Pomona College Alumni Award recipients, from left: Ann Rose Davie ’58, Peter Shelton ’73, Linda Alvarado ’73 and Michelle Williams Court ’88.
Congratulations to Our 2023 Alumni Award Winners
A committee of past presidents from the Pomona College Alumni Association Board has selected the 2023 alumni award recipients.
Three alumni received the Blaisdell Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of high achievement in their professions or community service: Linda Alvarado ’73, Michelle Williams Court ’88 and Peter Shelton ’73. These alumni have carried the spirit of the College into the world and embodied the inscription on the College Gates: “They only are loyal to this college who departing bear their added riches in trust for mankind.”
In addition, Ann Rose Davie ’58 was honored with the Alumni Distinguished Service Award in recognition of her selfless commitment and ongoing volunteer service to the College.
To learn more about this year’s award recipients, visit 2023 Pomona College Alumni Awards Announced.
That’s a Wrap: Alumni Weekend and Reunion Celebrations 2023
More than 1,300 Sagehens returned to Pomona April 27-30 to celebrate Alumni Weekend and Reunions on a fully decked-out Marston Quad and other iconic campus spaces. In addition to places across the U.S., alumni and guests traveled from Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Canada and Mexico to reunite and reminisce with classmates, professors, staff members—and of course, Cecil! Class years ending in 3 or 8 celebrated milestone reunions ranging from the fifth through 70th this year as Pomona welcomed back eight decades of alumni, ages 23 to 93.
Alumni Weekend offered more than 160 programs and events, including signature events such as A Taste of Pomona Wine Tasting with alumni vintners, the Friday night All-Class Dinner on the Quad, Reunion Class Dinners across campus, the Party at the Wash and Class Parade through the Gates. Other programs included Blaisdell Alumni Award winners’ talks at Ideas@Pomona and presentations from faculty and the dean of the College. For the first time, several events were also livestreamed this year.
Next year’s Alumni Weekend and Reunion Celebrations will be April 25-28, 2024, and will celebrate reunions of class years ending in 4 or 9. Remember, all alumni are welcome to attend whether in a reunion year or not—so mark your calendars. Chirp!
For more Alumni Weekend photos and to watch the recorded livestreamed events, visit Alumni Weekend and Reunion Celebrations.
There’s still time to make your reunion gift!
Give now at GiveCampus: Pomona College.
A Refresh for Seaver House
Just in time for Alumni Weekend, Pomona’s alumni house, Seaver House, reopened its doors with a warm welcome and a new look. Sagehens were invited to a special open house to meet with Alumni Board members and get a first peek at Seaver’s new alumni photo galleries, items from the new Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 archival collection and a short documentary on her life, as well as tour the house’s beautifully updated interior. If you find yourself on campus, be sure to stop by for a visit and say hello to the Alumni and Family Engagement team.
Given to the College in 1979 by the Seaver family, Seaver House was built in 1900 and moved from its original location on East Holt Avenue in the nearby city of Pomona to its current site on the Pomona College campus in 1979, where it has since served as the home of the College’s alumni. Read Seaver’s exciting relocation story and see a photo of the move in action at Pomona Timeline: 1979.
Learn more about the Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 Collection at Pomona College at Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 Collection at Pomona College.
Alumni Association Board Chirps, Farewells and Welcomes
Cecil sends hearty chirps of gratitude to the Alumni Association Board and regional alumni chapter leaders who were out in full force throughout Alumni Weekend to assist and celebrate with visiting Sagehens! Board members helped with check-in, A Taste of Pomona and reunion class photos and dinners, among many other events throughout the weekend. They also presented the Class of 2023 graduates-to-be with their Commencement stoles on behalf of the Alumni Association and partnered with the Career Development Office at the CDO’s Alumni Weekend Chirp and Chat mixer to talk careers, graduate school and Pomona memories with current students and alumni.
The Alumni Board also met as the weekend wrapped up to ratify new president-elect Andrea Venezia ’91, who will take office for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2024, and to say an in-person thank you to members whose terms end this June 30:
Paula Gonzalez ’95
Megan Kaes Long ’08
Vicki Paterno ’75
Veronica Roman ’95
Dominic Yoong ’88
The board also ratified new members whose three-year terms begin this July 1:
Miguel Delgado ’20
Stuart Friedel ’08
Toran Langford ’21
Te’auna Patterson ’18
Tricia Sipowicz ’85
Jim Sutton ’84
Thank You, Nathan Dean ’10
Forty-seven chirps to Nathan Dean ’10, who closes out his term as our National Chair of Annual Giving on June 30. During his two years as chair, Dean worked closely with the College’s Annual Giving team to support multiple fundraising campaigns and crowdfunding initiatives. Last year, he helped to raise $5.3 million for the Pomona College Annual Fund, which supported student and faculty needs like financial aid, academic programs, research and internship opportunities and more. Huge thanks to Dean for his time and dedication in serving in this crucial volunteer role for Pomona!
Learn more about annual giving impact at Annual Giving Impact Report.
Reminder! Give by June 30 to make your Sagehen impact now.
Give at Pomona College: Give.