
Letter Box

The Liberal Arts for Life

I was pleased to see your Pomona College Magazine article devoted to the value of liberal arts (Spring 2024). As one whose four years at Pomona included courses in over 20 departments, a semester in India, a history major, completion of pre-med requirements and evenings spent hanging around the music department, I loved the breadth of opportunities that Pomona provided. And, yes, some of those “non-career-prep” courses did help me in my work—for example, giving me tools to author successful textbooks and edit a scientific journal.

But the real value of my liberal arts education was that it made the non-work aspects of my life much fuller and more enjoyable. So I wish that your article had said more about this side of liberal arts.

I understand that our society these days tends to define return on investment in terms of dollars and cents, but the older I get the more I realize that it’s what makes you happy that matters, and Pomona’s contribution to that aspect of my life was squarely in the liberal arts opportunities it provided.

—Philip D. Sloane ’72
Professor of Family Medicine and Geriatrics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Praise for PCM, Aid for Middle-Income Students

Congrats on the “Value” issue (Spring 2024).

I think the cover is exceptional—eye catching, artistic, clever with math, musical and DNA symbols. The diamond representing “value” was quite creative.

The article about supporting the financially mid-level students is timely in my opinion.

Keep up the good work.

—Ron Smith ’63
Newport Beach, California

A ’60s Activist’s Take on Politicized Campuses

The subject of your piece is obviously of great interest, and I appreciate your effort to cover the waterfront in the limited space at hand. That said, I was disappointed that what strikes me as by far the most compelling issue driving the turn against liberal arts colleges—the politicization of the campus—is mentioned only briefly in your editor’s letter.

FYI, I was a political activist at Pomona in the 1960s, and having in the course of my career as a journalist moved to the right, I look back on the changes wrought by radicals like me at places like Pomona with regret and shame. It was a truly diverse intellectual campus when I arrived in 1966, far less so when I left in 1970; and on the basis of everything I see, a frighteningly narrow place today. And it’s a good guess a fair number of my fellow elderly grads feel the same. This is hardly unique to Pomona, of course, or even to colleges. My kids went to Fieldston in New York, and while it’s always defined itself as a progressive place, I’d be horrified if my grandkids were there today. And, alas, reading of the evident near-uniformity of thought in Claremont on issues of race, gender and now the Middle East, I feel very nearly the same way about Pomona.

Yours is an alumni magazine, and I understand you are not in the business of stirring the pot. Still, it’s unfortunate that as an interested alum I have to go to The Claremont Independent to find [other news coverage of campus].

—Harry Stein ’70
New York

Closer Look at Classroom Photo

Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies Aimee Bahng, right of the podium, leads a discussion in her Race, Gender and the Environment class.

Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies Aimee Bahng, right of the podium, leads a discussion in her Race, Gender and the Environment class.

It was with great anticipation that I turned to your cover story on “The Value of the Liberal Arts.” Over a lifetime, Pomona’s liberal arts education has served me well both personally and professionally.

I was briefly thrown off by reference early in the story to “the gender and women’s studies class” since it is one of the newest and least established parts of the liberal arts curriculum. This mention felt a bit like the tyranny of political correctness (pc). But I continued to read until I took a close look at the photo of a class on gender studies, which covers the top of the right-hand page in this feature article’s two-page spread. Of the 19 people seated around the table, 17 or 18 are women and only one or two are men.

Those who seek to demonize gender studies charge them with being militant feminism, a.k.a. reverse sexism in disguise. Yet they have the potential to be of great value at a time when surveys show a larger divergence in life attitudes among young women and men than in the past. The big question is whether gender studies bridge this gap or widen it. The class photo is not encouraging in this regard. It suggests Pomona is not marketing gender studies to students in a way that is equally inviting to men and women, and thus is not inclusive.

That Pomona’s magazine could overlook the glaring implication of this photo suggests it is in the grip of an ideology regarding the need to promote gender studies as the new flagship of liberal arts. In this case, PC has fallen into the trap of being pc. Please take a closer look at such messaging.

—Glenn Pascall ’64
Dana Point, California

Arrest of Protesters on Campus

First, my bona fides. My great-grandfather, Edwin C. Norton, was Pomona’s first dean. My grandfather, Ralph Lyman, put Pomona on the map by introducing European classical music to Southern California and mentoring Robert Shaw, later mentored by Arturo Toscanini. Shaw was the greatest choral conductor of his time in America.

Now the war has come to us. No surprise that. The question faced all over our country is how do those in power deal with student unrest.

I am beyond appalled by how President G. Gabrielle Starr chose to militarize her response.

—David Lyman, ’66
South Pasadena, California

Editor’s note: Read more on the April 5 arrests of 20 people, including seven Pomona students, during a masked protest in Alexander Hall.


