THE MAJESTIC San Gabriel Mountains, Pomona College’s ever-present backdrop, are now a national monument encompassing 350,000 acres of scenic, rugged terrain. President Barack Obama visited nearby Bonelli Regional Park in October to sign the proclamation, saying, “We are blessed to have the most beautiful landscapes in the world.” For Pomona students, the nearby mountains have always been a favorite spot for recreation, but they also serve as a key site for field trips and student research in geology and other fields. The College’s shared one-meter telescope at Table Mountain Observatory is located high in the mountains near the resort town of Wrightwood.
Blog Articles
Do You Speak Sagehen?
POMONA HAS ITS own ever-evolving set of unique words that only have meaning on the Pomona campus. Here are a few special words and phrases that are vital to understanding life at Pomona today.
Spo-gro — Short for “sponsor group,” this is a word students are likely to hear frequently during their first year at Pomona, and possibly for the rest of their lives. Designed to help students make a smooth transition to college, the Sponsor Program clusters first-year students into sponsor groups of about 15 students who live together in a residence hall, along with older students who help them settle into the Pomona community.
OA — OA stands for Orientation Adventure, the three-day trip that all first-years go on before they start class. There are various derivations of this word, such as “OA-by,” which is what you may be introduced as if you encounter your OA leader at a party.
Table Manners, Pub, Bloc, Tap — At Pomona, the term “Table Manners” doesn’t refer to a set of polite social behaviors every student should learn. For today’s Sagehens, it’s the name of a party thrown in Doms Lounge of the Smith Campus Center every Tuesday night. Other parties that take place on campus weekly have equally cryptic names, such as Pub, Bloc and Tap.
Sustainable Numbers
The number of gallons of water the College expects to save each year due to new pH controllers installed on its 10 water-cooling towers. Purchased last March, the new controllers reduce the number of water replacement cycles in building air conditioning systems.
The number of pounds of used appliances, furnishings, books and other items (including 100+ couches) saved from the landfill last May in the College’s Clean Sweep, which picks up items left behind in residence halls for resale the next fall. This year’s sale raised more than $9,500 for sustainability programs.
The number of new low-flow faucets and showerheads installed as part of the College’s Drought Action Plan. The College also reduced irrigation to landscaped areas by at least 20%, timed watering schedules for night-time and prohibited washing of outside walkways.
The number of bicycles available to students last year through the College’s Green Bikes program, in which students check out bikes for the entire semester and learn how to repair and maintain them.
The percentage of produce served in Pomona’s dining halls last year that came from local sources
How Classes Are Born
POMONA OFFERS MORE than 600 classes in 47 majors, and each year new courses are born. Here’s a look at the origins of seven of the newest:
1) Behaviorial Economics (Professor of Economics John Clithero ’05) was added by popular student demand. It explores a growing subfield that attempts to incorporate more psychologically plausible assumptions into the traditional economic model of “unbounded rationality.”
2) Laughing Matters (Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures Jose Cartagena-Calderón) grew out of the professor’s research into the meaning and value of humor in Hispanic literature and art.
3) Anthropology of Food (Professor of Anthropology Drew Gladney) explores food and culture with special attention to food taboos and security issues. The course was born out of a discussion of California’s ban on foie gras in an Introduction to Anthropology class.
4) Genes and Behavior (Professor of Neuroscience Elizabeth Glater) originated in a conference the professor attended that focused on the gap between what the public believes and what studies have shown about the dominant influence of genes on behavior. The class examines the science behind the fundamental question of “nature vs. nurture.”
5) The Science of Empire (Professor Pey-Yi Chu) explores the history of science in connection with the expansion of European empires. The class grew out of a book Chu is writing on the history of frozen earth and permafrost research in Russia and the Soviet Union.
6) Surveillance and the Media (Professor of Media Studies Mark Andrejevic) was created in the wake of recent revelations about the NSA and increasingly intrusive technologies of surveillance. Originating in the professor’s writings, it examines “how the media in which we are immersed double as tools for monitoring and surveillance.”
