Blog Articles

Tribute to a Civil Rights Pioneer

Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 in the library as a Pomona College student in the 1960s. “That’s where I began to grow again. To live again. Here on this campus,” she says.
Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 in the library as a Pomona College student in the 1960s. “That’s where I began to grow again. To live again. Here on this campus,” she says.

Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 in the library as a Pomona College student in the 1960s. “That’s where I began to grow again. To live again. Here on this campus,” she says.

Being around Myrlie Evers-Williams is nothing like being in a hurricane. Yet she can take a room by storm, and the strength of her will is easily on par with any force of nature. The problem with most of the metaphors we commonly use to describe people who have profoundly shaped the world around us is that they evoke the power of destruction. Moving mountains. Unleashing the power of a whirlwind. Standing in the eye of the storm. Fierce. Iron-willed. And indeed, when you see Evers-Williams in her full, proud, public persona, she is like fire: burning with a passion for life and justice that raises both fear and wonder.

Five years ago this spring, Professor Lorn Foster interviewed Evers-Williams side by side with the Rev. James Lawson. It was Lawson who tutored the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Mohandas Gandhi’s principles of nonviolent resistance, helping to change our world for the better, forever. Forever is a word laden with hubris, but I, too, believe that the long arc of the universe bends toward justice, and the U.S. civil rights movement wove the warp and woof of destiny to bring us closer to justice for us all.

Watching Evers-Williams alongside Lawson was like watching fire and ice. Lawson spoke softly, invoking Gandhi, Jesus and Buddha as he explained why the road to justice and the road to peace unfolded side by side. Change, in his words, flowed as inexorably as a glacier, scouring the landscape clean and remaking the world in its path. In every word Evers-Williams spoke, however, I heard not the cool voice of peace, but the still-hot pain of murder, violence and injustice. I saw the aftermath of wounds to the soul. How could anyone have survived that pain with neither bowed head nor bruised conscience? How could she step forward with love, as she has done for more than half a century?

Myrlie Evers-Williams’ story holds that secret, a secret of which Pomona College is part. She and I sat down one day soon after the College reopened after COVID—the warmth of her smile a balm to the soul. She had taken a walk about campus, pausing to sit with her son James, shaded by the trees of Stover Walk. Walking for her is not easy anymore. She shared with me the urgency she felt; she wanted to make sure that her archival legacy was secure at Pomona, and she was starting to feel weary. “I’m tired, Gabi. I’m tired.” She let me call her Mother Myrlie and said, “I came on this campus, and I knew. I sat today and I felt the strength of this ground well up in me, pouring up through my feet.” Pomona, she told me, was the first place she felt safe after Medgar died.

What a privilege it is to hold in trust her riches—to steward them, to hold them safe for generations of humankind to come. By preserving her archive, with its reams of yellow foolscap written in her hand, moved by her intelligence, marked by her tears (and so much more), Pomona holds in trust great strength. For all those who step on this campus, I hope you too can feel strength swelling from this ground, and find your way forward in a world so much in need of the fires of love, the balm of peace and the guiding force of justice. I hope you too will move the great shuttle of the loom, crafting a world each of us mends a little more and a little more, weaving threads of strength, wisdom, hope and beauty, even when everything seems poised to unravel in our hands. Mother Myrlie is not a force of nature. She is human, strength and fragility side by side, and love, always, always love.

Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68, hands clasped, listens during the 90th birthday gala honoring her legacy in March in Bridges Auditorium.

Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68, hands clasped, listens during the 90th birthday gala honoring her legacy in March in Bridges Auditorium.

Earlier this year, Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 donated her archival collection of papers and other memorabilia to Pomona College, where she arrived to begin a new life as a student and young widow with three children a year after the 1963 assassination of her husband, civil rights leader Medgar Evers. She would go on to become chairwoman of the NAACP and to give the invocation at President Barack Obama’s second inauguration, among other accomplishments. From hundreds of boxes containing materials of historical significance, archivist Lisa Crane of The Claremont Colleges Library Special Collections led the cataloging of the items that now form the Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 Collection at Pomona College, which in time will be made available to scholars and the public. Evers-Williams’ donation and 90th birthday celebration drew coverage from media including the CBS Evening News, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times.

For more on her archives, visit

The Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 Collection

A Pomona College Student

From left: Evers-Williams on the Pomona College campus, 1970. Evers-Williams' identification card, fall 1967. Letter of change of status, Pomona College, 1966. Pomona College yearbook, The Metate, 1968 with photo of Evers-Williams, top left corner.

From left: Evers-Williams on the Pomona College campus, 1970. Evers-Williams’ identification card, fall 1967. Letter of change of status, Pomona College, 1966. Pomona College yearbook, The Metate, 1968 with photo of Evers-Williams, top left corner.

A Wife and Mother

Left, Medgar and Myrlie Evers at their wedding reception, 1951. Right, Myrlie and Medgar Evers, early 1950s.

Left, Medgar and Myrlie Evers at their wedding reception, 1951. Right, Myrlie and Medgar Evers, early 1950s.

From left: Evers-Williams with daughter Reena, crowned “Miss Black Pearl” at Citrus College, April 1972. Evers-Williams with Walter Williams on their wedding day in 1976.

From left: Evers-Williams with daughter Reena, crowned “Miss Black Pearl” at Citrus College, April 1972. Evers-Williams with Walter Williams on their wedding day in 1976.

Crisis magazine, June/July 1988: Reena, Darrell, Evers-Williams and James on the 25th anniversary of Medgar Evers' death.

Crisis magazine, June/July 1988: Reena, Darrell, Evers-Williams and James on the 25th anniversary of Medgar Evers’ death.

A Civic Leader

From left: Campaign literature and button from the 1970 bid Myrlie Evers made to represent her California district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She was defeated by Republican John H. Rousselot. Cover of Jet magazine featuring Myrlie Evers from June 1970.

From left: Campaign literature and button from the 1970 bid Myrlie Evers made to represent her California district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She was defeated by Republican John H. Rousselot. Cover of Jet magazine featuring Myrlie Evers from June 1970.

Portrait of Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King and Myrlie Evers-Williams, at right, taken by her son, photographer James Van Evers. Accompanies an article in Upscale magazine (May 1997) about the widows of assassinated civil rights leaders Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Medgar Evers.

Portrait of Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King and Myrlie Evers-Williams, at right, taken by her son, photographer James Van Evers. Accompanies an article in Upscale magazine (May 1997) about the widows of assassinated civil rights leaders Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Medgar Evers.

The dress Evers-Williams wore at Carnegie Hall in 2012 when she was invited to fulfill a lifelong dream by performing onstage there. Photo by Stefan Cohen.

The dress Evers-Williams wore at Carnegie Hall in 2012 when she was invited to fulfill a lifelong dream by performing onstage there. Photo by Stefan Cohen.

From left: President Barack Obama embraces Myrlie Evers-Williams during a visit in the Oval Office on June 4, 2013. The president met with the Evers family to commemorate the approaching 50th anniversary of Medgar Evers’ death. Photograph by Pete Souza, White House Photographs. The program from the second inauguration of President Obama in January 2013, at which Evers-Williams gave the invocation.

From left: President Barack Obama embraces Myrlie Evers-Williams during a visit in the Oval Office on June 4, 2013. The president met with the Evers family to commemorate the approaching 50th anniversary of Medgar Evers’ death. Photograph by Pete Souza, White House Photographs. The program from the second inauguration of President Obama in January 2013, at which Evers-Williams gave the invocation.