The article “A New Community Space in the City of Pomona” on page 8 of the Spring 2024 issue incorrectly referred to David Armstrong ’62 as deceased. Armstrong, founder of the American Museum of Ceramic Art on Garey Avenue in Pomona, still visits the museum almost daily as it undergoes a major remodel. At 51,000 square feet, it is the largest such ceramics museum in the United States. Pomona College Magazine regrets the error.

Write to Us at PCM

Pomona College Magazine welcomes brief letters to the editor about the magazine and issues related to the College from the extended Pomona community—alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, donors and others with a strong connection to the College. Write to us at PCM or mail a letter to Pomona College Magazine, 550 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711. Letters should include the writer’s name, city and state of residence, class year for alumni and contact information. With rare exceptions, letters should be no more than 400 words in length. Letters are selected for publication based on relevance and available space and are subject to being edited for brevity and clarity.

Stray Thoughts: Leaving Campus

Working on a college campus lends itself to looking back on your own college years.

With this issue of the magazine, I think again about how I never considered studying in another country while I was in school.

For one thing, I assumed it was too expensive because the only students I knew who did seemed to be alumni of New England boarding schools and I was from a public high school, one of four children in my family headed to college and already paying out-of-state tuition.

For another, this was the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Michael Jordan and Kenny Smith were my contemporaries. I didn’t want to miss any basketball games.

Only when I went to Europe the winter break before my final semester with a friend who was already working and generous with his frequent flyer miles did I see how much more actually using the language I had studied, seeing the art and architecture I had written about and standing in the places where history happened made me want to learn more.

After that—and once I was earning my own frequent flyer miles—I spent a lot of my 20s and 30s traveling to Latin America, various countries in Europe and later to Australia, each time coming back more interested in the literature, languages, history and current-day politics of those places than when I’d left.

Studying internationally already is much more part of the culture at Pomona than it was at UNC then, with about half of Pomona students studying away from campus, either internationally or in a domestic program.

One of the goals of the Global Pomona Project that inspired this issue is that every Pomona student will meaningfully engage with global learning, whether from abroad or here in the U.S.

What’s more, global education on campus is going to get a huge boost in coming years with the announcement of planning for the Pomona College Center for Global Engagement.

As for study away from campus: To ensure equal access for all students, financial aid transfers 100% for students participating in study away through Pomona College during the academic year. In addition, national and program-specific scholarships are available for fall, spring, academic year and summer study away from campus.

Think of that: A student reliant almost entirely on financial aid has as much chance to study internationally as one whose family goes to Europe on vacations.

Simply the awareness that it’s possible for any student to study in another country or another part of the U.S. means so much. I hope scanning the list of countries and cities on the list at the Office of International and Domestic Programs and its website will become as common as looking at the catalog to pick classes for upcoming semesters.

Thinking about all the opportunities Pomona students have starts to make me want to travel again after years of being worn out from traveling for work. Which brings me to personal news: My six-plus years at Pomona are coming to an end as I take early retirement to spend some vital years with people I love—and maybe do a little freelance study abroad, too.

I’m thankful for my time at the College and the privilege of working on these pages and getting to know so many alumni, students, professors and colleagues who have given me enjoyment, taught me things I didn’t know and kept me feeling younger than I am.

With gratitude,

—Robyn Norwood

Stray Thoughts: Questions About the Value and the Cost of College

You learn a lot at high school sports events, and not just about which parents will yell at the refs or snipe about their son’s or daughter’s playing time.

Sitting in the stands at our son’s water polo games and swim meets a few years back, I’d listen as people talked about their children and college. The University of California schools dominated the conversation along with occasional Ivy League or military academy aspirations, and sometimes the firm conviction that community college was the smart way to go.

What I wasn’t prepared for was the anti-college sentiment. There was a dad who had earned a nice living and built a good family life while working as a manager somewhere in the vast port complex along the Southern California coast. For the life of him, he couldn’t understand why his son wanted to go to college to study finance when he could set him up on the waterfront. But it was another father’s comments that stopped me cold. What he wanted for his son was “anything but college,” an attitude I’ve shortened in my mind to ABC.

I didn’t know him well enough to know if his attitude was tied up in the political divide over higher education, with some on the right viewing colleges and universities as places only for those on the left. Perhaps it reflected his own experience: He must have done well without college, building a business in construction, I think, so why did his son need to spend four years and tens if not hundreds of thousands looking for another way?

Education as the route to a better life is deeply entrenched among many lower-income and immigrant families, often convinced that having a doctor in the family is the way to success. High-income families with a tradition of college-going value education, too—perhaps for itself, perhaps as a way for their children to be able to match the standard of living they have attained, or perhaps as a matter of pride or prestige.

But among middle-income families, it has become more hit and miss. While the national conversation about what colleges can do to enroll low-income students has grown louder over the past decade, it’s safe to say that the conversation about what’s being done for middle-income families largely has been sidelined. Although Pomona meets the full demonstrated need of all students who are eligible for need-based aid—and without loans—many middle-income families don’t look past the published tuition number.