7) Disability Studies (Hentyle Yapp, Mellon Chau Post-Doctoral Fellow in Gender and Women’s Studies) was formed to examine the changing definitions and approaches to the concept of disability and related areas of activism as part of Pomona’s emphasis on Dynamics of Difference and Power.
Rocking Studio Art
A SELECTION OF interesting rocks placed in the courtyard of the new Studio Art Hall will serve as instructional tools, artistic inspiration—and occasional outdoor seating.
The idea came from Art Professor Michael O’Malley and Geology Professors Bob Gaines and Jade Star Lackey. Original plans calling for the placement of some generic granite stones were replaced by a more eclectic arrangement of rocks as a way to enliven the building’s stark open spaces, inspire young artists and bring in other disciplines. The Geology Department plans to use the rocks as teaching tools in introductory courses.
“Artists draw inspiration and knowledge from all sources,” says O’Malley. “As a sculptor, I love learning about stones and the fascinating stories behind them. The art faculty hopes that the building draws students from across the campus, and we saw the stones as a device to create a more complex community.”
Standouts among the stones include a brilliant sheet of green quartzite from Utah and a dazzling marble boulderin its raw, unpolished form. One rock, a checkered block of granite, even has a strong connection to the L.A. art world, having been discovered in the same Riverside quarry as Michael Heizer’s Levitated Mass installation at LACMA.
Preston Versus Amazon

THE WORDS THAT galvanized a thousand authors to speak out against a powerful corporate retailer were written along a dirt road, in an 8-by-10 shack, by a wispy-haired, self-described “wimp.”
This past year Amazon spent many months in testy negotiations with Hachette, the fourth-largest book publisher in the U.S. When no agreement had been reached by May, Amazon began delaying shipment of Hachette books, shutting down pre-orders, and even removing the publisher’s titles from its all-important recommendation algorithms.
Such gestures aren’t trivial—when the entity responsible for selling 40 percent of America’s printed books makes yours difficult to buy, sales drop.
Sitting here on the deck of his spacious summer house overlooking Maine’s pristine Muscongus Bay, thriller writer Douglas Preston ’78 clearly isn’t worried for his own livelihood. He’s published more than a dozen best-sellers and cultivated a devout following that will find him with or without Amazon.
But what keeps him up at night—and what spurred him to write 500 words that put his name in the headlines and a sizable thorn in Amazon’s side—is thinking about all the young authors that he says have been “held hostage in the middle of a back-room deal between two big corporations.”
In June, Preston penned an informal letter about Amazon’s actions, with the idea that a few writers might co-sign. After famous friends like Stephen King and Nora Roberts started spreading the word, the letter went viral, and within a matter of days more than 900 of his peers had gotten on-board and joined the group that Preston had dubbed “Authors United.”
It wasn’t a completely united front—a vocal contingent of self-published authors posted lengthy screeds online calling him a “one-percenter,” a “pinhead” and worse, while Amazon reps dismissed him in the press as “entitled” and “an opportunist.” When Amazon found out that he planned to publish his letter as a full-page ad in The New York Times, the company’s head of e-books tracked down his phone number and called to issue veiled threats and try to stop him.
Preston shrugs when he reflects on how the situation escalated and how he, improbably, became the face behind a movement that he never set out to lead.
“I’ve never been much of an activist about these things,” he says. “But [Amazon’s tactics] felt like an act of betrayal. We writers helped a struggling start-up become one of the world’s largest companies, and this is how they repay us?”
Amazon’s path to global dominance hasn’t come without making some enemies. CEO Jeff Bezos has internally referred to his team’s business strategy as “the Gazelle Project,” in that Amazon approaches publishers “the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle.”