The Places They Go

Outcomes LogosSpeaking broadly, last year’s Class of 2022 was similar to many other Pomona classes: About 71% secured jobs, internships or entered military service after graduation, and 21% were pursuing further education. Another 3% received fellowships, 2% began service opportunities and 3% had other plans.

The Class of 2022 First Destination Report features data gathered through surveys and data mining for the College’s Career Development Office. Top industries included internet and software companies (14%), management consulting (11%), higher education (9%) and investment banking and management (9%).
For the real nitty-gritty about the specific jobs and graduate degrees Pomona’s Class of 2022 headed for, check out the fascinating interactive dashboard at Want to see how many went to work for Amazon and how many went to Accenture? It’s all there, along with how many were destined for graduate school in Cambridge (Massachusetts or England) and elsewhere.
For an early look at destinations for some of the Class of 2023 graduates, see the inside back page of this issue.

Letter Box

Mufti Origins Revealed

Early Mufti messages were simple yet cryptic. One citing “Vincent,” above, was a reference to History Professor Vincent Learnihan, who taught at Pomona from 1949-82.

Early Mufti messages
were simple yet cryptic. One citing
“Vincent,” above, was a reference to History Professor Vincent Learnihan, who taught at Pomona from 1949-82.

After over 60 years of silence, we founding members of Mufti wish to offer a bit of Pomona history. Over the years we have been pleased to see occasional references to Mufti and are thrilled that once again, “Mufti is near.”

Mufti was started in 1958 by four women, all juniors, with strong senses of humor and mischief. We lived in Harwood Court, a women’s dorm complete with all-seeing head residents, 10 p.m. curfews and overnight locked doors. We admired the occasional strange events that occurred on campus, pulled off by unknown perpetrators: a letter on the College president’s stationery announcing amazing new rules for College behavior, the ringing of the bell in the Little Bridges bell tower during unusual hours of the day and night, and creative enhancements of the Orozco mural in Frary Dining Hall.

Who were the perpetrators and how did they do it? We knew a particular group of men was having all of the fun and we wanted to match them with a creative but subtle response! We started with orange footprints painted on the pathways of the quad. That approach became too time-consuming so we turned to simple messages plastered on mailboxes, lampposts and buildings, signed “Mufti.” We would sneak out of the dorm at 4 a.m., post our mysterious messages throughout the campus, go out to breakfast and return in time to attend our 8 a.m. classes.

Our senior year, we were “pillars of the community.” Our group included the president of the Associated Women Students, the chair of the AWS Judiciary and several members of the senior women’s May Court. Who would guess that we were Mufti?

By then living in Blaisdell, a senior-sophomore women’s dorm, we recruited

four sophomores who committed to carrying on the Mufti legacy with whole-hearted devotion. And that they did! We have lost track of those who carried the torch, but we toast you all.

We had such fun breaking the dorm rules and making people pause to wonder who could be behind the messages. We have unearthed a few original Mufti messages. They are simpler than those shared in the Pomoniana piece (Winter 2023), but we are thrilled that Mufti has survived and evolved and we say, “All Hail.”

—Jean Wentworth Bush Guerin ’60
Alice Taylor Holmes ’60
Martha Tams Barthold ’60
Thomasine Wilson ’60 (RIP)

Another Generation’s Protests

In 1980, students of The Claremont Colleges held the largest anti-Reagan protest in the country. It was so large and boisterous that a friend who had recently graduated from Pomona saw it on the evening news in Malaysia. We feared so many things should Ronald Reagan become president: nuclear escalation, further environmental degradation, the demise of the middle class—and the loss of women’s right to abortion, only recently won.

There is no satisfaction in being right.

My sign read, “Motherhood is Optional”; a male friend’s said, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Too.” On the verge of adulthood, it was inconceivable that neither would be true 40 years in the future—and much earlier for those without the advantages of place and privilege that we possessed.

So I was gratified to see the very thoughtful and informative article “The Choice I Make” by Dr. Atsuko Koyama ’96 in the latest edition of PCM. Reading “While all of the air has been knocked out of me as I raise a young girl in a state where legislators and the courts have control over our bodies,” I struggled to breathe, too. Who are we if we don’t have control over our own bodies? Who are we if we are complacent in California while girls and women in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi and too many more states suffer from the loss of their basic human rights?

It took courage for Koyama to write this piece and for our alumni magazine to publish it. Thank you for making us proud.

—Sheri Cardo ’81
Petaluma, California

Remembering Irving Rosenthal ’52

I appreciated the fullness of the obituary for Irving Rosenthal ’52 (Winter 2023). Although I graduated five years later in 1957 and would not have known him there, I became acquainted with Irving in the 1960s when I was a partner in Auerhahn Press, which published Beat Generation writers. One of our poets was John Wieners, much admired by Irving.

—Andrew Hoyem ’57
Honorary Doctor of Letters ’15
San Francisco

On Choice

I really appreciate the article “The Choice I Make” (Winter 2023). We need more people and physicians like Atsuko Koyama ’96. She is so right that choice is not only about abortion. It is about equal access to medical care for all, control over our own bodies. As she says,  “Reproductive justice is the right to have children, to not have children, and to raise the children you have in safe, sustainable communities.”

—D.B. Zane ’85
Los Angeles
Editor’s note: Koyama credits the group Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice with coining and defining the term reproductive justice in 1994.

Families of Children with Rare Diseases

Being the parent of a child with a devastating, ultra-rare disease can be incredibly lonely. It means a lifetime membership in a club you never want to see another family join. So it was with mixed feelings that I read “Moonshots for Unicorns” (Winter 2023) about Zach Landman ’08 and the journey he and his family are going through with their daughter.

Justin West ’96 holds his son Andrew during one of Andrew’s many stays in the hospital as an infant.

Justin West ’96 holds his son Andrew during one of Andrew’s many stays in the hospital as an infant.

My wife and I are also both physicians. We met in medical school and did our residencies together at Georgetown. We delayed having children until we had the time and resources to care for them. Our third child, Andrew, was born when we were in our early 40s, a period with higher risks for both moms and babies.

Andrew’s first few months of life were like that of our first two children. Then, in a subtle flicker of his left foot, our lives changed forever. Over the course of a few weeks Andrew’s seizures became more dramatic. He went from a few a day to dozens. He spent over 100 days of his first year of life in hospitals across Southern California as we desperately raced to find a medication to make his seizures stop.

Andrew will be 6 years old in April. His seizures have slowed down, but his profound developmental stagnation persists. Andrew functions at the level of a 5-month-old. I have never heard his voice. I have never seen him walk. Without a dedicated treatment we will be caring for an ever-growing infant for the rest of his life and ours.

West plays with Andrew, left, Colin and Carolyn in 2019. His children are now 6, 7 and 9.

West plays with Andrew, left, Colin and Carolyn in 2019. His children are now 6, 7 and 9.

Like Zach and his wife, we are not willing to accept Andrew’s fate. Our KCNT1 Epilepsy Foundation is collaborating with more than a dozen teams around the world looking into drug repurposing, new small molecules and gene therapies to save Andrew’s life.

Along the way we have been fortunate to have received advice and assistance from Pomona alumni including Jeffrey Raskin ’03, M.D., Emil Kakkis ’82, M.D., Ph.D., and Jennifer Doudna ’85, Ph.D. We are also working on building a multidisciplinary team of Pomona students to help with our foundation initiatives.

