-meter test track was built.

“It involves a special array of permanent magnets mounted underneath the train and a track, which consists of shorted parallel conductors. The levitation only requires motion. The test model levitates at walking speeds. The Japanese superconducting train has to be over 100 miles per hour before it levitates,” says Post.

“Why is this important?” he asks. “Because if all power fails, this train doesn’t give a darn. It slows down to walking speeds and settles down onto its wheels. It’s a totally fail-safe system. That’s going to be a very important characteristic of future maglevs—they’d better be fail-safe.”

Plans to build a 4.6-mile, full-scale demonstration system on the campus of California University of Pennsylvania were put on hold when the Great Recession hit in 2008. Post says Inductrack technology has been licensed to two other companies—he couldn’t give their names.

In another case of iterative innovation, Post is leveraging knowledge gained from the development of Inductrack to his latest—and likely last—research focus: flywheel energy storage. Post’s thinking on the topic has had a long gestation. In December 1973, Post and his son Stephen published an article in Scientific American making the case that advances in materials and mechanical design made it possible to use flywheels to store energy in the power sector and in the propulsion systems of vehicles.

Forty years later, Post believes he might actually see his concept hit the market within a few years.

The principle of the flywheel is quite simple. A spinning wheel stores mechanical energy; energy can be either put in or taken out of the device. Post’s flywheel research builds upon work done in the 1950s by MIT researcher John G. Trump on electrostatic generators. “He didn’t appreciate the importance of the charging circuit that charges this thing and puts the voltage on it. He used a resistor,” Post says. When Post started work on electrostatic generators for flywheels, he asked himself a question: “’Why the heck did Trump use a resistor? Why didn’t he use an inductor, to reduce losses?’” Post experimented on his computer, inserting an inductor value for the resistor. “All of a sudden, the power took off by almost a factor of 100,” he says.

Many flywheel manufacturers use what are called active magnetic bearings to suspend and stabilize the flywheel—not Post. “What we have developed over many years now,” he says, “is what is called passive magnetic bearings, which are self-stabilizing and don’t require any feedback circuits. They are extremely simple compared to the active bearings, much less expensive, and don’t require any maintenance.”

“If we design it right,” he adds, “it has an almost indefinite lifetime because there are no wearing parts.” This is in contrast to, say, the lithium-ion batteries used in smart phones, laptops, and electric vehicles, which have a limited life cycle of charges and discharges before they must be replaced. Because Post’s flywheel operates essentially friction free, energy dissipation is very low. The flywheel operates at 95% to 98% efficiency—that is, up to 98% of the energy stored in the flywheel can be extracted and put to use.

Post envisions the technology used in large- and small-scale applications. Grid-scale units would be deployed by utilities or grid operators to help balance the variable output from large solar and wind power plants. A 5-kilowatt residential unit would be about the size of a suitcase, says Post, with the flywheel sealed in a vacuum chamber, perhaps under the floor of the garage.

Post says a company is interested in adapting his flywheel technology for use in cars. The idea is not new. Flywheels are already used by Formula 1 racing cars to supply quick bursts of power. For the consumer market, manufacturers would install a series of small flywheels that would, in all-electric vehicles like the Nissan Leaf or Tesla Model S, replace a battery pack entirely; for hybrids like the Toyota Prius, flywheels would replace the small battery pack that boosts efficiency.

“We could substantially extend the range and eliminate the fire hazard posed by lithium-ion battery technology, and avoid the battery life cycle problem,” says Post.



“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants,” said Sir Isaac Newton. If so, the spry Dick Post must be a contortionist, because one set of shoulders he is standing on is his own.

He says one reason he has been so productive for so long, especially after age 90, is that his recent patents build upon earlier discoveries. He is using magnetic bearings work from Inductrack, for instance, in his current flywheel research. “Even though it’s a totally different field, it’s the same concept,” he says. “One of the reasons that I can still file patents is I can draw on past experience and convert it to a present problem.” He has filed 28 of his 85 records of invention, a precursor to a patent, since he turned 90.

Asked where his ideas come from, Post mentions that he recently read a book about the inventor Nikola Tesla. “He was able to visualize, without hardware, his inventions. That’s part of the process for me. When I go to sleep, I think: The magnets could go this way.” Post also credits software invented decades after his career began. “The tremendous help to me in this whole process is I learned how to use Mathematica, which is a very sophisticated computer mathematics program. I couldn’t live without it.”

For Post, the labors of his theorizing mean nothing if the result cannot be used to solve a problem in the real world. “Dick certainly is an ‘idea’ man,” says colleague Robert Yamamoto, “but he truly understands the need to do the real engineering to make an idea come to fruition. He knows that theory alone can only take you so far, and that an idea, unless demonstrated completely, is not worth much. He sincerely understands the real-world, make-it-happen aspect that engineering brings to the table. This is not a common trait of many of the scientists I have worked with.”