The Hachette dispute is far from Amazon’s first: in 2010 it deleted the “buy” option for all MacMillan books, which quickly forced the publisher to cave in during negotiations. The company often paints publishing houses as middlemen and gatekeepers—relics from another era whose skills at distribution and publicity have been rendered moot by instant downloads and viral word-of-mouth.
Many self-published authors agree. Sci-fi writer Hugh Howey has collected more than 8,000 signatures for a petition arguing that companies like Hachette are “resisting technology” rather than adapting to the changing times.
Preston, naturally, begs to differ. He sees publishers as vital curators, editors and investors, and believes that the biggest challenge for Authors United is, ironically enough, telling the right stories.
Here’s his: it’s 1978, and he’s a fresh-faced college grad creating communications content for the American Museum of Natural History. The job pays peanuts but lets him explore all of the museum’s hidden treasures, from majestic butterfly exhibits to a hair-raising “dinosaur graveyard” in the basement.
A few years into the gig, he gives a tour to an editor named Lincoln Child, who suggests that he pull his anecdotes into a book.
While novels can often be cobbled together on nights and weekends, Preston’s journalistic writing would require some heavy daytime reporting. As a first-time author, Preston isn’t in a position to drop everything to write, but his publisher St. Martin’s Press gives him an advance of $7,200 that lets him take six months off from his job.
“Without that cash, there’d be no first book and I might not even be doing this for a living right now,” he says.
The experience made Preston recognize the importance of publishers as venture capitalists for ideas—a tradition that, in a sense, extends back to the Renaissance, when royal families like the Medicis funded artwork by Michelangelo and Sandro Botticelli.
“These publishers supported me when I was unknown and believed in me enough to keep releasing my books even when the first few didn’t sell,” says Preston, who’s been with Hachette for 20 years. “What’s lost in the narrative is that, if authors couldn’t get advances, an awful lot of extremely important books wouldn’t get written.”
As with most business disputes, Amazon and Hachette’s boils down to dollar signs. Their main disagreement has revolved around e-books, which now make up almost a third of the market. Currently 30 percent of each e-book’s revenues go to Amazon, and 70 percent go to Hachette, which then carves out a cut for the author (usually 10 to 15 percent). While nobody knows exactly what was happening behind closed doors during negotiations, Amazon was reportedly pressing for 50 percent of revenues.
What’s also at stake are e-book prices themselves. Amazon has famously been selling many e-books at a loss, and says that prices above $9.99 hurt overall sales. Hachette, meanwhile, has been reluctant to set a precedent for lower prices that might cannibalize hardcover sales.
Preston says he has no particular problems with $10 e-books, but at the same time is flummoxed by the animosity leveled at authors whose books are being sold for a few dollars more.
“Some people have said e-books should be cheaper because they’re ‘just words,’ but then why isn’t anybody out picketing the makers of ‘Grand Theft Auto’ for charging $65 for a video game that’s ‘just electrons?’” he asks. “It devalues all the work that goes into the creative process. Is every book really worth just $9.99 to you?”
Amazon has likened e-books to paperbacks, another technological advance that lowered literature’s costs but also allowed for its increased availability. Many authors would counter that the Amazon-driven trend toward lower and lower e-book prices threatens the long-term viability of the entire profession.
“Amazon is doing the same thing Spotify is doing—treating creative content as though it were a commodity, like a TV set or a vacuum,” Preston says. “They’ve spurred a massive price devaluation of books that’s caused consumers to expect artificially low prices—and the net result is that it’s now exceedingly difficult for young authors to make a living.”
It’s not just first-time authors who’ve felt the pinch, which is why many authors were wary about signing a letter like Preston’s that would pit them against such a massive retail juggernaut. Novelist Lucy Ferriss ’75 was gung-ho about Authors United last summer, but as the publication date of her next book approached, she started reflecting on the wide reach of Amazon, which owns both the review site Goodreads and Audible (the seller of the majority of the world’s audiobooks).