The rare-disease pathway is beyond challenging. I am forever grateful to Pomona for preparing me to take on seemingly insurmountable challenges and for giving me the chance to be part of a community that comes together to help people in need.

—Justin E. West ’96
Newport Beach, California

Scholars and Fellows

This year’s list of recipients of prestigious awards to study or conduct research at home or abroad includes two young women with striking achievements. Vera Berger ’23 was selected as both a Churchill Scholar and a National Science Foundation Fellow. She also was Pomona’s student body president as a senior. Alexandra Turvey ’24 was selected as both a Beckman Scholar and Goldwater Scholar. In addition, she is a multiple-time All-American swimmer for Pomona-Pitzer and received the NCAA’s Elite 90 Award from women’s swimming. The Elite 90 is presented to the student-athlete with the highest cumulative grade-point average participating at the finals site for each of the NCAA’s 90 championships.

Beckman Scholars

Santiago Serrano ’25
Alexandra Turvey ’24

Churchill Scholar

Vera Berger ’23

Downing Scholars

Mohammed Ahmed ’23
Rya Jetha ’23

Fulbright Scholars

Maggie Allegar ’23
Sophia Chanin ’23
Brittany Chen ’20
Peter Chong ’23
Kelly Ho ’22
Kaitlyn Lee ’23
Kyu Lee ’23
Calla Li ’22
Jacob Ligorria ’23
Delmy Ruiz ’23
Oliver Spivey ’23
Zachary Wakefield ’22
Nathaniel Wire ’23

Goldwater Scholars

Zoë Batterman ’24
Alexandra Turvey ’24

National Science Foundation Fellows

Vera Berger ’23
Zoe Haggard ’21
Joe Hesse-Withbroe ’21
Kirby Lam ’23
Rohan Lopez ’23
Adele Myers ’21
Gabrielle Ohlson ’21
Cody Pham ’21
Marie Tano ’21
Gabe Udell ’21
Clayton Ziemke ’18

Schwarzman Scholars

Solomon Olshin ’23
Qingjie “Bob” Zeng ’18

Sagehens Still in the Spotlight

Ryan Long ’21 Strikes Out Mike Trout

Photo by Paul Stodart, British Baseball Federation/GB Baseball

Photo by Paul Stodart, British Baseball Federation/GB Baseball

The situation Ryan Long ’21 found himself in on March 11 was almost unfathomable. The 6-foot-6 former Sagehens pitcher was on the mound for Great Britain against Team USA in the World Baseball Classic in Phoenix when Mike Trout came to the plate. Long, a minor leaguer who was drafted 497th overall by the Baltimore Orioles in 2021, was facing Trout, the three-time American League MVP and 10-time All-Star.

And down went Trout after Long struck him out with a 94-mph fastball.

“It was just a really surreal experience. Something that I’ll definitely hold onto forever,” Long says of playing in the World Baseball Classic.

Long realized he was eligible to play for Great Britain because his mother, Liz, was born in England. He asked Pomona-Pitzer Coach Frank Pericolosi if he had connections to the British Baseball Federation and Pericolosi put him in touch with alumni who did.

Months later, Long was pitching at Chase Field in Great Britain’s opening game against Team USA.

“I think before this the biggest crowd I ever played in front of was about 7,000, maybe 8,000. This was 40,000,” Long says.

His early nerves settled after he went on in relief in the fourth inning.

“Once I got out there and got on the mound, my heartbeat started to slow down a little bit, which was cool,” Long says.

He gave up a home run, “one that I’m not too upset about because it’s a major league All-Star,” he says of the blast by Kyle Schwarber, who led the National League in homers last season.

The next inning, Trout came to the plate.

“First of all, he’s obviously an amazing hitter but their whole lineup was filled with All-Stars and future Hall of Famers,” says Long.

He got Trout to a 3-2 count and decided to stay with his best pitch, his fastball.

“He fouled the first two off,” Long says. “He didn’t seem like he was seeing it as well as he might normally be. I decided to throw it again and it got past him. That was a very, very exhilarating feeling—a lot to take in.”

Long moved up to the Orioles’ High-A team in Aberdeen, Maryland, this season and still has a goal of reaching the majors, but he won’t forget playing for Great Britain.

“I think that will go down as one of the best, if not the best, experiences I’ll ever have in this game.”

Melissa Barlow ’87 Officiates NCAA Tournament Game

Melissa Barlow ’87 Officiates NCAA Tournament GamesIn a banner year for women’s college basketball, Melissa Barlow ’87 was in the middle of an NCAA tournament that garnered record ratings.

Decades after she played point guard on Pomona-Pitzer’s standout teams of the 1980s, Barlow still runs the floor as a top NCAA Division I women’s basketball official. She called three games during the 2023 tournament, including the Sweet 16 game in which Iowa star Caitlin Clark scored 31 points in a win over Colorado.

Barlow has officiated in 10 Final Fours and three NCAA championship games, assignments that are earned through round-by-round reviews by officiating supervisors. She also has been yelled at by some of the best in the business—the late Pat Summitt of Tennessee, Geno Auriemma of Connecticut, Kim Mulkey of Louisiana State—and can laugh it off later.

For years, officiating was a sidelight to a highly successful career in the pharmaceutical industry that enabled Barlow, a biology major at Pomona, to retire at 53 from her job as national sales director for the metabolic division of AbbVie.

She encourages other former women’s players to get into officiating, too.

“I try to tell them: You get the best seat in the house, you get a workout and they pay you to watch these great games.”

Alumni Voices: A Friendship That Bridged 50 Years

Alumni Voices: A Friendship That Bridged 50 Years
Helen Anderson ’47 took part in weekly demonstrations by seniors in Mill Valley, California, into her 90s, as seen here in 2018. Photo by Scott Strazzante / San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris

Helen Anderson ’47 took part in weekly demonstrations by seniors in Mill Valley, California, into her 90s, as seen here in 2018. Photo by Scott Strazzante / San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris

The road to my friend Helen Heyden Anderson ’47 was never long, and my heart always felt lighter crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Her active senior community in Marin County reminded me of Blaisdell, where we lived 50 years apart.

Even at 97, Helen greeted me with bright eyes and a cheerful “Come in.” The scent of magnolia blossoms wafted through from the garden. “I was born in 1926. The flowers transport me to when I was 9, swinging from oak trees by the magnolias,” she said, remembering the San Fernando Valley ranch where she grew up. Helen entered Pomona College during World War II and was affectionately nicknamed Kanga by her suitemates, after the A.A. Milne character. In later years, she became “Great Helen” to her grandchildren and friends.

I met Helen more than 30 years ago, when I was applying to Pomona. She was leading a program addressing childhood hunger, and my friends and I raised a few thousand dollars toward her efforts. I recall visiting her ranch-style home in Tustin where Helen, surrounded by her watercolor canvases, talked about a service trip to Mexico with her husband Gordon. She was fascinated with the people she met, and I was taken with her life of service.

Her 10th decade of life found Helen leading a spirited social activist group called Seniors for Peace. With walkers and wheelchairs, Helen and some of her neighbors gathered to hold up poster board signs for various causes at a nearby intersection one afternoon a week. Her keen interest in restorative justice grew, and she worked with a group that successfully secured fair housing for low-income minorities in Marin.

Helen Anderson ’47, left, with Leena Ved ’97.

