Spring 2014 /California/

How Your Gifts Support Daring Minds

Gifts from 16,457 alumni, parents, students and friends of the College lifted Campaign Pomona:

Daring Minds above the $200 million milestone late last year. Launched in 2010, the campaign already has provided funding for initiatives to support students and faculty, expand financial aid, build new facilities and increase programming in the arts and music.

Your gifts have:

• Expanded financial aid

Providing an affordable education to every admitted student remains the College’s top priority. Gifts of all sizes have helped meet this growing need for financial aid, which supports 56 percent of all Pomona students this year.

• Created a summer internship program

Since 2011, 80 students have participated in paid summer internships in eight states and 10 countries. More than 125 parents helped spearhead the drive to raise funding for internships.

• Increased support for summer research

More than $8 million has been raised for student summer research in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities

• Built two residence halls

Sontag and Pomona halls house 153 seniors in residences that meet the nation’s most stringent environmental standards.

• Contributed to the cost of two important new academic buildings

A new Millikan Hall will feature a digital planetarium, state-of-the art labs and innovative classrooms.

The new center for studio arts will have cutting-edge facilities and flexible studio spaces that invite collaboration.

With less than two years left to reach our goal of $250 million, we need your help to fulfill our promise to faculty and students, and to support, challenge and inspire the next generation of Daring Minds.

Thank you!

To learn more about how to support Campaign Pomona: Daring Minds, go to www.pomona.edu/giving or call Pamela Besnard, Vice President for Advancement, at 909-621-8192