“It becomes much more real when your own sales are tied into it,” Ferriss says. “It’s startling to realize how much of my personal investment as an author is caught up in getting good results with Amazon.”
Despite her reservations, she’s stayed on-board—in no small part because of Preston’s dedication. She recalls that when he and his brother Richard ’76 (a fellow writer) joined Pomona’s literary magazine Passwords, it only took a matter of weeks for her team of editors to voluntarily hand over control.
“They were impeccably organized, they had goals, and we were hopelessly incompetent,” she says with a laugh. “With Authors United, it doesn’t surprise me that Doug’s been able to essentially herd an army of feral cats. Once he decides to get something done, he does it.”
Since the initial letter, Authors United tried to reach out directly to members of the Amazon Board, with no luck. Preston was also approached by a team of prestigious pro bono lawyers who will be submitting a formal brief for the Department of Justice that outlines Amazon’s antitrust violations. He hopes it will encourage, if not an actual lawsuit, then at least more transparency on the part of retailers and publishers’ business dealings.
“Amazon makes most publishers sign non-disclosure agreements, such that we don’t even know what’s going on with these contracts,” he says. “What’s the nature of these relationships, and what is Amazon asking for? The DOJ has to bring this all out in the open so the American people can look at the facts for themselves.”
When I met with Preston on a crisp autumn morning in October, he sounded frustrated and a tad overwhelmed. He was promoting the publication of his third novel of 2014, gearing up for a book fair in United Arab Emirates, working on the next installment in his popular “Pendergast” series, and fielding phone calls from journalists about the ongoing publishing feud.
“Truth be told, I’m sick and tired of the situation, and would love to get rid of Authors United and go back to writing books,” he told me then.
Less than a month later, Hachette and Amazon reached a deal that made Hachette responsible for setting e-book prices, but also gave Amazon the opportunity to offer “specific financial incentives for Hachette to deliver lower prices.”
Preston views the resolution as just the end of one battle in a larger war for writers, publishers and retailers. Despite the tedious and thankless nature of his role, he says he takes comfort in the fact that his efforts have put a spotlight on the changing landscape of his industry—and the tricky economics that come with being an author in the digital age.
“If nothing else, it’s reassuring to look at the list of folks who’ve signed the letter and see everyone from cookbook authors and sci-fi writers to poets and Nobel laureates,” he says. “I’ve been in this industry long enough to know that it’s rare to get writers to agree on anything.”
Axioms to Grind & Rhyme and Punishment
These posthumously published tomes by Richard Armour ’27 were edited by his son, Geoff Armour ’63. Axioms to Grind includes 900 of Armour’s famed aphorisms. Rhyme and Punishment is his autobiography.
Phoenix Publishing Group 2012 / 225 pages / $14.95
Phoenix Publishing Group 2013 / 122 pages / $14.95
In a visually stunning sequel to his Caldecott Honor-winning picture book Journey, Aaron Becker ’96 offers the second installment in an intended trilogy of brightly colored fantasy adventures without words.
Candlewick 2014 / 40 pages / $15.99
Clavichord for Beginners
Joan Benson ’46, a champion of the clavichord in the modern world, offers a method book for practitioners and enthusiasts alike, including a master class DVD and a CD of Benson performing.
Indiana University Press 2014 / 144 pages / $50.00
The Shelburne Escape Line
Reanne Hemingway-Douglass ’63 tells the little-known World War II story of an escape route that the French Resistance used to rescue Allied airmen shot down over France.
Cave Art Press 2014 / 104 pages / $18.95
Plato’s Rivalry with Medicine
A Struggle and Its Dissolution
Susan Levin ’84, professor of philosophy at Smith College, examines the famous philosopher’s evolving engagement with the subject of medicine and argues that his works have much to offer in the world of bioethics.