Asked what drives him to come to the office four days a week, Post answers without hesitation: “The flywheel. I want to see this happen! I’ve devoted my career to energy. For Pete’s sake, we were torpedoed on fusion, which I think was a terrible mistake.

“My real hope is that this thing becomes commercial before I kick the bucket. I would like to see it happen.”


Hackers: Hackathon: A deadline-driven, energy-drink-fueld rush to create something that just might become a Silicon Valley startup but is more likely to be remembered as one of those crazily fun things people do in college when they are alight with intelligence and passion.

It was almost dawn outside Lincoln and Edmunds halls, and the clicking of laptop keys on a Saturday morning had slowed to a persistent few. Three students slept in chairs in the Edmunds lobby, one next to a lone coder at his keyboard. In the Lincoln lobby, a quilt lay seemingly abandoned in a clump on the floor. Then it moved, and the petite student who had been slumbering beneath it climbed into a chair and disappeared under the quilt again.

Upstairs, John Verticchio ’15 looked around the windowless room where he’d spent the night working with three friends. “Is the sun up yet?” he asked.

hackers-400Welcome to the 5C Hackathon, the all-nighter that lures as many as 250 students from The Claremont Colleges each semester to stay up building creative and often elaborate software projects and apps in a mere 12-hour span. It is a deadline-driven, energy-drink-fueled rush to create something that just might become a Silicon Valley startup but is more likely to be remembered as one of those crazily fun things people do in college when they are alight with intelligence and passion.

The event is student-created and student-led, built from scratch by three Pomona College students in 2012 with a budget of $1,000 and 30 participants. By the fifth 5C Hackathon in April, the budget had grown to $13,000 and the semiannual event had drawn sponsors that have included Intuit, Google and Microsoft. The codefest also is supported by Claremont McKenna’s Silicon Valley Program, which helps students of The Claremont Colleges spend a sort of “semester abroad,” studying while interning at a technology company in Northern California.

The 5C Hackathon is a one-night gig. Competitors are allowed to come in with an idea in mind, but “the rules are that you have to start from scratch. You’re not allowed to have pre-written code,” said Kim Merrill ’14, one of the three co-founders. “It’s all about learning, having fun, staying up all night. It’s not a heavy competition.”

As students wandered into the Seaver North Auditorium around 7 on a Friday night, Merrill, who will go to work for Google as a software engineer in the fall, sat on a table in front wearing shorts and a green H5CKATHON t-shirt as hip music played on the audio system.

The aspiring hackers—how odd that a term that once referred to computer criminals has become a compliment—carried backpacks and laptops, sleeping bags and pillows, the occasional stuffed animal and Google swag bags holding USB chargers, blue Google knit caps and Lego-like toys in boxes emblazoned with the words “google.com/jobs.” This looked like serious fun, and contrary to the stereotypical image of computer geeks, there were women everywhere.

“Having Kim leading the whole thing, I think, has been really powerful for that,” said Jesse Pollak ’15, a former Pomona student who was visiting Claremont for the event he co-founded with Merrill and Brennen Byrne ’12 before leaving school last year to join Byrne in founding a Bay Area startup. (Clef, a mobile app, replaces user passwords on websites with a wave of your smartphone and has been featured by The New York Times.)

“I came in my first year and I knew I wanted to study computer science, and I was hoping there would be, like, a scene here for people who like building stuff, and there wasn’t then. There was nothing,” said Pollak, who didn’t start coding until his senior year in high school. “So I started trying to track down people who were interested in that sort of thing.”

He found them in Byrne and in Merrill, who had planned to be an English major but started coding after an introductory computer science class as a freshman at Pomona.

The event they founded gave the 5Cs an early start on what has now become a national phenomenon. “Hackathons were a new thing and most were on large campuses,” Merrill said.

Hackathons have exploded into prominence in the last two years. The second LA Hacks competition at UCLA in April drew more than 4,000 registrants from universities that included UCLA, USC, Stanford, UC Berkeley and Harvard for a 36-hour event it touted as a “5-star hacking experience” with VIP attendees. Civic groups and government organizations have gotten into the act, too, with the second National Day of Civic Hacking on May 31 and June 1 featuring events in 103 cities, many focused on building software that could help improve communities and government.

hack-cup-350While some hackathons have gone grander and glitzier—MHack at the University of Michigan awarded a $5,000 first prize this year and HackMIT drew 1,000 competitors to compete for $14,000 in prizes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology last year—the 5C Hackathon has remained doggedly itself. “We really wanted, instead of pushing for bigger things, to think about how we can get more people into this,” Pollak said. “You’ll see people present (projects) in the morning who didn’t know how to code at the beginning of the week and who actually built something. It’ll be small and ugly, but it will work.”