When I ran into a woman I know and learned her daughter had just been awarded a Fulbright after graduating from a small liberal arts-focused university in the Pacific Northwest that offers merit aid, I congratulated her and mentioned that I work at Pomona. “We looked at Pomona but didn’t even apply after we saw the price tag,” she told me. I felt a sting, but it was too late to urge her to run the MyinTuition calculator (myintuition.org), which also can be found on Pomona’s Admissions web pages.

As Pomona College President G. Gabrielle Starr writes on page 40 in introducing our Middle Income Initiative, Pomona is taking a new approach on financial aid. We will continue our longstanding financial support for lower-income students and expand support for students from middle-income families to make Pomona more accessible to students from a full range of incomes.

That’s because while we proudly reflect the array of races and ethnicities in this country, we do not reflect the full economic spectrum.

Let’s see what we can do about that.

Letter Box

What To Do with Old Mailboxes?

Old Mailboxes

As USC’s first full-time university archivist, I had no hesitation in positing a solution as to how to preserve and repurpose all of the “lovely old mailboxes” removed from Smith Campus Center by turning to a form of a time capsule.

Assign six of the mailboxes across to each class year since, let’s say, 1950 and invite members of each graduation class to reach some consensus as to what small-sized document or memorabilia might best testify to the history or notable contribution of that class and add such archival gems going forward to each present and future class’s six “document” boxes.

I don’t know where the college archives are housed on campus, but if space is available, that hopefully subterranean space for such an organic special collection would be an excellent home to preserve Pomona history from the student body’s perspective. Examples of this might include music, photos, publications, diaries and original scholarship in the handy form of flash drives, DVDs, etc., together with small mementos. I’m sure you can add to this list.

What say you all?

—Paul Christopher ’58

Pebble Beach, CA

1923 Football Captain, AKA ‘Dad’


Herb Mooney in 1924

That was such a nice surprise, to open my Pomona magazine and see my dad, Herb Mooney 1924, looking back at me (“100 Years Ago: The Sagehens vs. the Trojans in the L.A. Coliseum,” Fall 2023). What a great guy.

Delightful story. Just to keep the record straight, it isn’t that “five of his children” went to Pomona, but that “his five children” went to Pomona.

My father loved Pomona, and he loved football, and we used to see Mr. [Ranney C.] Draper 1925 when we went to games. Thank you for calling attention to a team of very good sports on a very special occasion in a very different era.

Way to go. Take a bow.

—Jane E. Mooney Carter ’65

Marshalltown, Iowa

A Toast to Pomona’s Winemakers

Thank you to Adam Rogers ’92 for a wonderfully informative interview chockful of winemaking insights with Cathy Corison ’75 (Fall 2023).

As a transplant now living in Europe (or the Old World, as the wine milieu would have it), while I possess the luxury of enjoying artisanal, well-made wines from independent-spirited vintners for a relative pittance—down with the three-tier U.S. wine distribution system!—I still hanker now and then for a taste of home in the form of the blessed Californian sunshine that ripens grapes like clockwork.

A person touching various colored grapes

It’s actually quite rare that American wines are imported into Europe, given the general high labor and land costs as well as a bombastically stereotypical style, full of oak and tannin. And yet, almost without fail the likes of Chappellet [founded by the late Donn Chappellet ’54] and Corison are nearly universally admired by discerning palates and cited as New World exemplars that could have easily found roots in the Old World, even mistaken for an example originating from metropole Bordeaux.

Napa has become Disneyfied, where the economics of land acquisition and homogenous vinification also mean costs that are passed on to the taster and consumer, both monetarily and in the loss of terroir. Chapeau for our Sagehen trailblazers with their steadfast conviction to make wine that expresses the gifts of the fecund earth. I raise a glass of Kronos Vineyard or Pritchard Hill to those who concur.

—Cliff Wu ’08
‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Remembering Professor Richard MacMillen ’54

Dick MacMillen’s profound influence on my life began my freshman year at Pomona College in the spring semester of 1964, when I enrolled in General Zoology, a course he instructed for some 100 students, many of whom had aspirations of medical school. By the end of the semester, I was sure that I would not be among those headed for the glories of medical practice.

Instead, I became charmed by ecology, evolutionary biology and the special interests in “physiological ecology” that Dick portrayed: How do animals survive and reproduce in deserts, where heat and aridity prevail along with scarcity and unpredictability of vital resources? Dick demonstrated his love of desert physiological ecology by offering us first-year students a field trip out to the creosote bush scrub near Palm Springs, where he showed us how to catch desert iguanas and take their body temperatures with a miniature mercury thermometer. The lizards started off the morning relatively cool but climbed to body temperatures remarkably greater than standard human body temperature, showing us they were anything but “cold-blooded.” Then as the desert became too hot for even the lizards to tolerate, they retired to their underground burrows, while we Homo sapiens hung around sweating it out to complete our documentation that the lizards were in fact disappearing below ground for the duration of the excessive midday heat.