Helen Anderson ’47, left, with Leena Ved ’97.

During my turn as a student at Pomona, I wrote about Helen for Professor Jill Grigsby’s class called the Life Course of Women. Helen encouraged my self-designed major in economic development. I visited schools for girls in South Asia with Professor Tahir Andrabi and, like Helen, I had my first career in K-12 education. Helen subtly counseled me on my life choices when I’d ask—career changes, having a second child and recently, on moving back to Tustin from the Bay Area with my little girls. We’ll do that this summer, coming full circle. One of her greatest gifts was how she listened with gentle presence. With her advice, I’m currently managing social impact investments, including housing with dignity for lower-income Americans.

The geographies of our lives intertwined. We moved from Orange County to the Bay Area at the same time, and Helen and Gordon guided me through the wilderness of my 20s and 30s as I wrestled with life’s big decisions. On Marston Quad during one of our common reunion years, Gordon advised me, “Marry for chemistry,” he said. “And shared values,” Helen said before Gordon added, “I met Helen when she was a spry 68, and we’ve had fun since.” Helen lost Gordon to complications from COVID-19 in 2021.

Helen lived through two pandemics. When she was a senior at Pomona, she contracted polio at a friend’s wedding. In her 70s, Helen experienced late effects of the disease, but continued moving forward with a leg brace, orthotics and undeterred optimism. She remembered the dramatic impact of Dr. Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine in 1955 and found it strange that COVID-19 vaccines were politicized. (She approached people she disagreed with politically with curiosity, not judgment.)

Anderson holding Ved’s first baby, Serena.

Anderson holding Ved’s first baby, Serena.

Last year, I met with Helen as a respite to juggling my preschooler, pregnancy and increased professional responsibilities. I asked how she managed years ago as a young mother to simultaneously raise young children alone (when her first husband left), earn a master’s degree and teach.

“We had four children,” she told me. “It was still the era where women could mostly become either a teacher or a nurse. So after Pomona I became a reading specialist. My mom watched the children, which kept me afloat. It made my family so much closer after that era when we were faced with sink or swim.”

That practical attitude pervaded all Helen did. When I asked how she kept up with the news, she grinned over her Jell-O. “I scan the biggest-sized headlines first. If I can take action on it, then I’ll read more.”

Helen was remarkably resilient despite three heart blockages in her last six months. On our final visit, I asked her how she maintained her optimism. “From this age, I see the tough times,” she said. “For me, it was after Gordon was gone. It comes down to gratitude. I always wanted a spiritual tie, so I had a church community. That helped me, as well as gaining a worldview, interacting with young adults, and traveling and seeing the hardships people have. Others lifted me in my life, so I did the same.”

Beyond Bruce’s Beach

Beyond Bruce's Beach

Beyond Bruce’s Beach

Alison Rose Jefferson ’80 stands in the permanent public art sculpture A Resurrection In Four Stanzas by artist April Banks in Historic Belmar Park in Santa Monica. Photo by Jeff Hing


A grassy park known as Bruce’s Beach at the edge of the Pacific landed at the center of the national debate over reparations last year. Los Angeles County deeded the two oceanfront lots next to the park to descendants of Willa and Charles Bruce, the Black couple who lost their thriving resort there to a racist land grab a century ago.

Upcoming Exhibition

Black California Dreamin’
Curated by Alison Rose Jefferson
California African American Museum, Los Angeles
August 5, 2023–March 31, 2024

To historian and author Alison Rose Jefferson ’80, who chronicled the history of Bruce’s Beach in her 2020 book, Living the California Dream: African American Leisure Sites during the Jim Crow Era, what happened in Manhattan Beach is a significant example of how the concept of reparations in America has evolved, and of the power of reclaiming stories. But it is only one story. Many more can be found along Southern California’s famous coast, and Jefferson has played a key role in uncovering them.

A little more than 10 miles north of Bruce’s Beach is what remains of the historic Belmar neighborhood in the Ocean Park area of South Santa Monica.

The two lots that formed the Bruce family's oceanside resort—now the site of an L.A. County lifeguard facility—lie just west of the grassy park that was renamed Bruce's Beach in 2007.

The two lots that formed the Bruce family’s oceanside resort—now the site of an L.A. County lifeguard facility—lie just west of the grassy park that was renamed Bruce’s Beach in 2007.

On a windy weekday, Jefferson walks the streets of present-day Ocean Park at Fourth and Pico, where a lively Black neighborhood stood from the early 1900s to the 1950s. The Belmar Triangle was one of three neighborhoods in South Santa Monica that made up this small community—only about 300 residents in 1920—but here Black families embraced the beach life, raised children, worked, danced, worshipped nearby and called the area theirs.

Today, nothing is left of the La Bonita Café and Apartments, the Dewdrop Inn and Cafe, the Arkansas Traveler Inn or Caldwell’s Dance Hall. In the 1950s, the city of Santa Monica wanted a new civic auditorium, courthouse and a 10 Freeway extension. Claiming eminent domain, the city tore down Black and other marginalized communities’ businesses and cited residents’ houses as unsafe in order to burn them down. Most of the population dispersed, finding more welcoming neighborhoods in areas such as a Black Santa Monica enclave 20 blocks inland, the Venice area and South Los Angeles.

Bay Street Beach in Santa Monica, shown here in 1926, was a gathering place for Black friends and families from the 1920s to 1960s and was sometimes called "The Inkwell."/L.A. Public Library

Bay Street Beach in Santa Monica, shown here in 1926, was a gathering place for Black friends and families from the 1920s to 1960s and was sometimes called “The Inkwell.”/L.A. Public Library

In her book and in the upcoming exhibit Black California Dreamin’ at the California African American Museum in Los Angeles, Jefferson reveals the histories of Bruce’s Beach, South Santa Monica and other Black leisure communities in Southern California that have been erased. Lake Elsinore in Riverside County, a bucolic retreat from the city enjoyed by Black Angelenos, was described as the “best Negro vacation spot in the state” by Ebony magazine in 1948. The Parkridge Country Club in Corona was whites-only when it opened in 1925. But its white owner soon ran into financial trouble and controversially sold to a syndicate of Black owners in 1927, after which Parkridge was called L.A.’s first and only Black country club. In the Santa Clarita Valley north of Los Angeles, a resort community developed in the 1920s named Eureka Villa, later called Val Verde, became known as the “Black Palm Springs.”

There is so much forgotten history that the first step of reparations, Jefferson contends, is learning the stories and accepting the past, no matter how difficult that is.

“[In order to] incorporate these stories into our collective thinking, our perception, you first have to be exposed to them,” she says.

Repairing Injustices

A disastrous first attempt at reparations by the U.S. government came in 1865 as the Civil War neared its end, when freed slaves were promised what became known as “40 acres and a mule.” The government eventually reneged on the program and Southern white landowners, not Black families, received much of that “promised land.”

For much of the last 70 years, Jefferson says, one focus of reparations was on educating Americans young and old about the wide-ranging stories of Black Americans, though even that has come under fire recently, particularly in Florida.

“African American historians and people who have been African American allies had been pushing for a much broader narrative to be presented to the public through American history classes in college, high school and grade school and through public venues like museums,” Jefferson says, noting that the 2016 opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., “helped make people much more aware of stories that they didn’t know about.”

Reparation Terms

The big umbrella of reparations covers five main arrangements: compensation, restitution, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.