A centerpiece of the 5C Hackathon is “Hack Week,” a free beginners’ course of four two-hour evening tutorials leading up to the event, with students teaching other students such basics as HTML and CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and MongoDB, all of it an alphabet soup to the uninitiated.

Christina Tong ’17 tried her first hackathon the fall of her freshman year, picking up ideas during Hack Week that helped inspire her team to fashion a restaurant-ordering app for the Coop Fountain. This spring, continuing to teach themselves more programming languages with online tutorials, her team built a financial tracking system called Money Buddy.

It’s the “forced deadline” of a hackathon, Tong said, that helps coders power through the inevitable snags and bugs of building a program. Pressing on is a huge part of the task. “When you’re fresh, you could probably figure out those bugs decently quickly, but around 3 o’clock, it’s past your normal bedtime and you’re staring for hours at things you probably could fix when you’re fresh,” she said.

Tong’s strategy is catnaps and sustenance. The spring 5C Hackers got an 11 p.m. food truck visit and a snack spread featuring clementines, jelly beans, Oreos, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, bananas and a veggie tray. And at 3 a.m., just because it’s tradition, Merrill—who typically spends much of the night mentoring beginning teams—rallied the students for a two-minute, middle of the night campus run. “It can be hard to motivate people to run at 3 a.m.,” she said.

By 4 a.m., someone had scrawled a message on a whiteboard dotted with listings for tutors: “Countdown 4 hours!”

Some didn’t make it—“I think we lost a lot more teams than we usually do,” Merrill said—but by mid-morning Saturday, 30 teams of two to four people had made one-minute slam demonstrations of their completed projects, roughly half beginners and half advanced.

Judged by America Chambers, a Pomona visiting assistant professor of computer science, and representatives of some of the sponsoring tech companies—this could be the new model of campus recruiting—the entries included efforts such as 5Cribs and the Cyborg Dorm Chooser, designed to help students pick the best dormitory rooms or suites for them.

There was a Craigslist-type site exclusively for The Claremont Colleges and an app to help recreational athletes find a pickup game on campus. One called Expression uses a webcam and face recognition to automatically select music that seems to fit the user’s mood. Another named Echo was a message-in-a-bottle app that allows people to leave audio messages for strangers that can only be heard when the person is standing near the same spot.

The Drinx app suggests cocktail combinations based on what ingredients are in the fridge. But the winning advanced project—sense a theme here?—was the Shotbot, a boxlike robot controlled by a Siri hack that makes mixed drinks automatically. Nonalcoholic, for demonstration purposes.

“Siri loves to serve drinks,” the familiar voice said after taking an order.

“We definitely used it at parties the next few weeks,” said Sean Adler, Claremont McKenna ’14, who built the project, using Arduino, Python, iOS and Node.js, along with three other Claremont McKenna computer science students—brothers Joe and Chad Newbry, both ’14, and Remy Guercio ’16. Their prize? Each team member received an iPad2.

The winners in the beginners’ division, Matt Dahl, Patrick Shao, Ziqi Xiong and John Kim—all Pomona ’17—won Kindle Fires for their project,  a “confessions” site similar to other popular sites that allow people to post anonymous secrets or desires. The Pomona students added several features—systems for sorting posts, marking favorites and for hiding offensive content, often a concern on confessions sites.

The next 5C Hackathon will be in the fall, but with Merrill’s graduation in May—she was working for the nonprofit Girls Who Code in San Francisco during the summer before starting at Google in Seattle in late September—the three founders have left Pomona. Andy Russell ’15, Aloke Desai ’16 and Ryan Luo ’16, all of whom helped organize and competed in the spring hackathon, will return to stage more all-night programming binges, the tradition now entrenched.

Russell, his night of coding done, walked out into the quiet of an early Saturday morning, unable to make it to the presentations. He had a Frisbee tournament at 8.

The Ash Heap of Success

The Ash Heap of Success: As an expert witness in an international biotech patent suit, Professor Lenny Seligman finds his own research on trial.

ash-heap-400Expert witnesses at contentious trials can expect to be challenged, even discredited. But when he took the stand last year in a complex biotech patent case, Pomona Biology Professor Lenny Seligman never anticipated that his groundbreaking work at Pomona would be relegated to the “ash heap of failure.”

That attack line echoed from start to finish during the high-stakes federal trial in Maryland between two rival companies in the cutting-edge field of genetic engineering. The dismissive salvo was fired in the opening statement by the attorney for Cellectis, a large French firm that filed suit for patent infringement against its smaller U.S. competitor, Precision BioSciences, which had hired Seligman for its defense.