My sophomore year, I enrolled in Dick’s Comparative Anatomy course in the fall and his Animal Ecology field course in spring. An added highlight was the Zoology Department spring break trip Dick led to San Carlos Bay in Sonora, Mexico. Desert rodents (kangaroo rats!) and lizards abounded in the desert scrub and cactus, but snorkel-diving for spiny lobsters in the reefs just off the beach served as an introduction to marine biology—not to mention feasting on fresh lobster boiled in a big pot on a wood campfire.

My senior year was Dick’s first sabbatical to Australia, but during his absence from Claremont he put me in touch with Professor George Bartholomew at UCLA, with whom he had recently completed his Ph.D. I followed Dick’s path to Westwood. Later, my own first sabbatical was to Australia, and by happy coincidence that year (1983-84) was Dick’s third major stay in Australia, which allowed us to meet up again Down Under.

Dick’s guidance continued over a lifetime, as he moved from Pomona to UC Irvine, where he influenced my experiences as I figured out my dissertation and made postdoc plans. I’m happy to say I reached Dick by phone on his 91st birthday last April, a few months before his passing. His kind and gentle manner, sincerity, sense of humor and love of the academic life and natural history will remain a memory deeply imprinted in my mind.

—Jim Kenagy ’67

Emeritus Professor of Biology

University of Washington

Editor’s note: An obituary for Richard “Dick” MacMillen ’54 P’05, who taught at Pomona from 1960 to 1968, appears on page.

Stray Thoughts: Doing By Learning

A class taught by Professor Shahriar Shahriari.

A class taught by Professor Shahriar Shahriari.

I’m not much for college slogans that aren’t old and in Latin, but there’s one that stands out to me: Learn by Doing.

While California’s polytechnic universities have taken up that mantra, many Pomona College alumni, it seems to me, take the opposite approach: They do by learning.

Again and again, I encounter people who have taken an intense academic interest and turned it into a related but less-than-obvious entrepreneurial path. In this issue, we explore a few of those in the realms of food and drink.

Consider Kim Selkoe ’97, who has a Ph.D. in marine ecology, and Doug Bush ’94, who earned a master’s degree in animal science. They each sell seafood for a living, applying their knowledge to expand the sustainable seafood industry along the coast of Southern California.

Like Selkoe and Bush, Cathy Corison ’75 was a biology major at Pomona. After an extracurricular wine-tasting class, she headed to UC Davis and earned a master’s degree in viticulture and enology. She has been a lauded Napa Valley winemaker for decades, but Corison still can be found out among her vines, pruning by hand and nurturing the grapes that produce the noted cabernet sauvignons of Corison Winery.

Sana Javeri Kadri ’16 made an even greater entrepreneurial leap. An art major at Pomona, she landed on a Forbes 30 Under 30 list five years after graduating as the founder and CEO of Diaspora Co., a spice importer. With a focus on reinventing the ancient spice trade, providing fair prices for farmers—and an absolutely stunning Instagram—Javeri Kadri has melded several of the academic interests she pursued during her days on campus.

There is no business major at Pomona, of course. But the training in critical thinking, research, organizational skills and a certain get-right-to-it quality often lay the groundwork for starting a business—which after all is a fundamentally creative endeavor.

Many other Pomona alumni work in the world of food, including some focused on providing for more basic needs than the rather epicurean businesses we feature in this issue. One who leaps to mind is Yi Li ’16, a former McKinsey & Co. engagement manager who is co-founder and CEO of FarmWorks Agriculture in Kenya. FarmWorks is a startup that aims to address food security and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides training in regenerative agriculture, technology and market access to more than 5,000 small-scale Kenyan farmers. FarmWorks’ ambitions, however, are not small. The company recently raised more than $4 million in impact and venture capital to strengthen its data analytics capabilities and to learn to use AI to enhance production and influence planting and lending decisions.

Back to this issue, though. It’s meant to be on the lighter side, and we hope it will leave you ready to raise a glass and enjoy a good meal.

Letter Box

The Women Behind Mufti

Thank you to the four women who shed their anonymity to reveal the secret of Mufti’s founding. I grew up in Claremont, surrounded by the traditions and lore of the campuses, including a healthy respect for Mufti—possibly instilled in me by a relative who may have been a member at some point along the way (though since they’ve yet to admit membership, I’ll continue to shield their identity). As a student in the early ’80s, I appreciated the wit, targeted wisdom and biting commentary Mufti provided us in an era marked by so many cultural and political transitions. And with all of that, what a delightful revelation to discover it was women of South Campus in the late 1950s who challenged cultural norms and rigidity in an effort to seek parity with their male North Campus counterparts. While I consider myself a feminist and an academically trained historian of women and gender studies, it never once occurred to me that Mufti could have been founded by women—shame on me, and 47 chirps to them! Of course this begs the question: “In what other ways have the voices and actions of women on the Pomona campus been silenced or lost over time?” Perhaps a rising senior history and/or gender studies major could take this on as their thesis for next year?

