Summer 2015 /American Dreamers/

88 Years Ago

Photo of the Marjorie Maude Bell ’28 Scrapbook from the Pomona College Archives

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ITEMThe Marjorie Maude Bell ’28 Scrapbook
COLLECTIONOne of 37 scrapbooks currently in the Pomona College Archives collection, ranging from the Class of 1901 to the Class of 1972.
DESCRIPTION240-page scrapbook (12” X 9” X 6”), jammed with pasted-in invitations, dance cards with attached pencils, tickets, programs, clippings and other memorabilia from Southern California college life in the 1920s.
ORIGINThe scrapbook was donated by Karen McDaniel, Ms.Bell’s niece, who explained: “She graduated in 1928, and her brother Gilbert Clyde Bell, (my grandfather) graduatedin 1927. She was a very involved student: secretary of her senior class, president of Phi Kappa Sigma literary society,sorority sister of Alpha Chi Omega, among other positions.”
If you have an item from Pomona’s history that you’d like tosee preserved in the Archives, please call 909-621-8138.