Seligman was more than just an expert witness. His research at Pomona had become a cornerstone for the case. Both sides cited Seligman’s work as a basis for the science on which their businesses had been built. Ironically, the plaintiff then found itself in the awkward position of having to undermine the validity of his work. It did so by claiming he had not actually produced anything concrete in his college lab that would invalidate the firm’s far-reaching claims.

“I don’t hold that against him,” said the counselor. “This is very complicated technology. It does not surprise me that he wasn’t able to do it. What does bother me is Precision attempting to rescue his (work) from the ash heap of failure.”

Seligman left court that day thinking, “Ouch! Did he really say that?” When cross-examined by that same lawyer, Paul Richter, Seligman found an opportunity to sneak in a mild retort, saying on the stand, “That was not very nice.” Considering the attack still in store, the lawyer might have mused, “If you thought that was bad, wait until you hear my summation.”

In those final arguments, though, Seligman’s side fired back with outrage and eloquence. Following a week of mind-numbing technical testimony, David Bassett, an attorney for Precision, rebutted the now infamous line. The court reporter transcribed the original reference as “ashes of failure,” but Seligman and others clearly remember it as a heap, and that’s the phrase that stuck.

To say Seligman’s work belonged in the “ash heap of failure” was “as incorrect as it is offensive,” said Bassett. “To the contrary, Professor Seligman’s article represented a monumental success from a small lab at Pomona College where (he) does his research with undergraduate students, 18 to 22-year-olds. And it paved the way for companies like Cellectis and Precision to do their work. … The real difference is that Professor Seligman was teaching the world what he had done and hoping that others would follow his blueprint.”

In the end, Precision won the infringement case and Seligman’s work was vindicated. The attack strategy against the likeable professor’s little-lab-that-could appeared to have backfired.

“I think that statement bit them in the ass,” he said. “Because even the jury kind of cringed when the lawyer said it. I mean, that’s really aggressive. And then when they got to know the witness—what a sympathetic guy I am—it was like, why would you do that? You could have made the point without going for the jugular like that.”

Indeed, it may have been the professor’s disarming, down home charm that won the day, as much as all the technical testimony about the DNA and microscopic structures called meganucleases. Beneath the complex science ran a compelling narrative that must have appealed to the federal jury empaneled in the district court of Delaware.

It was, in the end, a classic American underdog story.

The synopsis: Powerful and imperious European firm with raft of lawyers and battery of full-time scientists is defeated by scrappy U.S. start-up and its folksy professor with his one-man lab and part-time student assistants.

Seligman relished the role. In a PowerPoint presentation of the case presented recently to campus groups, he portrays the litigants as Team France v. Team USA. He uses slides to illustrate the uneven competition between the two companies and their dueling expert witnesses. For Cellectis, we see the flattering portrait of an award-winning genetics researcher from a big university. For the other side, we have Lenny Seligman, but the slide shows a picture of Homer Simpson.

The visual gets a big laugh.

A year after the verdict, Seligman still expresses astonishment when recalling the whirlwind experience of being a central figure in an intense international dispute about science. Interviewed in his office at Seaver Hall, where he presides as Biology Department chair, he also reflected on the awesome amounts of money circulating in science today, and what it means for those trying to teach and do research at a small, liberal arts college like Pomona.

“Part of me is happy with how things turned out,” he says. “At one level, it would have been great to be able to continue working on the I-CreI project without competition. However, we would never, at Pomona College, in my lab, have gotten to the point these two companies got to in five years. They were putting products out there, they were making enzymes that cut specific DNA sequences. It would’ve taken us so long to get there. So in the big picture, this is great. These companies are doing it, and they’re still graciously referencing our early work. It’s all good.

“We just have to find something new to do.”

Court and Class

Watching Seligman’s PowerPoint presentation about the case, posted online, gives viewers a flavor of his teaching style. He is engaging, enthusiastic and funny in a self-deprecating way. He’s also informal, standing casually at a podium with his shirttail hanging out and joking about wearing a suit only for court. But most importantly, he has a knack for explaining complex concepts to scientific novices, like college freshmen—or jurors.

The concepts in this case involved the business of protein engineering using meganucleases, which have been described as “extremely precise DNA scissors.” Scientists have developed ways to alter these naturally occurring enzymes and make them cut DNA segments at specific, targeted locations, with potentially lucrative uses in medicine and agriculture.