Compensation is cash payments given to recipients, whereas restitution is reversing a historic wrong such as returning land or housing.

Rehabilitative reparations include covering costs for mental health, medical, legal or social services.

Satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition are about policy reform, such as removing legal slavery language from state constitutions, public apologies from officials, memorials and other public acknowledgments of specific historic wrongs.

Now there is a broader cry for reparations. Jefferson cites many factors: the 2020 social justice movement (driven by the murder of George Floyd, the killings in Ferguson, Missouri, and other racially motivated incidents), a pandemic that presented people with time to research their own history, and young Black Americans sharing personal stories via social media. “Don’t forget that Barack Obama was elected president,” she adds.

Across the country, government leaders are beginning, once again, to more seriously grapple with how to address the generations of injustices experienced by Black Americans. Reparations are complex, can take many forms (see box at right) and may be politically volatile. There is no “one size fits all,” experts agree.

In 2020, California became the first state to create a reparations task force, and the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles soon followed by naming reparations advisory committees. Although California entered the Union as a free state in 1850, some people were brought to the state as slaves, and local and state governments continued to perpetuate systemic racism against Black Californians for generations through employment discrimination, displacement of communities and discriminatory educational funding, inhibiting their ability to develop wealth and social mobility.

Some economists initially estimated the potential cost to California for reparations at a staggering $800 billion, and one proposal in San Francisco called for $5 million payments to every eligible Black adult in the city. Ahead of a July 1 deadline to deliver recommendations to the legislature, the state reparations task force instead proposed cash “down payments” of varying amounts to eligible Black residents, which would have to be approved by the legislature and signed by the governor. Elsewhere, the city of Palm Springs, facing a claim for $2.3 billion in damages for the actions of city officials in the 1950s that uprooted Black and Latino families in an area known as Section 14, also is debating a reparations program.

Outside of California, other efforts to acknowledge the past and offer financial restitution are appearing. A program in Evanston, Illinois, is distributing payments to a number of Black residents who faced housing discrimination before 1969. In Asheville, North Carolina, where many Black people lost property during the urban renewal efforts of the mid-20th century, the city has designated more than $2 million toward “community reparations,” such as programs to increase homeownership and business opportunities for Black residents.

These are a handful of examples, Jefferson says. “But it’s a start. We are closer to the possibility of national reparations than in any time in history.”

Recovering History

Woman and small child at Bay Street Beach in 1931./L.A. Public Library

Woman and small child at Bay Street Beach in 1931./L.A. Public Library

In Southern California, the return of the deed to the two lots that had formed the Bruce’s Beach resort to family descendants was a harbinger of other efforts, and it started with activists who heard the story and wanted justice for Willa and Charles Bruce. The Bruces migrated to Southern California from New Mexico in the early 20th century, and in 1912 Willa Bruce purchased the first of the family’s two lots in Manhattan Beach. Over the years they created a seaside resort for Black Americans complete with a restaurant, bathhouse and space for dancing. But the city council, influenced by the Ku Klux Klan and racist white community members, condemned the Bruce property and that of other African American property owners in the small enclave that had grown up around their business, citing eminent domain to build a community park. The Bruces’ and other Black property owners’ buildings were destroyed in 1927 for a park that did not appear for decades, and owners were paid a fraction of what the beachside property was worth.

Still, less than a year after widespread coverage of the July 2022 ceremony marking the return of the deed to the Bruce descendants, the family sold the property back to L.A. County in January 2023 for $20 million. The move was controversial, but the beachfront land—now used as a lifeguard training facility west of the grassy hill—is not zoned for private development and the descendants had been leasing it back to the county for $413,000 a year. What the family will do with the money is unknown, but Jefferson hopes some of that restitution will be used for community programs in Southern California to encourage young people to head to the beach and learn its history.

Today, the legacy of Bruce’s Beach clings more tightly to its past. “We have to keep telling the story,” Jefferson says. “This story is not over. There are still things we don’t know [about] what happened in Manhattan Beach. There are 35,000 people who live in Manhattan Beach and less than half a percent are of African American descent. So that tells you a legacy. But we also had the legacy of these Black pioneers, the Bruces and the other property owners and the visitors who were going down there who were striking out to enjoy what California had to offer, and to potentially develop their own dreams of property ownership or other things because they were inspired by going to this particular beach.”

Anthony Bruce holds up a certificate of the deed as the family property taken by eminent domain in the 1920s is returned to descendants in 2022.

Anthony Bruce holds up a certificate of the deed as the family property taken by eminent domain in the 1920s is returned to descendants in 2022.

As she walks the breezy streets, Jefferson explains how the city of Santa Monica reached out to her in 2019 after the California Coastal Commission required an educational program to address the erased Black histories of South Santa Monica as a new park was being developed. She helped create interpretive signage there as part of what became the Belmar History + Art project in the new Historic Belmar Park, located where Black and other marginalized communities once resided. In 2020, the permanent outdoor exhibition was unveiled—colorful signs with historical narratives, along with a bright red sculpture in four pieces resembling the frame of a house. A Resurrection in Four Stanzas was created by Los Angeles artist April Banks, inspired by the people whose homes were destroyed due to urban redevelopment and by a photo of white city officials burning down a shotgun-style house in 1953.

Surrounding the new sports field, the walking path features 16 panels that tell the history of notable individuals—business leaders, doctors, pastors and other Black community members—accompanied by black-and-white photos. A map notes important nearby sites and buildings that still stand, such as the 1905 Phillips Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and the Murrell Building, built by Santa Monica’s first Black mail carrier and also, for a time, the office of the first Black doctors in the area.

Jefferson knows all their stories by heart, many of them told to her through firsthand reflections. From the beach, she stops and points east to the big hill on Bay Street. “Look up at the top,” she instructs. Then she swings around for a straight view of the shimmering ocean before her. “Who could resist this?”

Alison Rose Jefferson ’80 points out local historic sites as shown on one of the panels she designed for the Belmar History + Art project.

Alison Rose Jefferson ’80 points out local historic sites as shown on one of the panels she designed for the Belmar History + Art project.

Walking down to the beachfront, Jefferson explains that the beach at the end of Bay Street—marked “COLORED USE” on one 1947 map of the era—was another hub for Black Angelenos in the early 20th century to enjoy the sun and sand. It was not without conflict. Casa del Mar, the nearby white-owned beach club, claimed only their members could use the beach in front of the club and built a fence in the sand.

“So [Black beachgoers] found a place where they were less likely to be harassed,” says Jefferson as she walks over to a bronze plaque that recognizes the beach in front of Crescent Bay Park as “The Inkwell,” a controversial name given to it by whites. For years, this destination offered Black residents access to the joys of living in Southern California.

As she looks to the ocean, Jefferson considers her role, doing what she can to “push forward the storytelling.” Among her many endeavors, she has been working with the Santa Monica Conservancy, Heal the Bay and other groups for the last 15 years, facilitating programs on the beach and introducing kids to the history of this area; sometimes they get a surfing lesson and learn about an early Black and Mexican American surfing legend named Nick Gabaldón.

“Education is so important,” says Jefferson. “I want young people to know that they have the opportunity to tell the stories themselves as well. You first need to have that education to build your knowledge base.”

Sometimes, that means heading down to the beach on a sunny Southern California day—Bruce’s Beach in Manhattan Beach, Bay Street in Santa Monica and others—to learn what history has been washed away with the sand.