Oxford University Press 2014 / 320 pages / $65.00
Fractured Legacy
In his sixth novel, Charles Neff ’54 revisits the Pacific Northwest, where a clash between an old family legacy, tribal land rights, and a marriage in trouble results in a suspicious death, threatening the lives of those who try to solve it.
Bennett & Hastings Publishing 2014 / 276 pages / $14.95
Sky Blue Stone
The Turquoise Trade in World History
Assistant Professor of History Arash Khazeni examines the origins, trade, and circulation of turquoise in the history of Islamic Eurasia and global encounters between empire and nature.
University of California Press 2014 / 216 pages / $29.95
An American Lyric
A National Book Award finalist, Professor of English Claudia Rankine’s meditation on race recounts the racial aggressions of daily life in America in a progression of revealing vignettes.
Graywolf Press 2014 / 160 pages / $20.00
Making Waves: Youth-Led Change

DURING VISITS TO her hometown of Baltimore while she was a student at Pomona, Celia Neustadt ’12 started to notice some interesting shifts in the makeup of the city’s public spaces. The Inner Harbor waterfront, long seen by locals as a tourist-only enclave, had started attracting black teens from around the city looking for a place to shop and meet friends, a big change from when Neustadt herself was a Baltimore City high school student.
The influx of a new crowd, however, had also sparked new tensions. Complaints and concerns from business owners over loitering, theft and “rowdy” behavior were leading to curfews that prevented groups of teens from enjoying thedowntown district at night and after school, and bans that kept them out of popular clothing stores. Negative iteractions with police and security staff added to the resentment felt by Baltimore youth. The friction was palpable, Neustadt recalls, as she walked around the Harbor one night after an Orioles baseball game.
“Not only were there more teenagers than I remembered, but it felt kind of tense. There was a feeling in the air, like if someone lit a match, it would spread like wildfire.”
Intrigued and concerned, Neustadt came back to Pomona for her senior year and began making connections between her own observations and concepts she was studying as a sociology major.
“I had become really interested in these ideas about the power of public spaces,” she says. “I wanted to see if teens were intentionally staking a claim to this space, and figure out how they were using it.”
Neustadt channeled her curiosity into a proposal for a youth-led research team that would help amplify the voices of young people of color who felt excluded from the area. After winning a Napier Grant designed to promote leadership in social change, she went back to Baltimore the summer after her graduation and kicked off a new community organization, the Inner Harbor Project (IHP).
Since its launch in 2012, the IHP has brought together a cohort of high school students from neighborhoods around Baltimore to try to uncover the sources of conflict in the city’s downtown. Building on a tradition in social justice work known as participatory action research, the IHP’s student staffers have combed the city to hold focus groups with other teens, while also interviewing stakeholders such as land developers, security companies and business owners.
The conversations have shed some much-needed light on the issue. Community leaders now have a better understanding of why the Harbor is so valuable to young people looking for a vibrant and inclusive space to call their own.
“Teenagers don’t have that many places to go to in Baltimore, and so they really flock to the Inner Harbor,” Neustadt explains. “They feel like they’ve lucked into this larger world.”
Still, the project has also put a focus on problems like encounters between teens and police, which often cause mistrust and lead to more serious confrontations down the road. To create a takeaway for policymakers and officials, the group used its findings to draw up a list of proposals to reduce tensions and improve safety, catching the attention of local media and politicians. Some of their recommendations were even incorporated into the city’s most recent master plan for the waterfront district.
Neustadt, who says the response from City Hall and local businesses has been “overwhelmingly positive,” credits the Inner Harbor Project’s success to the teens themselves and their ability to draw upon their own lived experiences.
“This organization is about recognizing the extreme potential that these young people have to effect change in their city,” she insists. “They and only they have the answers to this issue that has people at the city level scratching their heads.”
While Neustadt is modest about her own contributions, others stress how her clear values and vision laid the foundation for the program and the positive results that have followed.
“I think Celia’s commitment to community and change has been instrumental in this work,” says Professor of Sociology and Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Gilda Ochoa, a trusted mentor from Pomona who encouraged Neustadt to involve youth in the project and work from their perspective.