“Court is interesting because it’s kind of like a class,” Seligman says. “But it’s not like a class at Pomona where someone’s going to raise their hand and ask a question and stop you. When I’m in a class and I’m lecturing off-the-cuff and I can see that I’m losing students, I’ll stop and I’ll ask them certain questions. You can’t do that when you’re an expert witness, but you can still kind of get the visual cues. You still could get a sense that (the jurors) were with you, and I really felt that they were. They weren’t glazing over.”

Neither were the lawyers. They were ready to pounce on every word, eager to point out the smallest inconsistency or weakness. And Seligman was trying to make sure he didn’t slip up.

So there was no Homer Simpson on the witness stand. In court, Seligman’s easy-going, spontaneous classroom persona was restrained. The transcript of his testimony shows a witness who is cautious, serious and coldly factual. By then, he had been through hours of grueling depositions, and he knew the name of the game—Gotcha!

“Well, the whole idea (of pre-trial depositions) is for them to get a sound bite that they can use in trial,” he says. “So they ask questions really quickly. The thing that was hard, especially for someone who’s not a lawyer, is that they move from one aspect of the case to another, rapid-fire. …Your mind is over here and they’re trying to get you to slip up, so they can say to the jury, “But didn’t you testify that…?”

Seligman pounds on his office desk to impersonate an intimidating attorney.

“I felt really guarded. In class, when I get a question and don’t know the answer, the first thing I say is, ‘I don’t know.’ And so that’s my default mechanism, because I’ll figure it out, and we’ll talk about it next lecture. But if you’re getting deposed, you can’t fall back on that answer because lawyers will shoot back, ‘You don’t know? Well, on page 285 of your third report, didn’t you write this?’” Here, his tone mocks a Perry Mason moment. “So you feel you have to be on your toes all the time, and really be thinking about everything you’ve ever written.”

At times, the legal wrangling was so contentious, even the judge sounded exasperated. During one testy confrontation, U.S. District Court Judge Sue L. Robinson threatened to give the lawyers “a time out,” like an angry parent with misbehaving kids.

Underneath, Seligman perceived a bitter dislike between the two companies. It was like a battle to the death. He speculates that Cellectis’s strategy was to put Precision, the much smaller firm, out of business, bankrupted by legal fees. So Precision could win the battle and still lose the war.

Call it the ashes of success.

“Cynically, a lot of us (supporting the U.S. company) thought this was all about trying to bleed them.”

Money and Science

The experience was not all cutthroat and high anxiety, however. Seligman also recalls the excitement of being swept up into the high-flying world of international business and high-priced corporate lawyers. He describes it with the wide-eyed wonder of a kid who grew up in Claremont and still uses the nickname he was given in kindergarten, rather than his full name, Maurice Leonard Seligman.

To Lenny, it was a thrill just being in New York for the deposition and looking out onto that breathtaking Manhattan skyline. He often punctuates his story with youthful expressions, like “awesome” and “oh, my gosh!” He breathlessly describes the “war room” where a battalion of lawyers in a suite of offices prepared for testimony. (“Oh, my gosh!”) And he recalls how lawyers worked through the night preparing challenges even to illustrations planned for court the next day, putting pressure on a graphics guy to create instant substitutions. (“Oh, my gosh!”)

“And you mix that with all this adrenaline and dread of being deposed—it was really exciting,” he says.

When it came to how much the defense paid him, the response might also be, “Oh, my gosh!” That pesky attorney made a point of making him divulge the fee in court: $400 an hour. “It was more money than I had ever made in a short amount of time,” he recalled in the interview. “It was a lot of money for me.”

The amount of money these companies dumped on this lawsuit raises larger concerns about the corrupting influence of big profits on basic research.

“The whole privatization of science is something that’s certainly to be looked at carefully,” agrees Seligman. “Did I ever think to put a patent out? I’m glad I didn’t, in retrospect. If somebody wanted to choke me like they tried to choke Precision, they would serve me and I would say uncle. There’s just no way I would have the resources to fight. But beyond that, there’s just something that’s really special about open science, where everyone is sharing everything and building on each other. And once it gets into the industry, it’s not open science. They’re protecting it. They’re hiding it until they get the patent issued.”

Bringing it all back home, Seligman sees implications for his future work at a small college. How can his little research lab compete with wealthy companies, often with ties to large universities.

“That’s what we worry about all the time in a place like Pomona College,” Seligman says. “You want to do interesting science, but it’s got to be small enough that you’re not doing the same thing that the big labs are doing because we don’t have the same resources.”

Focus on Students

Beyond doing good science, Seligman and his colleagues at liberal arts colleges have another mission to worry about—teaching undergraduates. In his own lab, he notes, research must also be a teaching tool, a training ground for future scientists. In this regard, he says, Pomona is in a perfect position to compete.