Roots of Change

Roots of Change

Continuing a long tradition of organizing among Pomona students and alumni, Jacob Merkle ’18 and Niles Brooks ’20 created Rhizome to equip the next generation of leaders.

Roots of ChangeThe yearning to build a better world may be innate, but the skills to become an effective organizer often need to be learned.

Jacob Merkle ’18 believes in the potential of young people to create the world they want to live in: They just need structure, encouragement and clear paths to opportunity. To provide those things, he founded Rhizome, a grassroots nonprofit for emerging high school leaders to learn how to organize and create civic communities.

Jacob Merkle ’18

“So many young people, especially today, really genuinely want to take on high-impact work, want to make meaning with their time,” says Merkle.

An international relations and politics double major from Seattle, Merkle first became an organizer himself while at Pomona. He reveled in “the feeling when you’re shoulder to shoulder with folks that aren’t just talking about making the world a better place but are actually taking active steps toward making that happen.”

While Merkle says that the most meaningful parts of his time at Pomona were the conversations he had over meals at the dining hall, he also graduated with top accolades in both of his majors, winning the Fred Krinsky Prize in Comparative Politics and the John A. Vieg Prize in International Relations.

Professor of Politics Heather Williams says of Merkle, “He is one of those ‘immortals,’ or students whose presence, thought and writing rise above their peers. He’s one of the most likely politics alumni to become a major thought leader and public intellectual.”

After graduating, Merkle worked for Michelle Obama’s organization When We All Vote, where he helped register 38,000 students to vote. While doing that work, he realized the untapped potential of high school and college students. He enrolled at Cambridge University and earned a master’s degree in sociology, with his dissertation focused on the language used by history’s most persuasive nonviolent movements to motivate people into action.

“This research offered a personal, practical blueprint for how to organize sustainably over the course of my lifetime,” Merkle says.

Shortly after that, in 2021, he founded Rhizome ( The impetus was “to be a part of building something that was authentically student-led, that was sustainable, that was collectively owned.”

He began calling people he had worked with in prior organizing efforts and eventually had 90 co-founders. These student organizers continue to vote to shape the goals, vision and work environment of Rhizome.

One of the people Merkle tapped was Niles Brooks ’20. Brooks, an international relations major from Memphis, Tennessee, headed Building Leaders on Campus (BLOC) at Pomona as well as Young Men’s Circle, a community outreach program. The two knew each other through playing together on the Pomona-Pitzer men’s soccer team. Merkle saw Brooks serving as a “spiritual center” for Rhizome, calling him “one of the most morally wonderful people” he has met.

Niles Brooks ’20Others at Pomona apparently agreed. Brooks won the Ted Gleason Award, given annually to the student who made a warm-hearted contribution to the community life of the College through traits such as sympathy, friendliness, good cheer, generosity and, particularly, perseverance and courage.

Brooks’ nonprofit work is partly inspired by his grandparents. “I learned from a young age what it meant to not have basic civil liberties in this country. My grandparents were folks who grew up in Jim Crow segregation,” he says. “Anytime I can leverage my experiences to help others, I will do that.”

Brooks believes in the work of Rhizome because “the younger we become civically engaged, the more likely we’ll treat civic engagement as a lifelong leadership activity.”

Through the support of Merkle, Brooks and other mentors, more than 600 students in organizing fellowships at 125 high schools have taken on campaigns such as advocating for safety policies in their cities, feminine hygiene products in their school bathrooms or spreading information about democracy vouchers—a recently developed finance method that allows voters to select recipients of public funding for political campaigns. Additionally, fellows helped more than 7,000 peers register to vote last year, and Merkle hopes to build on that number this year.

“Whatever it is that fellows care most about, we want to provide support for them to take action around those ideas,” says Merkle.

Merkle repeatedly strikes a spiritual tone as he speaks about his work. He and Brooks trained with the James Lawson Institute, a program for organizing movements and nonviolent action. (The Rev. Lawson, a contemporary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and a leading architect of the civil rights movement, spoke at Pomona along with Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 in the inaugural Payton Distinguished Lectureship in 2018.)

“I think organizing is at some level always an act of faith,” Merkle says. “A belief in things unseen.”

This faith could be applied to Merkle’s long-term vision for Rhizome as well. In it for the long haul, he says, he hopes to make local chapters of the organizing fellowship accessible to students in every community across the country someday.

“We are in the nascent stages of building something that we think is going to get really big and beautiful,” says Merkle.

Rhizome (rai•zowm)

“Rhizomes are root systems that grow horizontally in unpredictable directions without beginning or end. Rhizomes are always in-process, always growing, always adapting to form symbiotic relationships with existing forms of life. We are a self-organizing system; deeper than grassroots.” Projects

Miami, FL: Advocating for access to free public transportation systems

Cary, NC: Organizing for feminine hygiene products in bathrooms

Newark, NJ: Meeting with the mayor on how to reduce peer-to-peer violence

Seattle, WA: Sharing information about how to use democracy vouchers

Nashville, TN: Joining James Lawson Institute for an intensive four-day training

Raleigh, NC: Running mutual aid campaigns to reduce youth food insecurity

Newark, NJ: Participating in a mental health forum with local city council

Teamwork: Another National Title for Women’s Water Polo


Teamwork: Another National Title for Women’s Water Polo

The wire-to-wire No. 1 team in Division III women’s water polo this season had to go the extra distance to bring home its second consecutive national championship.

Pomona-Pitzer flew two time zones to play in the four-team USA Water Polo Division III National Championship tournament in Rock Island, Illinois, only to meet Sixth Street rival Claremont-Mudd-Scripps (CMS) in the title game.

The Athenas pressed the Sagehens even further, taking them to overtime before Pomona-Pitzer won the championship, 14-13, after CMS just missed a shot in the final seconds of the second overtime period.

With that, the Sagehens defended the Division III title they won at home in Haldeman Pool last year. The NCAA holds only a single-division championship tournament dominated by Division I programs, but USA Water Polo sponsors a Division III title for men and women.

“I want to thank USA Water Polo for stepping up and organizing this tournament,” Sagehens Coach Alex Rodriguez said. “They are providing an experience for our student-athletes that was not available before.”

CMS came from behind and forced overtime with four seconds left in regulation when Cooper McKenna ’24 made good on a five-meter penalty shot to tie the score at 12-12.

“I think the world of the CMS coaching staff and they had their team prepared to fight,” Rodriguez said.

The Sagehens netted the winning goal early in the second overtime period on a hard shot by Alexandra Szczerba ’25. CMS couldn’t break through against goalkeeper Zosia Amberger ’25, hitting the crossbar in the final seconds before the Sagehens sealed it with a steal.

Abigail Wiesenthal ’24, who scored six goals in the final game and four in the semifinal, earned most valuable player honors. She was joined on the eight-player all-tournament team by Szczerba and Namlhun Jachung PZ ’24.

With the win, the Sagehens repeated their triple titles of a year ago, winning the SCIAC regular-season championship, the SCIAC tournament championship and the USA Water Polo Division III title.

Another National Title for Women’s Water Polo

Still, Pomona-Pitzer’s 26-10 record doesn’t fully tell the tale. The Sagehens stood up to Division I teams all season, taking on a powerhouse schedule to prepare to defend their 2022 Division III title. As a result, they finished the season not only ranked No. 1 in D-III—they also ranked No. 22 in the all-division poll dominated by D-I teams.