Looking ahead, Neustadt is hopeful that the organization might serve as a model for other cities that struggle with conflict between police and youth of color at their tourist attractions, mentioning locations like the French Quarter in New Orleans and Millennium Park in Chicago.
“This is my attempt to create a little ounce of change, to create a structure for having a discussion about inequality and the way spaces are used. I don’t see myself doing anything else for a long time.”
Alumni News
Sagehens Flock to Fall Networking Events
Last fall, as students convened on campus for another year of discovery, collaboration and fun, hundreds of alumni and friends also came together to learn and laugh in a series of networking events hosted by Pomona.
In November, more than 120 Sagehens braved the rain in Washington, D.C., to attend the College’s third annual “Pomona in the City.” Held at the stunning Carnegie Institution for Science, the event was hosted by Susanne Garvey ’74. Alumni, parents and friends mingled and enjoyed lectures from Pomona faculty Pierre Englebert, David Menefee-Libey, Cameron Munter, Mary Paster, John Seery and Lenny Seligman, and from President David Oxtoby.
Sagehens on the right coast also flocked to the College’s first East Coast Career Networking Series, with events in New York City, Boston and Washington, D.C. The NYC event, hosted by John Popp ’78, was headlined by The New York Times education reporter Richard Pérez-Peña ’84. In Boston, award-winning architect Chris Chu ’76 shared highlights of her career journey (including a feature on HGTV’s “This Old House Boston”), and the series concluded in the Beltway with remarks by Mikey Dickerson ’01, Chief Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service (and subject of fall’s PCM cover story).
Meanwhile, on the West Coast, Sagehen volunteers spearheaded a San Francisco Tech Happy Hour, and dozens of alumni and current Pomona students gathered at the City Club for the perennial Los Angeles Finance Networking Event, overseen this year by Meg Lodise ’85.
In December, the Los Angeles Entrepreneurship and Investing Alumni Panel, hosted by Marcia Goodstein ’86 at her Idealab offices in Pasadena, closed out an exciting events season for Pomona alumni and friends.
Thank you to the many Sagehen hosts, speakers and attendees who participated in the success of these spirited events. To be sure you hear about upcoming networking events in your area, bookmark the College events calendar at, join the Pomona Alumni Facebook group at sagehens and make sure your contact information is up to date by emailing
Worldwide Happy Hour on March 11
Mark your calendar. The next Claremont Colleges Worldwide Happy Hour is scheduled for March 11, 2015. Held every year in September and March, the Happy Hour brings together hundreds of alumni from all seven Claremont Colleges at dozens of bars and restaurants around the world. Want to make sure there’s a Happy Hour near you? Consider hosting and adding your own city to the list! For more information, contact Lauren Bergeron ’05 at
Connecting Sagehens
Looking for a useful tool to locate and connect with Pomona alums in your area or during travels? Sagehen Connect has been helping Pomona alums get in touch since fall 2013. This free app is available through the iTunes App Store and Google Play and offers easy mobile access to fun and helpful features such as:
- searchable alumni directory
- mapped results of nearby alumni
- alumni information via LinkedIn
- the Alumni Events Calendar
- Pomona-Pitzer sports
- news, schedules, broadcasts
To get connected, just grab your iPhone or Android and visit Chirp!
Chirp Along With Sagehens on Pomona’s Social Media
Meet up with fellow alumni online for discussions of all varieties, new and “throwback” Pomona pictures, alumni news and events, Sagehen sports and more. Join groups/sagehens and follow @SagehenAlumni on Twitter to get in on the fun and to share your own Pomoniana (include #47sightings and #pomonacollege in your posts and tweets!).