—Julie Siebel ’84

Balboa Island, California

‘PCM’ Honored

Our Bird’s Beginnings. All Right! Time to find out where I come from… Story by Robyn Norwood, Illustrated by Eric Melgosa

Our Bird’s Beginnings. All Right! Time to find out where I come from… Story by Robyn Norwood, Illustrated by Eric Melgosa

Pomona College Magazine received a 2023 Circle of Excellence Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for “Our Bird’s Beginnings,” a graphic story about the origins of Cecil Sagehen that appeared in PCM’s Spring 2022 issue. Judges praised the comic, illustrated by Eric Melgosa and written by Robyn Norwood and collaborators in the Office of Communications, for creativity, ingenuity and clever wordplay, selecting the story for a gold award in the category of writing/profile (less than 1,000 words). The judges also applauded the comic for “highlighting the unsung heroes on college campuses.” You can read the full comic.

Hey Ref! We’ve Come a Long Way

What a great joy for me to read of Melissa Barlow ’87 officiating women’s NCAA tournament games!

Melissa Barlow ’87

Melissa Barlow ’87

She brings back 1958 memories of entering Pomona as an avid basketball player, only to find women’s basketball a missing sport on campus. Having gone to an all-girls high school where basketball was the sport sans males to steal the athletic limelight, I was greatly disappointed with this omission, to say the least.

Once settled into my freshman year, this sport continued to haunt me and finally stirred within the motivation to try to muster up a team. I began by spotting women of above-average height and inviting them to play. A sufficient number of women were eager to do so, with some never having played the sport before. We began with rag-a-tag demonstration games in Renwick Gym, charging the guys an entry fee for the “special” privilege of watching. Gradually, other colleges were engaged in unofficial and unrecorded contests but the seed was thereby sown nonetheless. One cannot help but be grateful for those who then carried the banner in one fashion or another to eventually make this an official women’s sport on campus.

—Susan Tippett Bruch ’62

Santa Barbara, California

P.S. As a 5-foot-11 guard, I never had to learn how to make a basket because in those days, both guards and forwards were forbidden from crossing the center line! Furthermore, once I retrieved a rebound, I was only allowed three dribbles to get it to a forward teammate on the other side lest one might incur a foul. Obviously it was thought that this sport, played as men did, was too taxing for us ladies. … Heaven forbid! Yes, we as women in the world of sports have truly come a long, long way. Thank you, Melissa, for your current Pomona claim to fame in the world of basketball.

Letter Box

Mufti Origins Revealed

Early Mufti messages were simple yet cryptic. One citing “Vincent,” above, was a reference to History Professor Vincent Learnihan, who taught at Pomona from 1949-82.

Early Mufti messages
were simple yet cryptic. One citing
“Vincent,” above, was a reference to History Professor Vincent Learnihan, who taught at Pomona from 1949-82.

After over 60 years of silence, we founding members of Mufti wish to offer a bit of Pomona history. Over the years we have been pleased to see occasional references to Mufti and are thrilled that once again, “Mufti is near.”

Mufti was started in 1958 by four women, all juniors, with strong senses of humor and mischief. We lived in Harwood Court, a women’s dorm complete with all-seeing head residents, 10 p.m. curfews and overnight locked doors. We admired the occasional strange events that occurred on campus, pulled off by unknown perpetrators: a letter on the College president’s stationery announcing amazing new rules for College behavior, the ringing of the bell in the Little Bridges bell tower during unusual hours of the day and night, and creative enhancements of the Orozco mural in Frary Dining Hall.

Who were the perpetrators and how did they do it? We knew a particular group of men was having all of the fun and we wanted to match them with a creative but subtle response! We started with orange footprints painted on the pathways of the quad. That approach became too time-consuming so we turned to simple messages plastered on mailboxes, lampposts and buildings, signed “Mufti.” We would sneak out of the dorm at 4 a.m., post our mysterious messages throughout the campus, go out to breakfast and return in time to attend our 8 a.m. classes.

Our senior year, we were “pillars of the community.” Our group included the president of the Associated Women Students, the chair of the AWS Judiciary and several members of the senior women’s May Court. Who would guess that we were Mufti?

By then living in Blaisdell, a senior-sophomore women’s dorm, we recruited

four sophomores who committed to carrying on the Mufti legacy with whole-hearted devotion. And that they did! We have lost track of those who carried the torch, but we toast you all.

We had such fun breaking the dorm rules and making people pause to wonder who could be behind the messages. We have unearthed a few original Mufti messages. They are simpler than those shared in the Pomoniana piece (Winter 2023), but we are thrilled that Mufti has survived and evolved and we say, “All Hail.”