They pulled their biggest upset in a game against then-No. 11 Indiana, claiming the best win in program history against a ranked opponent. They also defeated then-No. 22 Long Island University, a team that reached the NCAA tournament.

“When we play D-I teams, most of the time we’re the David in the David-and-Goliath situation,” said Madison Lewis ’24, the Sagehens co-captain along with Wiesenthal. That’s true, said Amberger, who as goalie has the task of facing likely future Olympians from teams like Stanford and USC.

“We obviously did win one, which was super amazing,” Amberger said.

Senior Plans

As campus emptied after Commencement on May 14, new graduates from the Class of 2023 fanned out to jobs, graduate schools and other ventures across the U.S. and around the world. We asked some of them to share their plans and perhaps a thought about their time at Pomona.

Maddie AschMaddie Asch

International Relations
Associate Consultant
The Bridgespan Group

“My time at Pomona taught me that I want to work in a field where I’m constantly learning and can think critically about how to create positive social change. That’s why I’m so excited to work for a nonprofit consulting company whose clients are exclusively nonprofits and philanthropists.”

Vera BergerVera Berger

Mathematics and Physics
Master’s of Philosophy in Scientific Computing
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, England

“The physics behind stellar flares is interesting and somewhat mysterious. I’m hoping to focus my research at Cambridge on simulations of plasma or magnetic activity similar to what we might see in flaring stars.”

Isabel FajardoIsabel Fajardo

Psychological Science
Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Minor
Teach for America
Washington, D.C.

“I think it’s probably the most important job in the world to uplift the most vulnerable, which are children.”

Jordan HoogstedenJordan Hoogsteden

Public Policy Analysis (Politics)
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts

“The Pomona community’s lively commitment to social justice helped me realize that I wanted to pursue a career in public interest. I hope to use my law degree to become a public defender.”

Alex KerAlex Ker

Computer Science
Math and Philosophy Minors
Master’s in Computer Science
New York

“Pomona’s liberal arts environment helped refine my interests and deepen my skills, from founding an organization like (artificial intelligence incubator for projects and ideas) to participating in the Randall Lewis Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship program at CMC and teaching writing to area youth once a week. I feel prepared for graduate school and to build a startup in the artificial intelligence/machine learning space.”

Louie KulberLouie Kulber

Classics and Molecular Biology
Columbia University
New York

“The Pomona science classes do a particularly good job at cultivating scientific inquiry and making you really curious. An M.D.-Ph.D. is all about being curious and creative and thinking about new ways to solve problems, and Pomona really sets you up to do that.”

Sean PerezSean Perez

Ph.D. in Genome Sciences
University of Washington

“I will be attending graduate school in hope of earning my Ph.D. in genetics and bioinformatics with the long-term goal of returning to Pomona as a professor.”

Taylor VenencianoTaylor Venenciano

Physics Scientist
Areté Associates
Northridge, California

“The Physics/Astro Department at Pomona has helped me to become passionate about and confident in trying to solve difficult problems. I’m hoping to continue to solve difficult problems at my first job and throughout my career.”

John West Jr.John West Jr.

Africana Studies
Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Justice
University of Illinois Chicago

“I chose UIC Criminology, Law and Justice so that I can continue my work as an educator and activist within my home city, Chicago. Pomona allowed me to build relationships with educators like Professor J Finley interested in my personal and intellectual growth.”

Sabrina YuSabrina Yu

Investment Banking Analyst
Jefferies Financial Group
New York

“I came to Pomona because I knew I loved learning but had no idea what I wanted to study. Four years later, I’m heading into finance thanks to all the clubs I was given the opportunity to be part of that allowed me to hone in on my interests (through lots of trial and error!). I’m excited to start my career in a field that’ll let me continue to explore my intellectual curiosity—a trait that has developed so much at Pomona.”

Instagram Highlights

Leading up to commencement, Class of 2023 were showcased weekly in a series called Senior Spotlight:

marley evansMarley Evans

Evans, who is from Dallas, double majored in economic psychology and dance.

One of her proudest accomplishments was having the opportunity to design her own major. With tremendous support from her special major committee, Economics Professor Eleanor Brown, Assistant Economics Professor Malte Dold, and Psychological Science and Asian American Studies Professor Sharon Goto, Evans was able to combine her interests in economics, psychology, consumer behavior, product development and human-centered design into an economic psychology major and, ultimately, her senior thesis. She is deeply grateful to her professors for the unique opportunity to create an area of study she is truly passionate about.

Evans was a part of the dance programs at Pomona and Scripps. She performed in the Pomona and Scripps “In the Works” concert as her last college dance show. As she danced her final pieces with fellow cast members and took a final bow, Evans realized what a true gift from God this art has been for her throughout her life but especially throughout college. She also was in Claremont Christian Fellowship (CCF), a loving community she is proud to have been a part of.

Evans plans to pursue a future in the realm of product development, product marketing and product management. She also is exploring how she can use her skills in an entrepreneurial career as well as finding needs, solving problems and providing support in various industries where she can lend a hand.

“As cliche as it is, everything happens for a reason. Not only did I get to fall more in love with my passion for dance and create a perfectly fitted major for my interests, but Pomona was also the place where I truly found myself and my faith through times of trial and through times of great joy. I don’t believe it all could’ve happened anywhere else,” she says.

Michael Hwang

Hwang is a molecular biology major from Ann Arbor, Michigan. During his time at Pomona College, Hwang helped transition the Music Mentors Program from a 5C club to an official program at the Draper Center. Mentors connect students at The Claremont Colleges with youth from surrounding underserved communities to provide free music lessons.

Hwang also had the opportunity to coordinate this year’s Alternabreak trip to Washington, D.C. Alternabreak is a program that provides students with the opportunity to leave campus and engage with the broader community during spring break. Despite the challenges of reviving and reshaping the program after a three-year hiatus, the experience was incredibly rewarding and Hwang is proud to have been a part of the effort in preserving the program’s legacy.

He says he has had the privilege of finding mentors who have had a significant impact on his personal and academic growth. Among them are Associate Professor of Biology Sara Olson, Dylan Worcester at the Quantitative Skills Center and Rita Shaw at the Draper Center. These people have helped him celebrate triumphs as well as work through several setbacks during his time at Pomona. Although he will miss the support system they provided, he is grateful to have formed meaningful relationships with them.

“In retrospect, I realize that one of the most valuable aspects of attending Pomona has been the opportunity to connect with people from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Being able to see the world through so many different perspectives has been truly transformative and eye-opening,” he says.

After graduation, Hwang will be conducting clinical research in pediatric endocrinology through the 2023 NIDDK Distinguished Postbaccalaureate Scholars Program at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland. He will work on clinical trials focused on treating diabetes, metabolic disorders and kidney diseases that disproportionately burden underserved communities.

Yutong NiuYutong Niu

A double major in economics and international relations, Niu will begin her career as an associate consultant for OC&C Strategy Consultants in New York.

“The strong alumni network that Pomona provides allowed me to learn about different fields and industries and build meaningful connections,” she says. “In the process of connecting with fellow alumni, I was truly humbled by their passion, achievements and dedication to helping current students succeed.”

Anvitha Reddy PentaparthyAnvitha Reddy Pentaparthy

Pentaparthy is a media studies major from Hyderabad, India. She chose Pomona for its liberal arts experience to explore different areas of interest, build one-on-one relationships with professors and students, and to belong to a tight-knit community that is both diverse and welcoming.