The work on meganucleases is a prime example. In the early days, before big money entered the fray, much of the research was being done by students at Lenny’s lab. Today, they all have their names—as full-fledged co-authors—on those important research papers that figured so prominently in the trial.

These were not graduate students or post-docs. They were undergraduates like Karen Chisholm ’01, Adeline Veillet ’03, Sam Edwards ’99 and Jeremiah Savage ’98, who co-authored Seligman’s pioneering 2002 paper, marking the first time researchers described making mutations in a meganuclease, called I-Cre1, that altered the site where it cleaved DNA. Two years later, Steve Fauce ’02, Anna Bruett ’04 and Alex Engel ’01 co-authored another of Seligman’s key research papers, along with Dr. Ray Monnat of the University of Washington, where Seligman got his Ph.D. and did his first work on meganucleases as a post-doc in Monnat’s lab. Finally in 2006, five other Pomona undergrads—Laura Rosen ’08, Selma Masri ’02, Holly A. Morrison ’04, Brendan Springstubb ’05 and Mike Brown ’07—co-authored a third paper in which new mutant meganucleases were described.

Many former students praise Seligman as a great mentor who inspired them to pursue science in graduate school. At least 10 of these 12 student co-authors went on to get doctorates in biological sciences or M.D.’s.

“He really fostered a good environment for learning and being productive,” recalls Morrison, who got her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in molecular and cell biology. “He had several students in there at any one time, and everybody was really good about helping each other. It was not at all cutthroat competition. It was very much a supportive team mentality and there was also a camaraderie about it.”

Today, Seligman speaks about his former students as if they were his kids. He makes a point of mentioning them in his PowerPoint presentation, and even notes who got married and who just had a baby.

“We are so lucky to be a place that gets such great students,” he says. “It’s our job to work with them, to get them excited about science and keep them excited about it. I have no doubt they’re going to do really amazing things.

“And I’m going to sit back and smile.”



Code Blue

Code Blue: October 2013: The President's health care web is in cardiac arrest, threatening to to drag his signature initiative down with it. Enter Mikey Dickerson '01...

code-blue-600Lunch was supposed to be casual. Mikey Dickerson ’01 was in Chicago catching up with Dan Wagner, a friend who’d been in the trenches with him on Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency in 2012. Wagner had since gone on to found a company, Civis Analytics; Dickerson was a site reliability engineer at Google, one of the people who make sure that the search engine never, ever breaks down.

This was October of 2013, no time for the President’s geekiest loyalists to have a little fun. Healthcare.gov, the sign-up website that was the signature element of President Obama’s signature initiative, was a technological disaster. People couldn’t sign up even if they wanted to—the site would break, or fail. Delays were interminable. Information got lost. Customer service was about as good as you’d expect from a cable TV company. The Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for the new health care system, couldn’t seem to get it working.

“So, we got this phone call yesterday,” Wagner told Dickerson. “HHS is looking for help with healthcare.gov. Can I list you as an advisor or consultant?”

“Yeah, sure. If it’s any value to you, list me,” Dickerson replied. It seemed innocuous enough. Today, he smiles at his own naïveté. “I had no idea what I was getting into,” he says. About a week later, Dickerson found himself on a 5 a.m. conference call with a van full of technologists in Washington D.C., headed over to HHS. With him in the White House motor-pool car was Todd Park, the U.S. chief technology officer. And Park, whom Dickerson didn’t know, was selling the group as a team of experts who could solve any tech problem. Dickerson realized: They’re saying I can fix healthcare.gov.

Without really meaning to, Dickerson had become an anchor of the Obama administration’s “tech surge,” a Silicon Valley-powered push to fix the bugs in the healthcare.gov system. But the system was more than just software. In D.C., Dickerson and his new team found an organization in bureaucratic and technological meltdown, unable to execute what any e-commerce start-up would consider basic prerequisites for being in business.

The crazy part is, they fixed it.

To a Connecticut native like Dickerson, good at math and computers but with no desire to attend a big university, Pomona shows itself off pretty well—especially on a campus visit in May, when Dartmouth might still have slush on the ground. It’s not that he was so avid about computer science—in those days, as a major, CS really ran out of Harvey Mudd anyway—it’s just that Dickerson was an ace. He felt like he was cheating just a little. “It seemed dumb to be spending all that money on something I was already good at,” he says. In fact, Dickerson was already coding for various companies while in school. After graduation, he ended up working in Pomona’s computer lab.

Then the 2000 presidential election came around, with its photo finish in favor of George W. Bush. “It was a trauma for me,” Dickerson says. “That razor’s edge. All that was intensely painful. Almost anything would have moved those last 200 votes.” So in 2004 Dickerson volunteered with a poll-watching group … and caught the politics bug. Four years later he was working at Google, where CEO Eric Schmidt was (and remains) a multimillion-dollar Obama supporter. During campaign season an email went to a mass-distribution list that Dickerson was on, looking for people who could manage big databases for the Obama campaign.