—Jean Wentworth Bush Guerin ’60
Alice Taylor Holmes ’60
Martha Tams Barthold ’60
Thomasine Wilson ’60 (RIP)

Another Generation’s Protests

In 1980, students of The Claremont Colleges held the largest anti-Reagan protest in the country. It was so large and boisterous that a friend who had recently graduated from Pomona saw it on the evening news in Malaysia. We feared so many things should Ronald Reagan become president: nuclear escalation, further environmental degradation, the demise of the middle class—and the loss of women’s right to abortion, only recently won.

There is no satisfaction in being right.

My sign read, “Motherhood is Optional”; a male friend’s said, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Too.” On the verge of adulthood, it was inconceivable that neither would be true 40 years in the future—and much earlier for those without the advantages of place and privilege that we possessed.

So I was gratified to see the very thoughtful and informative article “The Choice I Make” by Dr. Atsuko Koyama ’96 in the latest edition of PCM. Reading “While all of the air has been knocked out of me as I raise a young girl in a state where legislators and the courts have control over our bodies,” I struggled to breathe, too. Who are we if we don’t have control over our own bodies? Who are we if we are complacent in California while girls and women in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi and too many more states suffer from the loss of their basic human rights?

It took courage for Koyama to write this piece and for our alumni magazine to publish it. Thank you for making us proud.

—Sheri Cardo ’81
Petaluma, California

Remembering Irving Rosenthal ’52

I appreciated the fullness of the obituary for Irving Rosenthal ’52 (Winter 2023). Although I graduated five years later in 1957 and would not have known him there, I became acquainted with Irving in the 1960s when I was a partner in Auerhahn Press, which published Beat Generation writers. One of our poets was John Wieners, much admired by Irving.

—Andrew Hoyem ’57
Honorary Doctor of Letters ’15
San Francisco

On Choice

I really appreciate the article “The Choice I Make” (Winter 2023). We need more people and physicians like Atsuko Koyama ’96. She is so right that choice is not only about abortion. It is about equal access to medical care for all, control over our own bodies. As she says,  “Reproductive justice is the right to have children, to not have children, and to raise the children you have in safe, sustainable communities.”

—D.B. Zane ’85
Los Angeles
Editor’s note: Koyama credits the group Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice with coining and defining the term reproductive justice in 1994.

Families of Children with Rare Diseases

Being the parent of a child with a devastating, ultra-rare disease can be incredibly lonely. It means a lifetime membership in a club you never want to see another family join. So it was with mixed feelings that I read “Moonshots for Unicorns” (Winter 2023) about Zach Landman ’08 and the journey he and his family are going through with their daughter.

Justin West ’96 holds his son Andrew during one of Andrew’s many stays in the hospital as an infant.

Justin West ’96 holds his son Andrew during one of Andrew’s many stays in the hospital as an infant.

My wife and I are also both physicians. We met in medical school and did our residencies together at Georgetown. We delayed having children until we had the time and resources to care for them. Our third child, Andrew, was born when we were in our early 40s, a period with higher risks for both moms and babies.

Andrew’s first few months of life were like that of our first two children. Then, in a subtle flicker of his left foot, our lives changed forever. Over the course of a few weeks Andrew’s seizures became more dramatic. He went from a few a day to dozens. He spent over 100 days of his first year of life in hospitals across Southern California as we desperately raced to find a medication to make his seizures stop.

Andrew will be 6 years old in April. His seizures have slowed down, but his profound developmental stagnation persists. Andrew functions at the level of a 5-month-old. I have never heard his voice. I have never seen him walk. Without a dedicated treatment we will be caring for an ever-growing infant for the rest of his life and ours.

West plays with Andrew, left, Colin and Carolyn in 2019. His children are now 6, 7 and 9.

West plays with Andrew, left, Colin and Carolyn in 2019. His children are now 6, 7 and 9.

Like Zach and his wife, we are not willing to accept Andrew’s fate. Our KCNT1 Epilepsy Foundation is collaborating with more than a dozen teams around the world looking into drug repurposing, new small molecules and gene therapies to save Andrew’s life.

Along the way we have been fortunate to have received advice and assistance from Pomona alumni including Jeffrey Raskin ’03, M.D., Emil Kakkis ’82, M.D., Ph.D., and Jennifer Doudna ’85, Ph.D. We are also working on building a multidisciplinary team of Pomona students to help with our foundation initiatives.

The rare-disease pathway is beyond challenging. I am forever grateful to Pomona for preparing me to take on seemingly insurmountable challenges and for giving me the chance to be part of a community that comes together to help people in need.

—Justin E. West ’96
Newport Beach, California

Stray Thoughts: Listening to Other Viewpoints on Campus

It’s become more difficult to talk to people we disagree with in recent years. It’s been even harder to listen.