Apart from the friends and relationships she has made here, Pentaparthy says she will miss the beautiful campus the most—the views of the snow-covered mountains and sunsets on Marston Quad are her absolute favorite.

One of her most meaningful projects at Pomona was her senior thesis. Her project included a gallery installation that documented how international students in Claremont, specifically from South Asia, have found a home away from home through Shaila Andrabi, who is the coordinator of Muslim Life at The Claremont Colleges. Pentaparthy’s project delved into the concepts of identity, community and hybridity—themes that represent the immigrant experience.

She also interned at Sony Pictures Entertainment on its global team. Breaking into entertainment, she says, is already difficult without being an international student and that it had been a dream to be able to work at a studio that has produced some of her favorite content.

Beyond Pomona, Pentaparthy plans to go to graduate school this fall and is excited to continue her career in entertainment, specifically within global content.

“I’m grateful to Pomona for teaching me that I can weather adversity and emerge stronger for it. My time here has given me confidence in myself—I can uproot myself, travel across the world, and still find a sense of home, community, and belonging no matter where I go. Moreover, I think Pomona has given me the immensely useful tool of critical thinking that I believe will be handy no matter what direction my future takes,” she says.

Delmy RuizDelmy Ruiz

Ruiz is a public policy analysis major with a concentration in biology from Los Angeles. She chose Pomona because she wanted an institution conducive to her pursuit of a pre-med career path. In the last four years, she has participated in programs such as the Pomona Science Scholars and Prehealth Advising that have been integral in helping her find a community as she pursues a career in science.

During her time at Pomona, Ruiz has been a Draper Center Student Coordinator, a resident advisor for three years, a RAISE (Remote Alternative Independent Summer Experience) scholar, a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar, a Fulbright Fellow, and an NIH (National Institutes of Health) Research Fellow. One of Ruiz’s most meaningful experiences at Pomona College was being a volunteer with the Draper Center, which allowed her to give back to the surrounding community in efforts to promote health equity. As a volunteer, she interacts with and supports uninsured and underinsured patients who otherwise would have found it difficult to navigate the healthcare system on their own.

After graduating, Ruiz plans to move to the Washington, D.C., area for nine months to take a position in a lab focused on studying the immunopathogenesis of HIV. Afterward, she will be taking on a Fulbright fellowship in Brazil, where she will be researching healthcare innovations in northern and southern states. After two gap years, she hopes to matriculate in an M.D. program. She says she has been fortunate to have created a strong support system at Pomona.

“I am going to miss the people and the professors. I have met some of the most motivated students and some of my most inspiring mentors here,” she says.

Joshua SuhJoshua David Suh

Suh is a mathematics major and music minor from Cypress, California. He chose Pomona College because of its intimate community and environment. He says he will miss the faculty on campus the most: “They really offered me such a wealth of information. I felt like with certain faculty I made such a genuine connection, and I’m definitely going to miss seeing them in my day-to-day life.”

Pomona taught him to explore what life has to offer and not be afraid to try new things, Suh says. Outside the classroom, he has tried ballroom dancing, mahjong, clarinet and classical voice, and was part of Pomona’s jazz, West African, and Afro-Cuban music ensembles. Suh also was part of the Mood Swing a cappella group and has taken voice lessons with Ursula Kleinceke, a lecturer in the Music Department, since his first year of college. Before Pomona, he had never sung before but learning from Kleinecke has given him confidence, the necessary technique and a genuine joy for performing.

Suh also has been awarded the art prize for Tabula Rasa, the 5C philosophy journal, for a piece he recorded called “Cat and Mouse,” an improvisational composition of piano and saxophone based on a paper written by Derek Li titled “Problems for a Platonic Idea of Logic.”

In addition, Suh was selected as a participant in a PreLaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) Program with Boston University associated with the Law School Admissions Council. He plans to attend law school.

“I think Pomona College really made me a Renaissance man and instilled in me a desire to keep continually learning and exploring what this world has to offer,” he says. “Pomona definitely allowed me to blossom into the person that I feel I am and has given me the strength and confidence to tackle whatever life’s challenges come my way.”

Kristin WaltersKristin Walters

A mathematics major from Coral Springs, Florida, Walters came to Pomona College as a Miami Posse Scholar.

She was involved in student government, serving as ASPC vice president of student affairs. Walters says she was passionate about working on student issues and cultivating traditions and values at Pomona. She also was a coordinator for the Draper Center, working with Sista-2-Sista and the Pomona College Academy for Youth Success (PAYS).

Walters says the most meaningful experience she had at Pomona was the very first summer she worked with the PAYS program: “It was the best summer ever and I learned a lot about who I am that summer.”

She also learned how to play the oboe and piano and worked with Spotlight Musical Theatre, a 5C student-run musical theatre organization, as a sound designer.

In the future, Walters wants to become a sound designer for animated superhero movies and plans to work with nonprofit organizations to continue giving back to her community.

She says the interdisciplinary experience at Pomona College taught her to think outside of the box. Most importantly, she learned that “just because something is hard does not mean it cannot be done.”

Luke WilliamsLuke Williams

Williams, originally from San Diego, transferred to Pomona his sophomore year because he saw how “active and engaged” students were here. “Pomona has so many resources,” he says. “As a transfer, I was especially grateful for these resources and was able to take advantage of many of them.”

Earlier this month, at the Undergraduate Conference on the European Union, he presented a paper he wrote for his Social Comparative Policy class titled “A Comparative Look at Spain and Italy’s paternity leave policies.”

“I’m really grateful to Pomona College because it’s provided me with a ton of research experience,” he says. “I was able to build connections with faculty as a student, a research assistant and as a teaching assistant. Professors helped me set up internships volunteering at local schools and encouraged me to continue research and apply to conferences.”

Outside of classes, he played for the varsity and club tennis teams, served as a college advisor for Pomona College Academy for Youth Success (PAYS) and was a member of the Bridge Club at The Claremont Colleges, earning second place at the national collegiate bowl.

A politics major and psychology minor, he discovered a passion for working with children while he was a TA for a child development class. After graduating, he is headed to the University of Washington for a combined masters and Ph.D. program in school psychology.

Grace FanGrace Fan

Fan, who is from Irvine, California, majored in public policy analysis major and anthropology. During her time at Pomona, she had great opportunities through internships to learn more about federal and state legislatures at our nation’s and state’s capitols. Through Pomona’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP), she also conducted research with Politics Professor Sara Sadhwani on Asian American political representation.

Fan had the chance to interview established political players and write a piece that was published by ABC-CLIO, a publishing company for academic reference works and periodicals, primarily on topics such as history and social sciences. A student athlete at Pomona, she played volleyball for Pomona-Pitzer for four years.

Fan says she initially chose Pomona because of the classic appeal of a “small, liberal arts college in sunny SoCal.”

“But in retrospect, Pomona has been so much more—to find a community where everyone has a genuine love of learning at a school that celebrates cross-functional and interdisciplinary thinking is so rare,” she says. “I’ve actually never taken classes in my four years here that I didn’t enjoy—and that is definitely an extremely unique experience.”

Beyond Pomona, Fan plans to join a boutique consulting firm focused on corporate sustainability and ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) policies. In the longer term, she is considering pursuing a master’s of public policy or a J.D., and aims to do impactful policy-adjacent work at the federal level.

“Even though it was only 2.75 years in person, I’m infinitely grateful to have spent my college years here,” she says.