Hey, Dickerson thought. I manage a group that runs large databases. And that was it. He worked as a volunteer in Chicago, one of a small group of techies who, during their long nights, idly wondered if maybe they could do something useful for the campaign with better records of people’s voting history. When the 2012 campaign came around, he was still on the campaign organizers’ list. This time, though, he was no newbie—though still technically a volunteer, his experience made him a trusted veteran. Those vague ideas about leveraging voter lists went into practice, and Dickerson’s group became the analytics team, credited by some political analysts as having been the key to Obama’s re-election. Once the campaign was over, Dickerson went back to managing a site reliability engineering team at Google, but he stayed in touch with his friends—which is why Dickerson was at lunch with Wagner on October 11.

The tech team’s first stop, in Virginia on October 17, was PowerPoint Hell. Technically, it was a large IT firm working as a government contractor. “They scheduled a three-hour meeting and sent a VP with, I shit you not, a 130-slide PowerPoint presentation,” Dickerson says. Over beers in a bar on San Francisco’s Embarcadero, about a block from Google’s offices, Dickerson wears the uniform of the coder—hoodie, Google ID badge, Google T-shirt, close-cropped hair and unshaven chin. In San Francisco, that’s stealth armor. In Washington’s blue-sports-coated, khaki-pantsed hallways, he was an alien.

The group fought its way out of the meeting and took over the office of someone who was on vacation. Then they went wandering, finding teams huddled in cubicles and asking them what they were working on, which bugs they were trying to fix. But they weren’t—mostly they were waiting for instructions. In their defense, it was hard to figure out what needed fixing. Engineers weren’t really allowed to talk to clients or users, and the people who created the healthcare.gov website hadn’t even built a dashboard, a way to monitor the health and status of their own system. If you wanted to know whether healthcare.gov was functioning, the only way to find out was to try to log on. “We thought this would be a targeted assessment and we’d spend a few days there,” says Paul Smith, another member of the team. “When we realized how bad things were, we just independently decided, we’re not going home. This is what we’re doing now, for an indefinite period of time, until it gets better.”

After a couple of days, Park asked them whether it could be fixed. “Todd, they have made all the mistakes that can be made,” Dickerson told him. “We can barely find a case where, when two decisions could be made, they made the right one. But low-hanging fruit isn’t the right metaphor. We’re stepping on the fruit.” The point was, some very simple fixes would yield some very big gains. Any improvement would be a massive improvement. Google site reliability engineers have a saying—they tell each other, if we have an outage that big it’ll be on the front page of The New York Times. Is that what you want? “But here’s the thing,” says Dickerson. “Healthcare.gov had been on the front page of The New York Times for four weeks. That was the silver lining. How much more could I screw it up?”

The group of coders decided that if no one was telling anyone what to do, they would. That’s when they started getting called “the Ad Hoc Team.” The name stuck. “We had a big stick, because we were the magical guys from the White House,” Dickerson says. “After a couple of days, we instituted a war room.” Every morning at 10 a.m., every team had to send a representative to a big meeting to explain what was going right, or wrong, and why. “It was an incredibly expensive thing to do—60 people in a room while we arbitrate disputes between two of them. But we made so much progress we stopped worrying,” Dickerson says. “Having a giant studio audience is better sometimes. It’s harder to say, ‘I didn’t do that because it wasn’t on my task order.’”

In other words, Dickerson had built into the system something no one had thought of: accountability. “What Mikey really excelled at was, if there’s a priority issue that needs to be addressed, how can people address it? What do they know? What do they need to know? What’s blocking them?” says Smith. “That’s just his demeanor and the way he operates.” The meetings were so productive and making so much of a difference in site performance that the Ad Hoc Team instituted a second one, making them twice a day, seven days a week.

When they weren’t in the war room, they coded. Problems started getting solved. A stupid little flaw that required the same kind of wait to connect to the database every time went away with the change of a couple of configuration settings, and poof! An eight-second response delay dropped to a two-second delay. “And that’s still terrible,” Dickerson says. The site stopped crashing. People actually started signing up for health care.

The work took a toll, though. Except for a quick trip back to California to pick up some clothes—Dickerson had come to the East Coast with a carry-on bag and a Google computer, expecting a short visit—he was in the greater D.C. area from mid-October through Christmas. Dickerson estimated he ran 150 war-room meetings in a row.