Looking through the memorabilia in the historic archives donated to Pomona College by Myrlie Evers-Williams ’68 this year makes the dignity and discipline of the nonviolent principles of the U.S. civil rights movement of the 1960s all the more palpable. The irony, of course, is that the reaction to the call for change was often horrifically violent. Among the photos in Evers-Williams’ belongings is one taken by her son, photographer James Van Evers, of three widows of the civil rights era: Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King and Evers-Williams. Both a defiant strength and resilience are visible in their faces and bearing. Shabazz and King even seem to smile slightly.

If they could do that, it seems we can at least talk to each other at Pomona about things like politics, faith, race and campus culture. To that end, a program on learning how to better connect has been offered at the College since 2021 through the model of the Sustained Dialogue Institute. Designed for small groups of students, faculty or staff that meet 90 minutes a week for 10 weeks, the sessions have included topics such as building a culture of inclusion, the Black experience at Pomona, queer culture and more. Theatre Professor Joyce Lu and Dean of Campus Life Josh Eisenberg also teamed to offer a class called Applied Theatre: Sustained Dialogue in Action.

“I know that it resonates,” says the coordinator of the campus effort, Christina Ciambriello, chief of staff to College President G. Gabrielle Starr and secretary to the Board of Trustees.

The program grew out of a 2017-18 task force on public dialogue established by the Board of Trustees, a 2018 Gallup survey on speech and campus climate at the College and a Mellon Foundation presidential leadership grant awarded to Starr.

Jackson Lennon ’24 has been a student leader of the effort, first taking part during the pandemic closure in a remote session about the climate around race, class and politics at Pomona that was the first dialogue group in the nation to include trustees.

“We talked a lot about the differences in culture that have evolved over time from the trustees’ time and up to the incoming students, which included me,” Lennon says.

Inspired by that, he became one of 35 to 40 people from Pomona now trained as moderators through the Sustained Dialogue Institute. But when Lennon and another student planned a series on “cancel culture” for spring 2021, they ran into the time crunch that seems to make it hardest for students to engage with the program.

“We really wanted to work that out,” Lennon says. “Unfortunately, I think the timing was just not right because our sessions were late at night, a lot of students had homework and so they couldn’t really commit.” The session ended after a few weeks.

One of Lennon’s goals is to ensure that people don’t misunderstand a liberal arts college as an entirely politically liberal community, in part because, “I actually identify as a Republican,” as he puts it. “For me, I have found it’s been very effective to talk to people as a human being rather than becoming the stereotype that a lot of people think of as Republicans, and that’s kind of helped me because later, further down the road, I’ve opened up a little bit to these people about my political views,” he says.

Bridging differences takes time. The late Harold Saunders, founder of the Sustained Dialogue Institute, knew this: A U.S. diplomat, he was instrumental in Middle East peace negotiations, including the Camp David Accords of 1978. However, like Middle East peace, campus understanding can be temporary and ever shifting. It’s still worth persisting.

“I really do believe it can work,” Ciambriello says, noting that a benefit to students is that managing differences is a crucial career and life skill. “Even if it’s just, honestly, that people who never thought they would talk to each other are talking to each other, if that’s the takeaway, that’s meaningful. Because then they can talk to other people, or say, ‘Hey, here’s a little skill I learned, to hold a beat and listen and hear someone out.’ It’s not for me to change your mind or for you to change my mind. That’s really not the point at all.”

Stray Thoughts: Echos from A Different Era

Teddy Roosevelt speaking at Pomona College

Almost everyone who comes to Pomona College learns that Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech in front of Pearsons Hall in 1903, the only visit by a sitting president in Pomona history.

In one of the stories in this issue of Pomona College Magazine, there’s an allusion to a theme in some of Roosevelt’s more famous addresses. Though the exact phrase “dare mighty things” comes from his 1899 speech “The Strenuous Life,” the better-known speech is “The Man in the Arena,” itself part of a longer address called “Citizenship in a Republic” that Roosevelt delivered in Paris in 1910.

A popular figure at the time, Roosevelt is more controversial today for certain imperialist and racist views. And the famous speech is mostly spoiled for me anyway by Richard Nixon’s use of it as he resigned the presidency in disgrace in 1974, still believing he was being persecuted.

What draws me in isn’t the “It is not the critic who counts,” part, though granted, that might have something to do with my background in journalism. Instead, it’s the words at the end about being willing to fail in striving for a worthy cause. Like poet Robert Browning’s idea that one’s reach should exceed one’s grasp, it encourages aiming for more than we might be able to achieve, along with accepting that we may be judged for it.