Hawaiian Seascapes (Big Island to Molokai)
With Geology Professor Rick Hazlett
Dec. 5–12, 2015
Board the Safari Explorer for a seven-day cruise from the Big Island of Hawaii to Molokai, with stops on West Maui and the “private island” of Lanai. Enjoy dramatic volcanic backdrops, marine life sightings, and opportunities for snorkeling, kayaking and paddleboarding. Join Geology Professor Rick Hazlett for this seagoing tour, with a look into the islands’ volcanic origins, history and diversity of sea life. Highlights include a night snorkel with giant Pacific manta rays, a marine life search in the Humpback National Marine Sanctuary and an evening pa’ina (feast) and Hawaiian jam session on Molokai.
From Angles to Angels: The Christianization of Barbarian England
With History Professor Ken Wolf TBA (2015 or 2016)
The eighth in a series of alumni walking trips with a medieval theme, this is the first involving the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to appreciate the fascinating history (captured by the Venerable Bede) of the conversion of the barbarian conquerors of England, starring the Irish and Roman missionaries. In Scotland, you will visit Kilmartin, Dumbarton and Loch Lomond; in England, Lindisfarne, Hadrian’s Wall and Durham Cathedral.
For more information about these or any of our other trips, please contact the Pomona College Alumni Office at (909) 621-8110 or
Daring Minds
These are the words I used four years ago to explain why we were then launching a five-year campaign to raise $250 million in support of some very ambitious goals. My point is the same now as it was then: This isn’t just about Pomona. It’s about the future. And it’s about all of us.
Over the past four years, Daring Minds has become more than the name of a fundraising campaign. The words have been adopted by Pomona students, alumni and faculty in various ways as they strive to express what happens here and why it matters. It has caught on among members of the Pomona family, I think, because it captures something essential to the Pomona experience—something that simply feels true to those who have lived this place, directly or vicariously, and taken a piece of it away with them. Pomona is truly made up of men and women who are both highly talented and venturesome by choice, and a Pomona education provides the foundation necessary for such people to grow in confidence and ability and, ultimately, to make a difference in the world. The results, on display in every issue of PCM, speak for themselves.
Of course, when we talk about daring minds, we tend to emphasize the exceptional cases—daring minds, writ large, so to speak. The main features in this issue are no exception. In the field of science, the work of genetic researcher Jennifer Doudna ’85 is now acclaimed the world over, and its ripple effects are likely to touch all of our lives in profoundly positive ways in the years to come. On the artistic side, the creativity of Tony Award-winning playwright, director and producer George C. Wolfe ’76 at the new Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta is bringing the inspiring story of the American civil rights movement to new generations in extraordinarily powerful ways.
But in this issue, you’ll also find people you probably haven’t seen in the media. For instance, you’ll read about David Wang ’09, who is trying to start a conversation about Beijing’s congested transportation systems by teaching small groups of people to build their own bamboo bicycles, and like Celia Neustadt ’12, who is mobilizing teenagers in Baltimore to work with local government to resolve difficult problems in urban development. And as evidence that this isn’t just about recent generations, there’s the story of physicist Richard Post ’40, who at the age of 96 is still using his innovative genius to build something that will improve people’s lives.
My point is that this is about all of us who have been touched through the years by the ethos and the opportunities that are Pomona College. This is about every member of the Pomona family who heeds the famous charge on our gates—to bear their added riches in trust for humankind—and tries to live it day by day. It’s about people who care about our common future and are moved to do something about it, whatever their walk of life and whatever the reach of their actions. It’s about teachers preparing the next generation. It’s about doctors caring for those in distress. It’s about businesspeople seeking to build something beneficial and lasting. It’s about those who strengthen their local communities in any of a thousand ways.
The world needs the daring minds who walk through Pomona’s gates each year, and that makes this college worthy of all of our support. With one year to go to the end of Campaign Pomona: Daring Minds, there is still much to be done for the daring minds of the future. I hope you’ll join us as we work to make Pomona an even better place for them to thrive and grow.
—David W. Oxtoby, President of Pomona College