After a couple of moves to accommodate bureaucracy, Dickerson ended up working remotely, alone, from an operations center in Columbia, Md.—three hours from D.C. in what locals sometimes call “spook valley” for its preponderance of government contractors. Since healthcare.gov’s original creators hadn’t built a ship-in-a-bottle version of the software to test updates and fixes, everything the Ad Hoc Team fixed had to get changed on the live site, and the primary maintenance window was when traffic was lightest, between 1 and 5 a.m. “It was literally 20-hour days a lot of time. ” Dickerson says. “I was hallucinating by the end, hearing things.”

mikey-400With 12 days left before the deadline, Dickerson was ready to go home. He gave a speech listing the five mission-critical things remaining, and attempted to flee back to California. But the bosses panicked. The Ad Hoc guys can’t go home, they said. They gave him the service-to-your-country pitch. They begged. So Dickerson agreed to stay through to the end—with some conditions. He got to set the specific technical goals for what his team and the rest of the government coders would do. And he got to hire whomever he wanted, without arguing the point. He wanted to be able to trust the new team members, so he chose them himself. Eventually a rotating team of Google site reliability engineers started coming through to keep the project on track.

Dickerson got to dictate those terms because he was getting results. He had become indispensable. “Mikey is an incredible talent who was seemingly built in a lab to help fix healthcare.gov,” Park says. “It’s not just the fact that he’s got a sky-high tech IQ, honed over years as a star site reliability engineering leader. He’s also got tremendous EQ, enabling him to step into a tough situation, mesh well with others, and help rally them to the job at hand.”

The real bummer, of course, is that healthcare.gov, while an unprecedented attempt to link government services, private insurers and identity verification, shouldn’t have been that hard to build. “It’s basically a distributed, transactional, retail-type website, and we’ve been building those for years,” says Smith. “In the private sector, we know how to do that. We’re not forging new computer science ground here, right?”

By April of 2014, just a few days after Dickerson and I spoke, the Obama administration announced that over 7 million people had signed up for private health care through federal and state exchanges, and 3 million had signed up for Medicare. The program had made its numbers—barely, to be sure—because people, in the end, could actually use the website.

Dickerson is back at Google, but as he says, “you can never unsee the things you see in the federal government.” He has become an outspoken advocate for reform in the ways government builds technology, concentrating especially on trying to convince young technologists to go work for government. “You’re gonna eat free food and drink free soda in micro-kitchens and work on another version of what we’ll say, for argument’s sake, lets people share pictures of what they ate for breakfast, and tens of thousands of people will die of leukemia because we couldn’t get a website to work,” Dickerson says. “These are real people’s lives that will end in 2014, and you’re going to sit at your desk working on picture sharing.”

The problem isn’t competence. People who work on websites for the government are every bit as competent as the ones who work at Google or Facebook. “The mechanisms by which you do a contract with the federal government are so complex that it requires expertise in and of itself,” says Jennifer Pahlka, founder and executive director of Code for America, a group that connects software developers with local governments. “Fundamentally the process in government has evolved to meet government needs. A federal project has dozens of stakeholders, none of whom represent the user.”

That’s why Code for America focuses on local governments, Pahlka says. The feds are too hard to crack, and anyway, most people’s interactions with government are at the state and city level—think DMV, local parks, or trash pick-up. So Dickerson has started stumping for Code for America, giving speeches at their events. And he is lobbying Eric Schmidt and his other bosses at Google to develop programs that would allow—maybe even encourage—software developers there to take time to work on government projects. Consider: The feds paid $700 million for healthcare.gov, and it didn’t work. Imagine being able to bid for that contract at a tenth the price. “I don’t have to appeal to your altruism or desire to serve your country,” Dickerson says. “I can just say, ‘Do you want to make a ton of money?”

Pahlka thinks the pitch might actually work—and not just because of capitalism. “The consumer internet has influenced the way a generation feels about doing things together,” she says. “You have a generation of people who value collective intelligence and collective will—not necessarily collective political will, but the ability to actually do things together.” Software designers and engineers are already political, Pahlka and Dickerson are saying; it’s just that the web generation is ignoring the greater good. Going to work at Twitter is a political choice just as much as going to work for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“I give the worst sales pitch,” Dickerson says. “I tell people, ‘This is what your world is going to be like: It’s a website that is a Lovecraft horror. They made every possible mistake at every possible layer. But if you succeed, you will save the lives of thousands of people.’”

The weird part: Almost everyone says yes.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Shortly before this magazine went to press, Dickerson announced that he’s going to practice what he preaches, full time. He is leaving Google to join the Obama administration as administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, a newly created office overseeing government spending on information technology. And after signing on, he discovered that the lead designer on the initial staff for U.S.D.S. is another Pomona grad, Mollie Ruskin ’08.