That willingness to try, not blindly but with a clear understanding that they might not be able to do the thing they set out to do, is at the heart of several of the stories in this issue. Jessie Berman Boatright ’98 and Laila Bernstein ’04 work intently in Boston with their teams in the Mayor’s Office of Housing to try to end homelessness, even though it often seems like every time 100 people find homes, another 100 appear in the streets. Laura Kerber ’06 works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where virtually every shot is a long shot. And Zach Landman ’08 and his wife Geri, both physicians, are bringing to bear all their training, talents and connections to try to find a cure for their daughter Lucy’s rare genetic disorder. Even if they can’t, they’ve launched a foundation to try to discover therapies that might help cure other children with single-gene disorders.

There’s another story in this issue that reflects a different type of persistence and conviction. It’s an essay by physician Atsuko Koyama ’96 about why she has chosen to be an abortion provider. I ask you to hear her out to better understand why her professional and personal experiences have led to her decision, and to respect her readiness to explain it.

These Pomona alumni exhibit a boldness some educators believe is diminishing among high-achieving students: the willingness to fail. When getting a B feels like failure for students trying to gain admission to highly selective colleges or graduate schools, it can lead to not attempting courses or projects beyond ones they’re confident they’ll master. When a student at another college once told me she had failed an engineering course in statics, I remember being surprised she didn’t change her major. She took the course again, passed it, won a six-figure federal grant for her technology startup and completed her degree.

So here’s to trying, and to trying again.

Letter Box

Kudos to the Pandemic Graduates

I came home from summer vacation to find the Summer 2022 edition of PCM had arrived. What a joyful read! I love the beautiful graduation photos for all three classes. They fought hard these past few years and I’m overjoyed to see them celebrating together.

I admire the members of the classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 so much. While they couldn’t spend their years together the way anyone would have imagined, they’re linked in a new and different way. I think they’ll find power in remembering what they’ve overcome as individuals, and together.

Recent graduates make the traditional exit through the College Gates during the May 2022 delayed Commencement celebrations for the pandemic Classes of 2020 and 2021.

Recent graduates make the traditional exit through the College Gates during the May 2022 delayed Commencement celebrations for the pandemic Classes of 2020 and 2021.

I also loved the “Heart to Heart” article with my classmate Roxanne Ruzicka Maas ’94 and Elisa Louizos ’96. They didn’t just survive something frightening. They chose to renew their friendship, and renew their commitments to living with love and meaning.

I always feel a little restless in the fall, like I should be starting a new academic pursuit. So I’ll take this renewal and inspiration with me as I head back to work, and take my daughter Bailey to first grade.

—Christina Caldwell Lobo ’94
Ballwin, Missouri

Remembering William Irwin Thompson ’62

I noted with sadness the passing of William Irwin Thompson ’62 (Spring 2022). Thompson was one of the formative writers of my early 20s. I read two of his books—At the Edge of History and Passages About Earth—before I even knew I would be transferring to Pomona, which I eventually did in fall 1975. Those books offered a heady brew of history, philosophy, religion, literature, art and anthropology, all in the service of nudging what Thompson saw as a nascent planetary culture into being.

For someone coming of age in the early ’70s, they offered a vision of culture more grounded and hopeful than the unhinged and rapacious one we were instead coming to inhabit. I have continued to collect and read his writings over the years, and while my older, more pessimistic self may not have found them quite so intoxicating, they still provoked and stimulated as well as introduced me to writers (Francisco Varela, James Lovelock, Lynn Margulis, Evan Thompson) and ideas (embodied minds, Gaia hypothesis) that at the time were outside the mainstream.

After I learned of Thompson’s death, I ran across an online interview he gave in 2008. This passage caught my eye: “And I didn’t like high school, I had A’s and F’s. So I couldn’t get into UCLA or a conventional school, but I was able to talk my way into Pomona as a maverick. The professor said, ‘We’re allowed one oddball a year. I will make you my oddball for this year if you go back and finish your high school diploma.’” I thought, Hey, that’s me! I too had a checkered high school record and a vexed relation with educational institutions generally. My first semester, Chemistry Professor Wayne Steinmetz told me I was the very last applicant the admissions committee decided on, hinting that his doubts persisted. But I stayed on despite having my own doubts about Pomona that first year. And though my life has followed a very different path than Thompson’s, I’m grateful Pomona saw fit to take a chance on us both and that it was the kind of place that offered us the means to find our footing and flourish in our own distinct ways.

—Rick Penticoff ’78
Moscow, Idaho

Two books by William Irwin Thompson: At the Edge of History; and Passages About Earth: An Exploration of the New Planetary Culture

P.S. Your notice makes it appear as if At the Edge of History and Passages About Earth are one book. They are two—Edge was published in 1971; Passages in 1974.

Pomona’s Contributions to Diplomacy

I was thrilled to read in the summer issue “Partners in Prague” by Doug Morrow ’01 and Erik Black ’95, relating their efforts in Prague and elsewhere to “share and strengthen” our democratic values there. It is heartening to read that these two Pomona grads recognize the importance of constant vigilance in this respect. Even in our own country, we need reminders of the significance of these values. Thank you for publishing their story.

—Jane Barnes ’58
Julian, California